
Chapter 110


"Xie Daochang, the situation in Yixun is not right!" Li Hongye said in a panic, "He doesn't seem to be him."

Xie Xuanyang was startled, and frowned, "Your Majesty speak slowly, what do you mean by that?"

Li Hongye took a deep breath, pressed down the panic that kept pouring out of his heart, and said, "Yixun's appearance is too paranoid, in my impression he shouldn't be like this, I'm afraid it's what you monks often say. ...to take the house."

Xie Xuanyang squinted his eyes and asked again, "What you said is not like this, but compared with before and after he cultivated magic?"

Li Hongye nodded. Xie Xuanyang said, "Your Majesty doesn't have to worry about it. There are a lot of demon cultivators under your Majesty's seat. If you really take your body and be reborn, they will definitely see it and remind you."

Li Hongye pursed his lips, "But..."

Seeing him like this, Xie Xuanyang couldn't help sighing deeply. He said, "Your Majesty, do you know what a demon is? A demon can do whatever you want. The demon cultivators under Your Majesty think that their hearts are righteous, but in fact they suppress their nature. Those who are demons will definitely have defects in their hearts that are different from ordinary people. It is either paranoid or violent or hateful and bloodthirsty. If people like me who cultivate immortality are immersed in the demons in their hearts, they will one day turn into the devil's way. The Yixun Demon Venerable is nothing but the viciousness in the hearts of the demons. Just got pulled out."

Li Hongye asked, "Then the devil will gradually lose his mind as he cultivates?"

Xie Xuanyang shook his head and said, "Magic cultivators need the same state of mind as immortal cultivators in their cultivation. The more their cultivation goes to the next level, the more stable their state of mind should be, and it is not easy to fall into their own mental defects. If you say that you gradually lose your mind, I'm afraid that this is a complete evil method, and it will only be reduced to a monster in the end."

Li Hongye's face was even more pale, and the color on his lips faded. He said, "But Yixian's mind is getting chaotic... Although he doesn't practice the law taught by the master, he is also the non-evil law taught by the master."

He said that Yixian went crazy was not abusive words out of anger, but that he really felt that something was wrong with Yixian.

"Oh?" Xie Xuanyang thought about it, if what Li Hongye said was true, then Yixun was affected by some external cause. He said, "Then, does Your Majesty notice anything unusual every time the Demonic Venerable Yixun changes?"

Li Hongye lowered his head and thought for a while, but he couldn't think of anything strange. He pondered and said, "I only know that before Yixun went to Jianghu, he was just more paranoid. After returning from Shangjianghu, his temperament changed greatly, and he gradually became crazy."

When you go to the rivers and lakes, you are talking about the devil world. Xie Xuanyang's eyes flashed for a moment, "Did he ever tell His Majesty what he experienced when he was in Jianghu?"

"He didn't talk to me about going to the rivers and lakes very often, but... he only mentioned what mountain once." Li Hongye said, "Ling... it's Lingshan!"


The Lingshan Mountain that Bai Qishan also mentioned! The land of the demon world that the Qi Demon Dragon who wanted to come to Yixun took Xiao Meimei to is also the Lingshan Mountain.

Now all the clues point to the spirit mountain of the demon world. There must be something special about that place. Not to mention Bai Qishan, it can also disturb the mind of a demon cultivator like Yi Xun.

But in any case, the first thing to do now is to find Yizhen first, and if you find Yizhen, you will be able to find Lingshan. Xie Xuanyang asked, "Does Your Majesty know Yixun's whereabouts? If I find him, I will definitely help His Majesty to see how he is."

How did Li Hongye know where Yixing went? After arguing with Yi Xun, he was almost killed by the uncontrollable pressure from Yi Xun. His head was so dizzy that he felt that his eyes were getting black, and he didn't even notice the direction that Yi Xian was leaving. .

Just when nothing could be done, a strong demonic energy suddenly erupted from the depths of the harem, and the ground shook.

Li Hongye couldn't detect the demonic energy, and said in shock, "The earth dragon turned over?"

He was already a little weak in his legs, but he was staggered by the sudden ground movement and almost fell down, but fortunately he was supported by Xie Xuanyang in time.

Qing Xiao's pupils contracted suddenly, he looked towards the deep palace, his muscles suddenly tightened, and his life, Jian Cangwen, was already in hand. He faced the transitional robbery ancestor, and he also played against it, but it was the first time that he felt this indescribable pressure, like the top of Mount Tai.

"Magic energy, in the late stage of the tribulation." Qing Xiao suddenly paused, and said with a solemn expression, "No, even more so."

His palm clenched the hilt of the sword tightly, the blue veins on the back of his hand burst out, and his body couldn't stop shaking. It's not fear, Qing Xiao won't be afraid when facing the most terrifying enemy, but will only fight more intensely. His sword intent was rolling, Cang Wen was buzzing, and every muscle in his body was roaring and clamoring to fight against him!

This is Jian Xiu. A sword cultivator who encounters gods and kills gods, and encounters Buddhas and kills Buddhas.

Xie Xuanyang's Chixiao Honglian was also whispering, but he himself couldn't be as excited as Qingxiao. This demonic energy is too familiar, so familiar that he has been bullied from time to time since he was sensible and learned the sword. It can be said that he was suppressed from childhood to adulthood.

