
Chapter 55


On the third day, Bai Qishan still did not wait for Xie Xuanyang to appear, but Qing Xiao appeared on the viewing platform. Except for the relationship of Xie Xuanyang, Bai Qishan and Qingxiao are not familiar with each other. If he asks him to ask, he may not get Qingxiao's answer, but Xie Xuanyang's trace is unknown except Qingxiao.

Bai Qishan was not familiar with Qingxiao, but Mo Lingyan didn't have this trouble. Seeing Bai Qishan's tangle, he pulled him three and two steps onto the viewing platform and rushed to Qingxiao.

"Master!" Mo Lingyan said, "Master, where is Xuan Yang? I haven't seen him for two days. Bai Qishan and I miss him strangely."

Qing Xiao glanced at him lightly and said, "In the house, enter the meditation and cultivate."

As soon as Mo Lingyan heard that he had entered the meditation, he thought that something had happened to Xie Xuanyang, and hurriedly asked, "What's wrong with Xuanyang, is it possible that he was injured? Is it serious? Master, you can accompany Xuanyang and help him heal. ?"

Qing Xiao recalled the scene in the morning when he wanted to stay by Xie Xuanyang's side but was kicked out of bed and couldn't help but pause, "He won't let it."

Mo Lingyan knew how important Xie Xuanyang was in his master's heart. Although Xie Xuanyang refused to accompany him, but if it was serious, his master would never leave. I think that's why both of them appeared yesterday. , His master had to be absent from the competition in order to help Xie Xuanyang heal his injuries.

But it's a little strange, Xie Xuanyang is so powerful, who can hurt him in this competition? Mo Lingyan thought to himself, who can make Xie Xuanyang's master swallow his anger and slash him with thousands of swords after hurting Xie Xuanyang? Mo Lingyan's mind flashed the names of the great powers who were in Xuanzhengzong at this time. Somehow, he suddenly thought that he didn't belong to any sect, but during this competition, Xuanzhengzong's loose cultivator Guan Bairen came to him. .

Xie Xuanyang is not much involved with the monks in the Xiuxian world. Except for the people from the Tianxian sect, the people who can have some relationship with him can be counted on one hand. Among them, there are fewer grievances and grievances with him. Bai Zhenren barely counts—the soul of his fiancee, Fairy Xue Su, was completely shattered when he and Xie Xuanyang encountered corpses in Kongwu Mountain because of Xie Xuanyang's failure to summon the soul.

But this is not Xie Xuanyang's fault. When he summoned the spirit, Fairy's soul had already been broken a lot, and the spirit was reluctantly used her magic weapon, Lou Ting hairpin... Wait, Lou Ting hairpin? !

Mo Lingyan's face suddenly collapsed when he remembered this thing, he lost this thing! Xuanyang also specifically instructed that if he met Guan Bai, he would return it to him! Could it be that Master Guan Bai thought that Xuan Yang had swallowed this treasure privately, and then injured Xuan Yang

Thinking of this, Mo Lingyan became more and more guilty, and felt very sorry for Xie Xuanyang, so he asked Qingxiao, "Master, can I go and see Xuanyang?" He had to explain it to Xuanyang in person.

Qing Xiao refused without thinking, "No."

Mo Lingyan said with a bitter face, "Why? Master! Please!"

Xie Xuanyang's red lips and traces all over his body flashed in Qing Xiao's mind, and he couldn't stop it even with his clothes on, and his eyes immediately became cold when he looked at Mo Lingyan, and said, "No, no, don't ask again. "

Mo Lingyan didn't understand what his master thought, he just thought that Qingxiao didn't want him to disturb Xie Xuanyang's cultivation, considering Xie Xuanyang's body, he had to give up, thinking that when Xuanyang got better, he would have to explain it well.

He said, "Then Bai Qishan and I will retire first and go to prepare for the competition." After saying that, after Qing Xiao nodded, he took Bai Qishan back from the viewing platform.

Bai Qishan would have been annoyed if he was dragged around like this by Mo Lingyan on weekdays, but after getting the news of Xie Xuanyang's injury from Qingxiao at this time, he fell into self-blame, and even more so. Xie Xuanyang was injured by the spiritual energy in his body because of what he did. This realization made him in a trance again. He didn't even hear Mo Lingyan's shouting. He stood there in a daze. Got the bucket.

