
Chapter 19


"Oops! Evil eyes!" Xie Xuanyang's face suddenly sank, and he grabbed Mo Lingyan and Bai Qishan with both hands, and quickly turned around and ran back to the gate of the ancestral hall.

He should have thought that the entire Deyi Villa is a fierce place, and there must be one of the most fierce places in this kind of place. The most fierce place is also known as the fierce eye. The place of the fierce eye must be the gathering of evil spirits. As long as there is a spiritual thing here, it will inevitably be affected. The soul is unstable, and it is the most suitable place for killing people and breaking their souls.

"What's wrong?" The two were suddenly pulled back by Xie Xuanyang, and they couldn't react in time. They stumbled several steps and almost fell into the mud.

"They want our souls!" Xie Xuanyang's face was extremely bad. They didn't go deep into the ancestral hall. They should have run back to the door by the footsteps of a few people, but now they don't even see the door.

Xie Xuanyang suddenly realized that they were being calculated, and the moment the three stepped into the gate of the ancestral hall, they had already fallen into a maze of yin qi. What good can a maze under the evil eye do? It is thought that these Cen family members have long wanted to do something to them, but they are all monks, and their souls are very stable. They can't get it with ordinary methods.

The Cen family had expected that they would come to the ancestral hall!

"Why do they want our souls?" Mo Lingyan asked.

"Didn't An Ran say so? They will attack Mr. An, and it is estimated that they will like our soul as much as Mr. An." Bai Qishan said. Suddenly he thought of something, and his face became worse. He looked at Xie Xuanyang, "An Ran..."

Xie Xuanyang nodded with a serious expression, and he also thought of what Bai Qishan thought.

They were all careless and easily believed what An Ran said. It's true that the Cen family is a corpse, but will they really attack An's? The An family and the Cen family have known how many years of friendship. If the Cen family wanted to do it, they would have already done it, so why wait until now

Moreover, the people of the An family are only good at prophesying. If they talk about force, they are not at all. If they are not stationed in Beichen Imperial City, even ordinary bandits can easily exterminate their clan. If the An family knew the secrets of the Cen family, the Cen family would be able to get rid of the An family by dispatching a few people, and it is not necessary at all.

Apart from An's matter, there is still a huge loophole in what An Ran said - she is pregnant in the future.

An Ran's husband, Cen Junhao, was a corpse with no humanity at all. Even if she can't do it, how did An Ran get pregnant with a child

"I'm afraid Miss An is with them." Xie Xuanyang closed his eyes and took a deep breath, suppressing the anger in his heart.

It's not like he hasn't been deceived after traveling for so long, but like this, he made up his mind to help one person, but in the end he found out that what he did was just something that would kill him. No matter how many times he encountered it, he would be angry. .

"What did that woman think? She actually helped a group of corpses!" Mo Lingyan said angrily, if An Ran appeared in front of him now, he would definitely go up and pull on her collar to question her.

"No matter what she thinks, we can't stay here." Xie Xuanyang looked around and set a direction to go first, "I can't find the way back, so I can only go inside."

He wanted to see what these corpses were going to do to them.

Mo Lingyan, Bai Qishan, and Bai Qishan saw him go inside, and they didn't want to be left behind to catch up. Xie Xuanyang has a high cultivation base, and he knows much more about this kind of monsters and ghosts than his two pure sword cultivators. He is also a friend of the two of them. If they don't follow him at this time, they will definitely go to the head.

Just in case, the two took their swords out of their scabbards and held them in their hands. For all sword cultivators, a saber is the thing that can give them the most sense of security. No matter what happens, it is absolutely right to hold a saber.

The three walked towards the depths of the ancestral hall, and there was only one way to the interior, and they would definitely pass through the pile of coffins and the white bone mountain. Bai Qishan and Mo Lingyan felt hair in their hearts as they walked around them, and it was even more chilling to see them up close. His hands holding the sword became tight, and veins burst out on the backs of their hands.

Xie Xuanyang was completely different from these two. He walked over with a blank expression as if he was facing a pile of ordinary wood.

