
Chapter 21


Pop dragged Xie Xuanyang all the way. Xie Xuanyang didn't know how long he was dragged and ran, but Pop dragged him to run very fast, and even used the spells that shrink into an inch.

The stone road zigzags and twists and turns, and Xie Xuanyang is dragged around in this stone road, passing many corners. His sense of direction was not very good, and at this time he couldn't tell where he was.

Pop dragged him to a corner again. The stone path behind the corner was not long, and a stone gate appeared at the end of the stone path. The light behind the stone gate is completely different from the dim oil light in the stone passage, which is very dazzling at first glance.

"Wait!" Xie Xuanyang shouted.

It is not a good choice to rush into the suddenly appeared Shimen. This is the ancestral hall of the Cen family. They have set up so many things in the ancestral hall. Who knows if there will be more trouble behind the stone door than the monsters behind them.

But Pop had already rushed in when Xie Xuanyang said this. He was grabbed by Pop's wrist and plunged into the light under inertia. As soon as he entered, he bumped into a wall of flesh.

After so many years of popular practice, his body has long been maintained at its peak. Xie Xuanyang is much smaller than him, and his height is not even the shoulders of popular. Bumping into Pop's back at a very fast speed, Xie Xuanyang felt dizzy for a while.

This body is really weak. Xie Xuanyang held his forehead for a while and was a little dissatisfied with his current youth's body for the first time.

In a trance, he heard an unintelligible voice coming from the front, and he didn't know what he was talking about. The language Xie Xuanyang had never heard before.

Listening and listening, his head became even more dizzy, groggy, as if drowsiness flooded his head.

wrong! Xie Xuanyang woke up suddenly.

He is a monk now and he is not injured, his body does not need to sleep, how can he be drowsy

He took a deep breath, silently reciting Zixia's mind. This is what he will do every time he cleans his heart. Zixia's heart method is not only the heart method that matches the sword he cultivates, but also contains the essence of Taoism, pure heart and soul.

The faintness in his mind was washed away, and Xie Xuanyang raised his eyes and carefully looked at where they were. There is a stone gate behind the stone gate. Compared with the first gate, it is smaller and the door frame is thicker. This space is not wide, but it is just enough to block the popularity of men who are slender and not broad-shouldered and strong.

Xie Xuanyang leaned his head slightly and looked inside Shimen. There is a huge altar, and there are deep ravines on the ground of the altar, and the ravines are connected to form countless characters. These characters are definitely not the characters of the Four Kingdoms. Xie Xuanyang had read many books when he was living in the Imperial City of Xiliang, and he had contact with the characters of the four kingdoms. He had never seen this type of font, but these words were inexplicably familiar.

These characters composed of deep ravines are arranged neatly and converge toward the center of the altar in strips. In the center of the altar, there is a high platform with a wooden box. Under the high platform are four dragon sculptures with their necks raised but their heads lowered, guarding the four corners. This is the dazzling light in the altar that these luminous pearls emit.

Xie Xuanyang couldn't help but feel heavy when he saw the four dragons. He secretly said that if this altar is exposed to the world, it will definitely cause a bloody storm. If it was passed on to Xiliang, his friend of the third prince would definitely not be the usual lazy person. No matter how much effort was spent on the current stable situation between Xiliang and Beichen, he would come to slay all the creatures related to this place. Disappear cleanly.

The four dragons raised their necks and lowered their heads and held a bead in their mouths, meaning that the dragon surrendered, which was the greatest disrespect to the dragon. The meaning of insult was no less than a person being asked to climb over another person's crotch.

These Cen family members made a big taboo!

Xie Xuanyang thought that after this matter was over, he would destroy this place, and never let more people know about it. He looked at the Cen family who worshipped around the high platform in the center of the altar, and his eyes were uncertain.

"Junior Brother Xie?" The popular shout made Xie Xuanyang stretch out his hand towards the hilt of the sword.

"What?" Xie Xuanyang withdrew his hand without expression, Pop stood in front of him, and only nodded slightly sideways when he called him, unable to see his small movements just now from Pop's angle.