"Hey? It's weird, what happened to Bai Qishan?" Mo Lingyan was suddenly knocked away and staggered several steps. Seeing Bai Qishan's absent soul, Mo Lingyan was afraid that he would be beaten down by his opponent before he even had time for a pot of tea.

Just as Mo Lingyan rubbed his slightly painful shoulder, a stranger suddenly appeared beside him. He turned his head and saw that Tsing Yi, the sword on his waist was accompanied by a Zihao Jade Dragon Judge Pen, and he immediately thought that it was not good—

This person turned out to be the real Guan Bai that he had just talked about on the stage!

At the same time, Bai Qishan also regained his senses on the stage. He pulled out his sword and looked at his opponent. He was just thinking about guilt, and he didn't know who his opponent was in this fight. No matter how sacred it is, for himself and for Xie Xuanyang's reputation, he will not lose. But when he really saw the person in front of him, his pupils shrank suddenly.

"Xuan, Xuanyang?!" Bai Qishan took a few steps back in horror, and with a trembling of his hand, he almost couldn't hold the sword firmly, "Why are you here?"

Bai Qishan looked at Xie Xuanyang in front of him, and saw that his clothes had not changed, it was the robe he wore two days ago, and he looked at Xie Xuanyang's right hand with the red sword already unsheathed. With its name, Chixiao Red Lotus.

The only person who can control the red lotus in Chixiao is indeed Xie Xuanyang!

Shouldn't Xuanyang be in the room now as Daojun Qingxiao said? How could it appear on this stage? !

"Why am I here?" Xie Xuanyang asked back, he slowly raised the sword in his hand and pointed at Bai Qishan, "You, don't you know?"

"How can I..." Bai Qishan paused. he knows. Why is Xie Xuanyang here, why is the sword pointing at him, he thought of these reasons two days ago. He pursed his lips, and there was an imperceptible trembling in his voice, "Because, I killed someone?"

Xie Xuanyang's face was sullen, his eyes were as sharp as a sword, and he wanted to dig out the filth that he was hiding in the depths. He asked, "Who was killed?"

"Kill a lot of people." Bai Qishan was silent for a long time, took a deep breath and gritted his teeth, "A lot, Xuan Yu, Gucci, Mo Jiang..."

He uttered a series of names as if giving up on himself, "And... Xue Su."

After all, he closed his eyes and waited for Xie Xuanyang's trial, but heard Xie Xuanyang sneer, "These people have been killed by you more than once. For them, I will come here?"

Bai Qishan was shocked when she heard the words, and she immediately stared at him with wide eyes, "Isn't it...for them? Then you, then you are—"

"They are just a few ants." Xie Xuanyang said, "There is no difference between dying under your hands and under mine. Bai Qishan, what you want to kill is the Tao of Heaven, and you want to destroy all living beings in this world."

"I didn't!!" Bai Qishan almost called out. He didn't know how Xie Xuanyang, who had always been a humble friend, would say such humiliating words as ants, and he didn't know why Xie Xuanyang regarded him as a villain who wanted to do things like destroying the world.

"You did it." Xie Xuanyang walked towards him step by step. He walked slowly, but every step seemed to be stepping on Bai Qishan's heart. He said coldly, "You have already done it. Bai Qishan, you have killed Tiandao countless times."

He stopped in front of Bai Qishan, bent slightly closer to him, and tapped his fiercely agitated heart with his finger, "You have been reincarnated thousands of times, and you are carrying the blood debt of countless souls. Tell me why ?"

The next moment, the agitating heart seemed to burst open, and the hot blood spurted out of the cavity, blasting Bai Qishan's soul to smithereens. Bai Qishan was trembling all over, his eyes were nearly split, and his eyes were stained with blood that was several times redder than the condensed suffocating qi, and there were countless grievous and harsh unwilling resentments from his ears. The memories that were deliberately sealed exploded out of his mind, filling his mind instantly.

"呲—" Only the muffled sound of a sharp weapon piercing through the body was heard, and the snow-white long sword broke Xie Xuanyang's body, passed through his chest, and the blood from the broken heart slid down the sword, dripping on the ground. .