Suddenly, there was a "click" sound in the coffins that were passing around behind them, as if something was pushing the lid from the inside of the coffin. Mo Lingyan and Bai Qishan felt a chill on the back of their necks, and they couldn't help thinking of ghost stories in the mortal world. Although they are all cultivators, they are still very young, and their experience is far less than that of the seniors in the immortal world. Facing this kind of thing, they will inevitably feel afraid.

They felt that something was about to come out of the coffin, and all of their muscles suddenly tightened, ready to go. As long as the thing came out, they would turn around and slash.

At this time, the benefits of Jianxiu can be reflected. Jianxiu is much more violent than other monks of the same level, and they don't need any messy tools to assist them. They can fight the enemy with just a sword.

At this moment, Xie Xuanyang stopped and glared back suddenly. For some reason, the moment he turned his head, the two behind him felt a sense of horror as they were being stared at by evil beasts. Looking at it again, Xie Xuanyang's eyes were still dull and familiar to them.

The "click" behind them suddenly disappeared.

The two looked at each other, wondering what Xie Xuanyang saw behind them.

"A few mice." Xie Xuanyang looked away, turned and continued to walk forward.

The two were relieved when they saw this. Since Xie Xuanyang had said so, there must be no ghost behind him, so he left with Xie Xuanyang without doubting the others.

They didn't realize that they didn't turn around. In the coffins not far behind them, a few withered hands with black hair protruded out of the coffin lids and froze on the edge. When the figures of several people disappeared in the corner, those hands trembled a few times, and then shrank back silently.

This ancestral hall is not as dark as the road when you came here. Oil lamps are lit on both sides of the narrow stone road, but the distance between the two oil lamps is a little too long. Every time you reach the center of the two lamps, it is completely dark. , I don't know what's inside, I can't see clearly with the monk's eyesight. The unknown always creates fear.

"Little trick." Xie Xuanyang didn't show it on his face, but it was obvious from his tone that he was not in a good mood at this time.

Bai Qishan has never seen Xie Xuanyang lose his temper, but Mo Lingyan has. A few years ago, the unknown person they met on the way to the Tianxian Sect made Xie Xuanyang angry. Mo Lingyan didn't see what he looked like at that time, but Xie Xuanyang's tone and the aggressive slashing sword at that time. Let Mo Lingyan never forget it.

Xie Xuanyang seems to be gentle and easy to get along with on weekdays, but once he gets angry, he is more difficult to deal with than anyone else. He was full of anger, but he matched the suffocating aura of his sword, Chi Xiao Hong Lian, all over his body.

"Follow the two of you." Xie Xuanyang explained to the two behind him, raised his hand and touched the Kuang He Shao, which he had been hanging around his waist and never left. In this gloomy environment, the black Kuang and the spoon glowed brightly, but the glowing light was very dim, and if you didn't look at it, you wouldn't be able to notice it at all.

Xie Xuanyang knocked twice on Kuang He's spoon, making two clanging sounds. I don't know what this Kuang He Spoon is made of. The sound it makes is like a bronze bell, but the sound keeps reverberating throughout the stone path.


This sound swayed into the depths of the stone passage, and a shrill scream came out. With the sharp screams, the oil lamps on both sides of the stone road suddenly exploded, as if a large amount of fuel was ignited at the same time, and the entire stone road was suddenly illuminated, like daylight.

Several people saw a reddish human-shaped object in the depths of the stone road. The human-shaped object sometimes ran around with its hands waving, and sometimes rolled around with its head on its back. The scream they had just heard clearly came from its mouth.

After a while the humanoid became smaller and smaller like a burning candle, and finally turned into a pool of red water on the ground.

Mo Lingyan and Bai Qishan were stunned, they didn't know what it was, "Xuan, Xuan Yang, what is that?"

"I don't know." Xie Xuanyang shook his head. He didn't know what it was just now, but he was sure that it was not a living thing. The only things that can be affected by the sound of Kuang and Ju are those related to yin.

"Although I don't know what it is, it must have been removed by now." Xie Xuanyang said, "No ghostly thing can escape the influence of Kuang Hezhu."