
Chapter 38


"Oh? I don't know what I've done. Why don't you talk about it, brother Hongyi?" Gong Yunrui smiled when he said this, even though the air was broken open above, it was still full of blood with a strong smell of rust. Each side of the pool violated the peace, as if a bloody executioner stood in a murderous place full of corpses and spoke with the kindest face.

"This is the proof, do you still want to deny it?" Gong Hongyi said with a disgusted expression on his face, "Don't call me brother again, I have never been so close to you."

Gong Yunrui of course knew that the two of them could be considered too close even if they called each other emperor brother and emperor brother, let alone using the word brother and brother directly. But he just likes to call Gong Hongyi like this.

Gong Hongyi hated him, and when he saw him, he was disgusted, and when he heard him call him brother again, he was afraid that he would be rolled in his disgusting stomach and choked up in his throat.

Gong Yunrui is such a vile man, he never misses any opportunity to make his opponent uncomfortable. Whenever he saw Gong Hongyi's forbearance, he didn't know how refreshing he was, and wanted to laugh out loud.

"Denying? I, Gong Yunrui, never deny it." He waved his fan and walked to Gong Hongyi, unhurriedly, as if he could not see the soldiers who pointed at each other with weapons, as leisurely as he was strolling in his back garden.

He patted the palm of his hand lightly with the fan body in his hand, closed the fan with a "slap", and raised Gong Hongyi's chin with the head of the fan. What the hell is going on.”

Gong Hongyi turned his head to avoid Gong Yunrui's fan head, Zanmei was very dissatisfied with the distance between Gong Yunrui and him, pushed him away with one hand, pointed to the corpse under the gravel, and pointed to the still intact stone top above the blood pool. official corpse.

He said, "You slaughtered courtiers, took the lives of thousands of people, set fire to the palace, and brought innocent people in here on the grounds of investigating the case. Such evil things... You dare to swear by poison. You didn't do it?"

Gong Yunrui was much weaker than Gong Hongyi, who joined the army and galloped on the battlefield, and he certainly couldn't stand Gong Hongyi's merciless push. He staggered back a few steps and stood firm, curled his lips and said, "Why don't you dare to swear? I have never done anything evil. I just killed a few traitors and let some enemy pariahs who should have died in the flash flood. It's more meaningful to die."

Saying that, he pointed to a few pieces of rags that he had just stepped on when he stood firm, "Brother Hongyi, take a good look, the people you mentioned are not our citizens of Xiliang."

There were still some pieces of minced meat sticking to the pieces of cloth, which apparently fell from the mummified corpse that was originally hanging on the top of the stone. The dried blood of the cloth was dyed black, and the original color could not be seen for a long time, but even so, it was not difficult to see that they were wired horizontally, and the buttons were hard rocks, which was very different from the cloth of Xiliang.

Xiliang's fabric threads are woven vertically, and the buttons are never made of hard stones, but are woven from shredded fabrics. Gong Hongyi didn't believe it when he looked at the scraps of clothes on the ground, but he looked up at the mummified corpses that were still hanging high, but he had no choice but to believe it. Most of the clothes on those dense mummified corpses were made of this style of fabric. Gong Yunrui could disguise ten or even a hundred of them, but it was impossible to disguise so many.

At first, Gong Hongyi had never heard that someone in Xiliang was looking to buy fabrics from other countries. Second, it was purely accidental that they broke into this place. Gong Yunrui was not an immortal, so he could not have expected this. Unexpectedly, how can you spend energy to take care of the clothes of these dead people

Gong Hongyi knew that Gong Yunrui was a scum, but he also knew that he was definitely not a pervert who was addicted to weirdness.

Gong Hongyi retracted his gaze from observing the mummified costume. Although Gong Yunrui did not kill the people of Xiliang, he also killed countless lives, and Gong Hongyi's sense of him could not change much. He said with deep eyes, "The people of other countries are also human lives."

"Human life?" Gong Yunrui almost laughed out loud. He didn't expect to hear from Gong Hongyi that "the people of other countries are also human lives". Everyone in this world is qualified to say this, but Gong Hongyi did not, which made people laugh out loud.

He said, "How many years have you Gong Hongyi in the army? How many years have you been in the battle to kill the enemy? How much blood of other peoples have you got on your hands? Now you are ashamed to say that the people of other countries are also human lives? I really don't know that you have slaughtered for the sake of attacking the enemy. How many times?"

After Gong Yunrui finished speaking, he couldn't help but laugh. He supported his face with one hand, his body trembled slightly, and a few muffled laughter came out of his throat.

Gong Hongyi couldn't refute, so he had a black face and said, "Then how do you explain why you killed a loyal minister?"

"Loyal ministers?" Gong Yunrui stopped laughing, wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and asked, "How do you know they are loyal ministers? They are just scum who split the court. You can't see them, my courtiers in Xiliang. Are they still standing in groups? Besides, if they are loyal ministers, wouldn’t it be a good thing to dedicate their lives to the country?”

He walked to the blood pond and stood still, and said, "My Gong Yunrui has always been doing things for the big picture. Instead, you, Brother Hong Yi, you are fighting for the throne with me in order to correct the names of several victims, and to avenge your friends. To kill me... Who is it, selfish?"

Gong Hongyi said, "What's the big picture? You killed so many people, and you still talk about the big picture?"

"Of course it's for the big picture." Gong Yunrui squatted down and pushed the fan with the imperial seal in his hand over the blood pool, then stood up and opened it with a "pop". I saw red blood flowing down the fan bone, dyeing the entire fan surface red, as if the Jiangshan Tenglong in the fan was covered with a scarlet blood coat.

He smiled meaningfully, "Dragon Qi turns, the overall situation of the new emperor's ascension to the throne."