Popular pointed to the Cen family members in the center of the altar, and said in a low voice, "Look there, next to the Cen family members, are they the junior brothers?"

Only then did Xie Xuanyang notice that there were two coffins beside the Cen family who were kneeling on the ground and bowing their hands on the ground. The two coffins were not covered with coffin lids, nor were they placed smoothly on the ground, but stood up slightly with a support foot at one end. However, the height of the erection is not high, Xie Xuanyang can only see one person lying in each coffin, he can't see his face, he can only see that they are all dressed in white.

The Cen family members were all dressed in fancy clothes, and they were carrying Xie Xuanyang's back when they prayed, so he couldn't see their faces. When they stood up, turned around and walked to the two coffins, several of the exposed faces were festering, white bones were exposed, and some had scars on their skin.

Those spots Xie Xuanyang knew were corpse spots.

They clearly know that geniuses have appeared in front of everyone, and all of them have beautiful faces, and they are not as terrifying as they are now. How could they have become like this in a short period of time? Even corpses don't rot so fast.

Could it be that they used something to hide their true appearance during the day? Xie Xuanyang thought for a while and thought it was unlikely. If they covered it up with something, he wouldn't have noticed the difference.

Two men came out of the Cen family and dragged the two people out of the coffin. The two were caught by their hair and had to raise their jaws high, exposing their fragile necks. Their eyes were closed, their expressions were painful as if something terrible was tormenting them, their mouths were open and they were breathing heavily, their chests heaving up and down violently with the breath.

Xie Xuanyang was taken a step forward by the two of them, who were really Mo Lingyan and Bai Qishan who had disappeared from behind him for some reason. They really fell into the hands of the Cen family!

"Don't be impulsive!" Xie Xuanyang, who wanted to rush over to save the two of them when Pop stopped, held down his sword-drawing hand, "The situation is unknown now, the Cen family can deal with the cultivator, you might die if you go out now!"

He was held down and watched as the Cen family used a dagger to put a knife on the necks of the two of them. The bright red blood almost gushed out, instantly dyeing the white robes of the two disciples of Tianxianzong, dripping onto the altar in the deep ravine above.

Xie Xuanyang immediately blushed, "You—" he gritted his teeth, "let go, hand."

These Cen family members are living sacrifices! They sacrificed with the blood of his two friends! This kind of ceremony is not only to release the blood of the sacrifice, but also to sacrifice the soul of the sacrifice. If the soul is lost, the two of them can no longer be reincarnated, and they cannot be freed from life to life.

He saw the ups and downs of the breathing of the two being used as sacrifices weakened. Bai Qishan lowered her head weakly, her eyes opened tremblingly, and met Xie Xuanyang's red eyes. His vision was blurred, but he still recognized Xie Xuanyang in the distance.

Bai Qishan moved his lips, if it wasn't for Xie Xuanyang staring at him, he would not have been able to notice his movements.


Bai Qishan is letting him run. Xie Xuanyang saw that his eyes turned a little redder, and the original ink-colored eyes were already a deep red that could be seen at a glance.

At this time, Bai Qishan even asked him to run away. Didn't he know that the two of them were dying? If he ran away now, they would never be saved again!

"Liu, Xing!" Xie Xuanyang gritted his teeth and buckled the hilt with both hands, "You, get out of the way!"

The blue veins protruded on the back of both hands, the sharp sword was unsheathed, and the conspicuous blue sword qi attached to the blade flashed coldly. Xie Xuanyang had already rushed out with a sword.

At the same time, the Cen family who dragged Bai Qishan also stabbed the dagger into Bai Qishan's heart. A thrust suddenly threw him down, supporting him above him. The dagger pierced through the man's back, leaving only the handle.

A mouthful of warm blood was sprayed on Bai Qishan's face, making him even colder, who was already cold because of excessive blood loss. Bai Qishan stared blankly at Mo Lingyan standing above him, her lips trembling, "No...no...Liu, Liuyun!"


Tianxian Zongjian Peak

Qing Xiao, who was sitting quietly with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes.

Mo Lingyan's soul lamp went out.