He looked at Qing Xiao for a while without changing his face, and suddenly held Qing Xiao's wrist, "You are very excited."

Qing Xiao turned his head to look at Xie Xuanyang, his eyes were full of fighting intent, "Well."

Xie Xuanyang stared at him and asked slowly, "Do you know who this magic energy belongs to?"

Qing Xiao said, "Who?"

Xie Xuanyang smiled, "Tai | Ancestor."

Qing Xiao paused, and a dazed expression appeared on his face that had rarely changed color. He asked again, "Who?"

Xie Xuanyang paused word by word and said slowly, "Tai | Ancestor, my father."

As soon as the word came out, Qing Xiao's boiling fighting spirit suddenly faded like a tide. He looked at Xie Xuanyang fixedly, his muscles no longer roared, his sword intent no longer rolled, and Cang Wen no longer hummed. After a long silence, he moved his lips, "You... Dad?"

Xie Xuanyang nodded, Qing Xiao's heart was getting cold. If Mo Lingyan was here at this time, he would definitely help Qing Xiao with a sentence:

Good guy, I almost hit my mother-in-law.

But the mother-in-law Tai|zu has been ascending for more than a thousand years, almost two thousand years, and there is no major event of the collapse of the heavens. Even if he wants to get down to this world, he can't get down at all. If Qingxiao wants to beat his mother-in-law, he must first Fly to the upper bounds and talk about it.

Xie Xuanyang naturally knew this very well, and when the familiar demonic qi burst out, he guessed that something left behind by his father when he had not ascended before was opened, releasing the demonic qi he once stored in it.

He just smiled and said to Qing Xiao, "My father is not in this world. If you want to compete with him, I'm afraid you have to soar quickly."

Qing Xiao looked at him blankly, his eyes like stagnant water.

Xie Xuanyang thought about it for a while, and added, "Father and father are on a par, but my father uses a long spear. It's not as good as you and my father, who is also a sword cultivator."

Of course Qingxiao knew who Xie Xuanyang's father was. Xie Xuanyang's parents, one demon and one immortal, will only use the sword, Immortal Zixu, who is also the great master of Qingxiao.

However, the current Daojun Qingxiao is no longer the ruthless Daojun Qingxiao who lacked feelings and had no common sense. He has remembered everything, and he knows that in terms of etiquette, it would be disrespectful to challenge his parents or his great master, not to mention that Immortal Zixu has both identities at the same time.

For a time, the air around Qingxiao became heavier, as if any falling leaves would have to fall immediately, even the wind could not blow.

Xie Xuanyang finally remembered the etiquette, and he was silent for a while. He said, "My parents and they are more polite than they are, and they often interact with each other... um..."

Thinking of the last word of the fight, he was suddenly a little hard to say, hesitating for a while before saying, "Contest."

Li Hongye couldn't help but ask, "I have seen historical records that although Tai | Ancestor and his descendants were husbands, they often destroyed the Baixu Wheel because they did not face each other with swords. But is there really such a thing?"

Xie Xuanyang nodded with difficulty, even after his ascension, his parents often did the same, and the family mansion was rebuilt many times. When Xie Xuanyang was young, he doubted whether they were enemies or Taoist companions.

He said to Qing Xiao, "You can fight with them anytime in the future."

Only then did Qing Xiao's eyes fluctuate, he nodded, and answered in a deep voice, "Yeah."

At this time, Bu Wenye and others also arrived here. They had never seen such a terrifying demonic energy. When they noticed it, they broke out in a cold sweat, afraid that something happened to Li Hongye. Now that Li Hongye was unscathed, he breathed a sigh of relief, "Your Majesty will be fine."

Seeing that they were here, Xie Xuanyang and Qing Xiao no longer had to stay by Li Hongye's side. He said, "Qing Xiao and I are going to investigate."

Bu Wenye and the others didn't know who this demonic energy belonged to, and they didn't even know when there were people with such demonic energy in the palace. They could perceive the horror in it, and they were all guarding Li Hongye and didn't dare to leave for half a step. They couldn't even go to investigate. They had to push their hands and say, "Then I'll ask the two of you, and I'll definitely thank you later."

Xie Xuanyang nodded slightly, and without a word, he and Qingxiao rushed to the center of the magic energy. The place where the demonic energy spewed was in the depths of the harem. The imperial palace in the Eastern Capital was huge, but it was nothing to a monk who could shrink into an inch. The two arrived at their destination in no time.

The devilish energy was so strong that it blocked the moonlight in the sky, making it completely dark. The two stepped forward and walked a few more steps, and they saw the three palaces with faint golden characters on the door plaque above Fengluan Palace, which were the center of the constantly gushing demonic energy. They were about to walk in when suddenly a cold light flashed across the sky.

Qing Xiao's expression froze, and the sword in his hand turned into a rainbow.


The blades collided, and the figure of the coming person also appeared in front of the two.

Only then did Xie Xuanyang see the face of the person who came, and his pupils shrank suddenly, with a look of shock on his face. This one appeared in front of them, and the one who raided them turned out to be Liu Zhou!

The author has something to say: the second