
Chapter 66


Xie Xuanyang lowered his eyes, and his hands kept passing over the ice. His movements were very fast. Xie Xuanyang lowered his eyes, and the movements of his hands were so fast that the few people watching on the side couldn't see his hands clearly. Countless flesh-colored lights and shadows flew in front of him. His hand is covered with spiritual power. This is the spiritual power that he often attaches to the sword when he uses the sword. Although it is very thin, it turns his hand into an extremely sharp blade, cutting the ice-cold mysterious ice full of cold air. Piece by piece, it was peeled off layer by layer, revealing the jade plaque hidden inside.

This is not an ordinary jade tablet, just now the few of them could not see clearly through Xuanbing, but now the entire jade tablet appears in front of them without Xuanbing. This jade plaque has no relief decoration, only a strange mask is carved in the center, half solid and half hollow, the style looks like a ghost face to scare children.

This ghost face is not simple. Whenever it appears, people will think of three words - zongrentang.

This Dongdu Sect Hall of Fame is extremely famous whether it is the lower rivers and lakes in the Dongdu population, that is, the mortal world, or the upper rivers and lakes, that is, the immortal world. There are countless magic practitioners in Zongrentang, all of them are from the wind demon family, and they are nocturnal walkers. And this Fengmo clan is notorious for protecting their shortcomings. If they offend one of their clan, they will offend the entire clan;

As a saying circulated in the rivers and lakes, there are three kinds of people who should not be offended in Dongdu. The number one is the people of the ancestral hall, and the powerful and powerful people have to be ranked at the back.

At any rate, the great power will sometimes see that the person who offends him is an ant and ignore the past, but the people of this sect don't care what kind of gods, monsters, men, women and children who offend them. , their hearts will be different." Even if Venerable Yixun came in person, they might not take it seriously.

Now that something with the hallmark of the ancestral hall appears here, it means that things are in trouble.

Xie Xuanyang held the jade tablet in which Xuan Bing had been completely removed in his hand, and with force in his hand, the long bones on the back of his fair hand could be clearly seen. His face faded from the pale color of the past, and a dignified expression appeared on his face.

Liu Wuqing reminded, "Hey! Don't work so hard, what if the jade card is broken?"

Xie Xuanyang glanced at him and said, "If it is broken, it will be broken, and it will save trouble."

Liu Wuqing said, "How can I save trouble? This jade card looks simple, but it is actually the order of the sect master of the ancestral hall. Once this card is released, it will make the hundreds of sects honorable. If you crush it, sect master Tang may issue a killing order."

Xie Xuanyang said, "If you don't say it, I won't say it, who knows it's broken?"

Liu Wuqing was stunned, feeling that what Xie Xuanyang said had some truth. Xie Xuanyang saw that he didn't respond, and he used more force on his hands. Liu Wuqing couldn't care about anything else when he saw this. He screamed and rushed over, grabbed Xie Xuanyang's hand tightly, and pulled the jade card out, "Thank you. Seniors keep cards!"

He tightly protected the jade token he grabbed in his arms, "What kind of grudge does Senior Xie have with it? It must be crushed into pieces."

Xie Xuanyang said, "I have no grudges, I just don't want to have anything to do with the ancestral hall."

Liu Wuqing said with a wry smile, "No one wants to have anything to do with Zongrentang. But now Zongrentang is the only clue to the jade seal, who made the jade token appear in the box with half a jade seal? Not only can we not destroy the jade The card, I have to take it for a trip and send it back to the ancestral hall with my own hands.”

Xie Xuanyang looked straight at him, his dark eyes flickering, as if there was something inexplicable hidden in it. There was no smile on his face at this time, and his cold face was completely absent from the usual gentle gentleness. "You go by yourself," he said.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that he was angry, but no one present knew why he was angry, not even Qing Xiao, who was his Taoist companion. Xie Xuanyang's unknown anger suddenly appeared, and there was no reason.

Liu Wuqing sighed, and suddenly let out his strength and fell on the chair, "I think so too, but I don't dare. The ancestral hall is too scary, it is said to be the power of the Eastern Capital, but it doesn't seem to be the power of the Eastern Capital. Dongdu people all obey the law, and they also obey the law, but what they observe is the law of the church. When outsiders go in, they don’t know when they have broken their law, and when they are killed.”

He looked back at Chu Yun sadly, and let out a long sigh, "If only Chu Yun and I go, I'm afraid we'll come out lying down in less than half a stick of incense."

Seeing his resentful eyes, Chu Yun immediately folded his arms in horror and moved his butt back with wide eyes, "What? You want me to die with you?!"

Liu Wuqing choked, and kicked the leg of the chair Chu Yun was sitting on with his back foot, causing the chair to be pushed violently, and Chu Yun almost rolled down without sitting still. Liu Wuqing said, "Go away, who wants to be shameless with you?" He pretended to vomit as he spoke, and was very disgusted.

He added, "What I said is that we are too weak."

Chu Yun glared and said, "I can't beat it, can't I run?"

Liu Wuqing sneered and said coolly, "You are compared with Zongrentang? Their family is the best at speed in Dongdu, but you should try to run away from them."

Chu Yun suddenly sighed, pouted unwillingly, and stopped talking.

At this time, Xie Xuanyang suddenly said, "At least half a column of incense can live. If you go with us, maybe you won't even have a half column of incense, and you will die as soon as you step into their territory."

This time, it was Liu Wuqing's turn to widen his eyes, his face couldn't help showing a look of surprise, he said blankly, "Half, half a column of incense? Xie seniors, you, you... don't tell me you have offended me. them."

Xie Xuanyang twitched the corners of his mouth and didn't say anything, Liu Wuqing cried out in shock when he saw this. It was the first time he had seen someone who had offended the ancestral hall but was still alive, which meant that Xie Xuanyang and his party had become so powerful that the whole ancestral hall could not do anything. What kind of power did he meet

Liu Wuqing's Adam's apple rolled, he swallowed hard, his lips trembled, "How did you, how did you offend?"

Xie Xuanyang was silent, and suddenly turned to look at Qing Xiao beside him. Qing Xiao said, "I just killed a sect." His expression was light, as if he was talking about a trivial matter, but it was indeed a trivial matter for him.

But it was no small matter for others, Liu Wuqing finally couldn't hold back the startled voice in his throat, and exclaimed, "Kill a clan?!"

Mo Lingyan listened with a dazed expression. He didn't even know how his master was related to the ancestral hall, so he looked left and right, looked at Qingxiao and then looked at Xie Xuanyang, hoping that the two of them could give him a hint. .

Seeing Mo Lingyan's gaze, Xie Xuanyang silently gave him a mouth shape for forty-nine days. