
Chapter 15


Xie Xuanyang and Mo Lingyan entered the Deyi Villa with the hilarious crowd. As young heroes, they could not enter the inner village to participate in the main banquet. They could only sit on the table of the outer banquet like most hilarious people. He didn't get to see the two newcomers again.

Most of the people making fun are from all corners of the world, and they behave very liberally.

Xie Xuanyang has never been able to deal with such a scene. He never drank and seldom attended banquets, so he didn't know what to do in the face of those who persuaded him to drink. Fortunately, there was Mo Lingyan beside him.

Mo Lingyan is the eldest son of the Mo family in Xiliang. He has attended many banquets since he was a child. He is naturally good at drinking all year round.

Xie Xuanyang didn't drink alcohol, but he also had a headache due to the smell of alcohol. He rubbed his temples to find an excuse to leave the table and go out to breathe. He strolled in the courtyard corridor, the cool air took away the heavy air in his mind.

A gust of night wind blew through, and he heard the sound of sobbing coming from the end of the corridor, which was vaguely absent.

This corridor is very long, and I don't know where it leads to the village. For some unknown reason, the silk lamp did not light up a certain distance from this corridor, and the dim light where Xie Xuanyang was standing could not illuminate the entire corridor. The corridor in front was pitch-black, like the giant mouth opened by an unknown monster, and the sobbing from the giant mouth was extremely strange.

If it was someone else who would have run away with half-hearted legs, but now it is Xie Xuanyang who is standing here. Xie Xuanyang is a monk. Before he entered the Heavenly Title Sect, he had dealt with ghosts and ghosts a lot because of his family's relationship. He had seen many strange things, but now it's just the sobbing from the dark corridor that can't make him feel at all. He was terrified.

Xie Xuanyang looked at the corridor without changing his face, and after thinking about it, he decided to go and see what was going on at the source of the sound. He and Mo Lingyan came to this Deyi Villa for the purpose of investigation, and he would not let go of anything unusual.

He started to walk in, and he didn't know how long he walked, when he saw a rockery made of rocks. Tonight's moonlight is very dark, and he used this moonlight to look at the past and felt that the color of the rocks was a little red, like dry blood. Xie Xuanyang looked at it for a while, walked over and looked again, the color turned out to be earth red.

"woo... woo..."

The intermittent sobbing came from behind the rockery. Xie Xuanyang walked in the direction of the sound, and a corner appeared in front of him. Then the sound disappeared.

Xie Xuanyang narrowed his eyes and suddenly turned the corner.


There was a small corner behind the corner, and there was a little boy of three or four years old sitting there. He was wearing an ochre tunic with a small crane embroidered with gold thread. His hair was a little messy, and his round eyes were red with a look of horror.

"No, don't eat me!" The little boy looked terrified, not only his voice was shaking, but his whole body was shaking constantly. He obviously regarded Xie Xuanyang who suddenly appeared as a monster.

Xie Xuanyang couldn't help but feel relieved when he saw that he was a child. He smoothed his expression and gave the little boy a friendly smile. Xie Xuanyang was already good-looking, and his face under the moonlight with a small smile fell into the eyes of the little boy who didn't know the world and instantly made him delete the image of the monster he just imagined, thinking that he had seen a fairy who fell into the mortal world.

"Sister Xian, Xianzi." The little boy stared blankly at Xie Xuanyang's face, his pale face gradually turned red due to fright.

"I'm not a sister." Xie Xuanyang crouched down and touched his head. The little boy's hair was soft and slippery, and it felt so good, Xie Xuanyang couldn't help but touch it again, "I'm brother."

"Brother?" The little boy tilted his head, approached Xie Xuanyang and sniffed, and found that he did not have the rouge scent of the ladies. But the little boy still didn't believe it, he stretched out his hand and patted Xie Xuanyang's chest, and the fleshy little hand touched his chest, and the feeling of being under him made the little face clenched.

"Okay, Brother Fairy." The little boy pouted and said reluctantly.

"Why do you stay here alone and cry?" Xie Xuanyang picked up the little boy from the ground. The ground was very cold at this time, and it was easy for a child to get seriously ill after sitting for a long time. He held the little boy's thigh and let him sit on his arm, with the other hand on the little boy's back.

