
Chapter 31


When Xie Xuanyang heard the fire, he immediately tore off the prepared clothes and put them on his body, and hurried out with Qing Xiao. The two of them walked out of the room, but there was no fire in the house, and there was no waiter in the house who carried water to put out the fire.

Seeing the two of them come out of the same room, Xie Xuanyang's hair was loose again, and he was wearing only a single shirt wetly. Gong Lingze immediately looked at the two of them several times, with a clear smile on his face, and said, "Am I disturbing you?"

The fun in the bath, I didn't expect young people to play so well now.

"No." Xie Xuanyang replied. He didn't know where Gong Lingze was thinking, but if he knew it, he wouldn't change his color under his eyes. Xie Xuanyang searched left and right for a long time, but he couldn't see the so-called fire, and asked suspiciously, "Your Highness, I don't know where the fire is in the house?"

"Fire? There was no fire in my mansion." Gong Lingze raised his finger and pointed to the seat of the palace in the distance, and said, "It's there, Lanlin Palace, one of the fourteen members of Laolong's harem."

"Isn't that the residence of your mother-in-law, Your Highness?" Xie Xuanyang said.

Xie Xuanyang remembered that Gong Lingze had told him that his biological mother, Concubine Shu, lived in the side hall of Lanlin Palace 20 years ago, and Concubine Xiang, Gong Yunrui’s mother, lived in the main hall. The two concubines should have their own palaces. However, because of the absurdity of the old emperor, the women of the two lived together in the same hall, and they often stumbled upon each other on weekdays.

Suddenly one night, a fire took their lives together, making the two women who hated each other go to Huangquan hand in hand at the end of their lives.

Gong Lingze talked a lot about this, and joked that he asked Xie Xuanyang to ask the ghost envoy to find out if the two women had any troubles on Huangquan Road.

In the past, he didn't care about this palace, which had a memorial significance for his mother and concubine, and now he didn't care. He fell on the soft sedan chair brought by the waiter behind him and sat like mud, "Yes, that's where my mother went west. Hurry up and get dressed so I can go to the theatre with me."

Saying that, he waved to Xie Xuanyang again and again, urging him to go in and change his clothes.

Xie Xuanyang didn't know what Gong Lingze was doing, so he glanced at him inexplicably, then turned around and went back to his room to change his clothes.

Seeing Xie Xuanyang entering the room, Gong Lingze immediately put on a deep expression, and raised his eyebrows at Qing Xiao who was standing beside him, "Daojun, how is my brother Xuanyang in good shape?"

Qing Xiao ignored him and didn't even give him a trace of his eyes.

Even so, Gong Lingze's interest has not diminished, he said, "My family, Xuanyang, is a famous beauty in his hometown, and even the best-looking girls can't compare. I don't know how many people want to see the beauty go out of the bath and fight for it. Life is at stake."

He changed his sitting position, raised his legs and said again, "Dao Jun, you don't know how many people will envy you when you look at it. Blessed!"

Qing Xiao finally gave Gong Lingze a peripheral vision, "No."

"What?" Gong Lingze didn't hear him clearly.

"It's not your home." Qing Xiao said.

Gong Lingze was stunned for a moment, thinking, this Qing Xiao is not stupid, who told him that Qing Xiao Xiu was ruthless and didn't know anything about relationships? Don't let him take advantage of it at all. Gong Lingze decided to pay close attention to the two of them, it was much more interesting to see the two of them getting along than other things.

Daojun, who is possessive but doesn't know himself, and Xie Xuanyang, who is stupid and can't see his own feelings, is fun.

Xie Xuanyang shivered as soon as he changed his clothes and went out. Seeing the smile on Gong Lingze's face, he felt strange in his heart.

Xie Xuanyang and Qing Xiao followed Gong Lingze into the palace and walked through the imperial garden all the way to the Lanlin Palace in the deep palace. At this time, the Lanlin Palace was brightly lit, and countless servants, maids and guards surrounded the palace with lamps and torches. Xie Xuanyang even saw some soldiers in hard armor.

It's just a fire in the harem, why are the soldiers here? Xie Xuanyang was wondering in his heart when he heard the voice of a dispute not far away. At first glance, it was the two powerful princes he had seen during the day.

I saw Gong Yunrui grabbed Gong Hongyi's collar fiercely and pulled it down. The strength of the hands he used was so strong that Gong Hongyi, who was a tall man, was dragged almost to the point of being unable to stand still, so he leaned forward slightly and lowered his head to look at him.

"Gong, Hong, Yi!" Gong Yunrui's expression was ferocious, and the veins burst on the hand holding Gong Hongyi's collar, "How dare you!"

Gong Yunrui has never been so emotionally exposed before. He lost his mother and concubine when he was young, and grew up alone in this cannibalistic palace, he learned to hide his emotions long ago. But now he can no longer maintain a fake smile, and he can't wait to skin the man in front of him and chop it up to feed the dog!

"How dare you set the Lanlin Palace on fire!" Gong Yunrui gritted his teeth. His face turned red and blue, and his whole body was shaking. He was so angry that his chest heaved violently, and he punched Gong Hongyi's left face.

He said angrily, "I killed you!"