Gong Yunrui faced the blood pool, opened his hands as if he was embracing something, and said in a loud voice, "As long as this dragon energy is directed towards me, no one here can be called the emperor for me. Neither does Ze."

What if Gong Lingze was born with a strong dragon energy? What if he was thought to be the emperor of the ages? In the end, the final winner was only Gong Yunrui.

Gong Yunrui has been fighting for his mother's last wish for several years, and he is even more willing to join forces with Dongdu where the demons gather. Now that his long-cherished wish is fulfilled, how can he not be excited

He spit out a series of unintelligible voices, which seemed to come from the language of the ancient spirit race, low and sacred. With the outflow of his voice, the still red stream in the blood pool gradually began to flow, turning out red bubbles, and finally converging into a vortex in the pool. Under this pool, there seems to be the same bass gushing out, as if responding, but if you listen carefully, it sounds like an unwilling dragon roar.

Gong Hongyi was shocked by this strange scene, his face changed instantly, and he said in shock, "You are crazy! You want to control the dragon's energy!"

He waved again and again to signal the soldiers behind him to retreat. Gong Yunrui is crazy, but he is not crazy. In fact, something like dragon qi can be controlled by the body? Even those monks dare not move lightly. It would be fine if Gong Yunrui died because he couldn't control the dragon's energy, but if the dragon's energy went out of control because of this, Xiliang and even the entire Jiuhua would suffer.

"Crazy? I'm not crazy." Gong Yunrui said with a smile, "There is a saying in ancient times that the Qi controlled by the Dragon Clan is Dragon Qi. Dragon Qi can be controlled, and it is never something uncontrollable. Now I can learn ancient Dragon language, and With the blood of ten thousand people helping you, why can't you control it?"

He paused, "Oh yes, there are thousands of people, but one less."

His eyes sank, and he swept across the crowd fiercely. The eyes of the subordinate monks on his side also followed his line of sight. As long as Gong Yunrui gave an order, they could immediately go up and take that person's life as a major event.

Everyone thought that there would be a fierce battle, but Gong Yunrui suddenly burst out laughing unexpectedly, "You? , my immortals will bring sacrifices for me."

Only then did everyone on Gong Hongyi's side realize that there were several fewer monks who had been following Gong Yunrui on weekdays. But Gong Hongyi was calm when he heard it, and the other side just made the generals retreat anxiously.

"You said your Immortal Chief?" Gong Hongyi said, "I'm afraid you won't be able to wait. They are not worth mentioning in front of Li Daochang."

Gong Yunrui was stunned when he heard the words. After being reminded like this, he realized that he had just forgotten about Xie Xuanyang and the Daochang Li who came with Gong Hongyi, as if something deliberately led him not to pay attention to them, even the most popular person on weekdays. Wen Ye, his powerful assistant, was ignored by him.

Gong Hongyi's reminder seemed to open the shackles that imprisoned his thinking, and Gong Yunrui suddenly remembered the name that Wen Ye had blurted out when he saw that Daochang Li - Qingxiao.

Qing Xiao? ! It turned out to be Qing Xiao? ! Gong Yunrui turned to look at Xie Xuanyang, Qing Xiao and the others in amazement, only to see them talking in a low voice with their heads turned to each other, completely treating everyone present as Egyptian soil.

"It's actually him..." Gong Yunrui's smile disappeared, his eyes widened and he muttered to himself in a trance. He lowered his head and covered his eyes with his hands, and after a while, a deep, low laugh burst out from his throat, "Ha...haha..."

His laughter grew louder and louder, and finally turned into a wild laughter, "Hahahahaha, it's actually him! Brother Hongyi, brother Hongyi, you are so amazing! You can let him help you!"

He bent his eyes and stared straight at Gong Hongyi's face, trying to find some victorious gestures on his face, but couldn't. Gong Hongyi's iron face was expressionless at this time, he looked at him like a passer-by looking indifferently at a lunatic who suddenly went mad.

"You really..." Gong Yunrui gradually stopped laughing, and finally turned into a sarcastic sneer. He fixed his expression, "In this way, the younger brother can only bow his head and be a minister, willing to be one of your majesty's men."

Gong Hongyi looked down at him and said nothing.

Gong Yunrui sighed, shook his head, paced in front of Gong Hongyi, clasped his fists with both hands, and finally bent down his always straight waist, "Your Majesty's ability, my brother, please, bow, bow, and wind. "

He took every word, and squeezed four words out of the gap between his teeth. The word "Wind" landed, and the sound of a sharp blade cutting into the body and cutting muscles followed, and a sharp-edged dagger glowing with cold light was shoved into Gong Hongyi's chest.

Gong Yunrui raised his head, the smile on his face was magnificent. He was originally a generation of elegant-looking people, and it was even more beautiful to smile with a blush at the end of his eyes at this time.

"Stop joking, Brother Hongyi~" Gong Yunrui laughed, "Between you and me..."

"It has long been immortal." Gong Hongyi replied. Rarely did he show no disgust, he lowered his head and put his head close to Gong Yunrui's ear, "I know."

"Haha, as expected of you, brother." Scarlet blood spilled from the corner of Gong Yunrui's mouth. A dagger was also stabbed into his heart, deeply buried with the handle outside.

"Gong Yunrui, guess what." Gong Hongyi pressed his lips to Gong Yunrui's ear, and the two seemed to be intimate, "I passed my heart, you are in the heart. Who will die first?"

"Hahahahaha!" Gong Yunrui laughed loudly, pushed him away, and pulled out the dagger that was deep in his chest. Warm blood spurted out like red Koizumi's eyes.

He said, "Gong Hongyi, you won."