"I didn't cry." The little boy hugged Xie Xuanyang's neck and said in a milky voice.

"Okay, I didn't cry." Xie Xuanyang chuckled, and that voice made the little boy blushed again. "You will be worried when you bring it here, how about I take you back?"

"Not good!" The little boy shouted in a louder voice, "I don't want to go back! Daddy and Daddy won't worry about me, he wants a new wife, so he won't... uu... he won't want Qiqi. "Speaking of which, his throat choked, he sniffled and cried softly, "Qiqi hates daddy the most... woo woo..."

Marry a new wife? In this Deyi Villa, the only person who got married today is the Cen family owner, so this child is the Cen family owner's child? In the outer village, he could meet the young master of the Cen family, but Xie Xuanyang didn't know whether he was lucky or not.

"Marrying a new wife doesn't mean not worrying about you. Which father would not want his own son?" Xie Xuanyang patted the little boy with his hand on his back, wiping the tears from his face.

"He, he just doesn't want me." The little boy whimpered, burying his face in Xie Xuanyang's neck, "I don't want to go back anyway."

Xie Xuanyang sighed silently, "Will Qiqi go with me to the front hall?" It's always bad for a child to stay outside at night when it's cold. Even if the little boy doesn't want to go back, he has to bring him indoors.

The little boy didn't say anything, Xie Xuanyang pretended he agreed and took him back to the banquet.

Mo Lingyan finally got rid of the people who had been drinking and drinking, and was still thinking about where his friends had gone, when he saw Xie Xuanyang walking in from outside the house with a child in his arms. The child was dressed in brocade clothes, and at a glance, he knew that he was not a child of an ordinary family.

He couldn't help but tease, "Xuanyang, which child are you kidnapped from?"

Master Cen. Xie Xuanyang silently communicated with Mo Lingyan.

Mo Lingyan understood that this child would be the guide for them to investigate the inner village of Deyi Villa. Although they have entered the villa now, they cannot enter the inner village. Now that Xie Xuanyang has brought back the young master of the Cen family, they have a reason to contact Neizhuang.

"Qiqi, are you hungry?" Xie Xuanyang asked the little boy, but there was no movement. He looked sideways and saw that the little boy who was lying on his shoulders and whimpered was already asleep, with tears in the corners of his red eyes.

"Would you like to take him back to your room to sleep? I'll go to the maid to inform the Cen family." Seeing this, Mo Lingyan lowered her voice and said to Xie Xuanyang. The Cen family was rich and powerful, and when they entered the Deyi Villa, they allocated a temporary guest room for each of them.

Xie Xuanyang nodded and walked away holding the little boy steadily.

The little boy slept soundly. When Xie Xuanyang opened the door, he accidentally slammed the door and didn't wake him up, but made a soft whimper.

Xie Xuanyang put him on the bed and covered the quilt, took off the sword on his back and sat at the small table beside him, watching it. He has a habit of making time for his sword every day no matter what happens. Now that the little boy is asleep, and he is guarding him again, he doesn't need to go out and deal with people outside. It's a good time to learn the sword.

I don't know how long it took, the door was knocked gently. Xie Xuanyang glanced at the little boy on the bed to make sure he was not awake, picked up the sword on the table and walked out silently.

Outside the door were Mo Lingyan and a Cen family member he saw in the wedding party during the day. This man was wearing red clothes and seemed to have rushed over from the table.

"He slept." Xie Xuanyang whispered to the man, "Why don't you take him back to Nei Zhuang tomorrow?"

The man glanced into the room through the crack of the door, nodded in response to Xie Xuanyang's words, "The young master is making a lot of trouble. Tomorrow, the master will come to him in person. Xie Shaoxia, I will ask the maid to clean up the room for you."

Xie Xuanyang waved his hand and said no, "Ling Yan and I are in one room." He closed the door tightly, fearing that the night wind would blow in and make the little boy cold.

The door was closed to block the light outside, and the room was completely darkened. Xie Xuanyang didn't see it, the little boy who was supposed to be sleeping behind the closed door opened his eyes, his big round eyes staring at the roof like a pool of stagnant water.

"Xie Xuanyang... Hee hee hee~ I caught you~"

The sharp laughter sounded, and it seemed mysterious and unpredictable in this dimly lit room.