"Why, why?" A sarcastic smile appeared on Bai Qishan's blood-splattered face, "Ha, you ask me... why? Hahaha, this question is too funny. Do you want to ask? Of course it's because Heaven is unfair!"

He pulled out the sword from Xie Xuanyang's chest, ruthlessly threw the dead body aside, raised his hand with a smile, and slashed at one place, the sky-high sword qi split terrifying sword marks on the ground , followed by a cracking sound of a broken mirror. Immediately, the scene around Bai Qishan shattered like a mirror, and the fallen body disappeared.

"This, this... Tribulation period monk!!" The great experts on the viewing platform stood up in shock. This Bai Qishan actually made a leap in cultivation in front of them, and flew up layer by layer from the late stage of consecration to the calamity! Where is this junior? This is clearly the ancestor who took the house and was born!

"Oh? Heart Magic Mirror." Bai Qishan smiled, the expression on her face was inexplicably evil.

He paced over, pinched Fei Yang's face with one hand and lifted her up. The sword of the ancestor of the robbery is said to be a Mahayana monk who has to weigh it, not to mention a small medical disciple who has not even reached the Nascent Soul, even if most of the sword energy is held by Fei Yang. The magic mirror of the fairy heart on the chest was reached, but Fei Yang was dying with only the slightest trace of sword energy left.

Bai Qishan smiled and said, "For the sake of using this thing to arouse my inner demons and wake me up, I'll give you a treat."

After that, he crushed Fei Yang's skull with one hand and turned to look at everyone. His eyes swept across Qingxiao, paused on Mo Lingyan who was shocked and pale, and finally fell on Guan Baizheng next to Mo Lingyan. He said, "Guan Bai, ah, Guan Bai, you can tell that it was me who did it with the pavilion hairpin that Fei Yang stole, but it is really powerful. But in order to avenge a dissolute woman, Let go of an ancestor who can take your life at will, why bother?"

"You!" At this time, the real Guan Bai had the judge's pen in his hand, and gritted his teeth with hatred, "You, an ancestor of transcending tribulation, had no grievances with her but killed her!"

Bai Qishan said, "Ha! Damn she!"

He raised his hand and waved, and actually beat Guan Bai out, forcing him to spit blood.

"I'm too lazy to talk to you today." Bai Qishan said, "If you want to die, this seat is always waiting in Lingshan."

After saying that, he turned and left with a big smile.


At the same time, unlike the chaos in the big competition field, the corridors of the temporary residences of the various sects were quiet at this time. Weisheng strolled leisurely and leisurely with his hands in his wide sleeves, as if he was completely unaware of the chaos of Dabi.

He stopped in front of a door, raised his fingers and knocked lightly on the door with his knuckles, leaning sideways beside the door lazily, "I said, the young master is really in a good mood, it's all like this outside and you're not in a hurry. ."

"What's the hurry?" A voice came from the door.

Weisheng said, "Why are you not in a hurry? Your little apprentice is the ancestor of the evil way, and Liu Yun, who stays with him all day long, is afraid that he will be implicated in the crusade. In order to get his life back, Bai Bai Impermanence asked you a lot of price, right?"

After a while, the wooden door opened a crack that was not wide, and made a thin creaking sound, revealing only a single-clothed person inside the door. When Weisheng took a look, Zang Zuo covered his mouth and sighed, "Wow, Daojun Qingxiao is very capable, you must be tossed by him like this, right? The traces on your body can't be covered, so it's no wonder you didn't come out. "

"Don't be rude here." Xie Xuanyang sneered, he squinted at Weisheng leaning against the door, the expression on his face was less modest and gentle, and more reckless than usual, "You think I Who is to blame for this? If you have this spare time, it is better to do more practical things and do less strange things."

"Oh, are you angry?" Weisheng spread his hands, shrugged, and said, "Okay, okay, I was wrong, and I won't be lazy anymore."

Xie Xuanyang said, "There is no next time."

"Yes, yes." Weisheng said, "Young Master, how dare you not follow me? You will definitely stare at your little apprentice."

The author has something to say: My liver is blown, the amount of information in this chapter is actually a bit explosive~ Have you extracted it

The tip of the iceberg on the other side of Xuanyang is also exposed.

About Chapter 53 Color Breakdown Car. . In order to help my friends who were abandoned by Du Niangpan, I sold myself and borrowed a Weibo, search: Miss 槑山