But Gong Hongyi has been in the army for many years, how could someone like Gong Yunrui be able to hit it? Gong Hongyi hit his fist with his palm, and easily caught Gong Yunrui's fist. He sneered, "Why should I burn the palace where women live?"

"Why?" Gong Yunrui said maliciously, "Why? Who in Xiliang doesn't know that you hate me?"

"Yes, I hate you, I hate you so much that I want to cut you alive." Gong Hongyi snorted, he raised his hand and clasped Gong Yunrui's hand holding his collar, and broke it off with force, Gong Yunrui's His wrists seemed to be crushed under his hands.

He said, "But I'm not you. I'll do whatever I can, and I'm just trying to persecute even Zhongliang."

He threw away Gong Yunrui's hand and took a few steps back. He couldn't bear to be in the same air as Gong Yunrui at all, and the slightest touch made him feel bad.

He said, "I'll take revenge on you. But the way to burn the harem?... Hmph, I'm not as disgusting as you are."

nausea? Gong Yunrui suddenly stepped back a few steps. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, and forced himself to calmly say, "It's not you, who else is there?"

"You have to ask yourself this." Gong Hongyi said, "Who knows who you have persecuted with the best of conscience."

"You!" Gong Yunrui was angry when he heard the words.

Just when he was about to fall out with Gong Hongyi, Gong Lingze gave Xie Xuanyang a look and said to the two, "Okay, okay, don't make trouble."

Xie Xuanyang appeared between the two of them, blocking their glaring glances at each other. Xie Xuanyang is not big, but the aura he exudes cannot be ignored. In addition, he was carrying a sword, and in the eyes of the two of them, it became a deterrent to them from Gong Lingze.

"Brother Sanhuang, what do you mean?" Gong Yunrui had completely suppressed his anger at this time, sorted out his emotions, and returned to his usual slightly smiling expression. He said without a smile, "Could it be that the emperor changed his mind and wanted to interfere?"

"No no no." Gong Lingze shook his hand and explained, "I don't want trouble. I just thought that it's late at night. If you make trouble, wouldn't it disturb the rest of the royal father?"

He pointed in the direction of the Dragon Palace, "Father, you are still ill."

Gong Lingze sat on the soft sedan chair and didn't get down. Compared with the people standing, he was very comfortable. He asked the waiter to pick a grape from the fruit bowl he had taken out, glanced at the moonlight a few times, and threw it into his mouth and chewed it to moisten his throat. The movements were casual, as if the two most powerful princes in Xiliang were not standing in front of him, but two ordinary people.

He swallowed the grape in his mouth, took another one and played with it in his hand, and said, "Besides, there will be two hosts in the morning. What if you make trouble too late and can't get up in the morning?"

"There's no need to worry about Brother Three Emperors. Today I'm going to find out who burned the Lanlin Palace." Gong Yunrui raised his eyes and glanced at everyone present, slashing at Gong Hongyi's face, " If you dare to burn down my concubine's palace, you must pay the price."

Isn't it a hall of the dead? Gong Lingze murmured in his heart that this palace was still his mother-in-law's palace, so he was not in a hurry. After so many years, the two women have been reincarnated. What is the use of keeping this temple? It's enough to miss using images.

Gong Lingze thought in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face. He knew that according to Gong Yunrui's paranoia towards his mother and concubine, if he said it, he would not be able to please him.

"Isn't it? My mother-in-law lived in Lanlin Temple before her death." He said, "But tonight, it's fine. I'll do my part, and I'll let the Daoist Xie in my manor help you from tomorrow."

Xie Xuanyang heard the words and Gong Yunrui nodded.

"Oh?" Gong Yunrui raised his eyebrows, "Master Xie is still good at investigating?"

He only had one contact with Xie Xuanyang to lead the way, but after reading the news sent by his subordinates, he still knew something about him. Xie Xuanyang, a Taoist priest who is good at swords, is a good friend with Li Zhuoshu who came with him, except that he has not seen any geniuses.

"Thank you for being a master." Gong Lingze boasted that he didn't care about his own people, and he blurted out without writing a draft, "Don't look down on others, he is a swordsman, a formation, a Taoist, and a ghost hunter. Well versed in everything. But well..."

He pouted and said again, "Investigation... I'm not very good at it. But, Mr. Xie, he will do the math!"

"Master Xie still counts?" Gong Yunrui said, "Then I have to thank Brother Three Emperors for lending me this talent."

"No thanks, no thanks." Gong Lingze said, "Brother Huang, you can investigate carefully, and don't let go of any clues."

"Brother Sanhuang, don't worry." Gong Yunrui should take the oath. After he finished speaking, he glared at Gong Hongyi again, and left with someone.

Back at the Fifth Prince's Mansion, his subordinate counselors hurried to see him when they heard about it.

The advisor thought about how much, and asked, "The third prince sent someone to His Highness. Is it possible that he is standing on His Highness's side?"

"Huh, him?" Gong Yunrui scoffed, "He has a good idea."

The counselor asked, "Why?"

A sarcastic smile appeared on Gong Yunrui's face, "He gave it to me today. Tomorrow, Daoist Li will appear in Gong Hongyi's mansion."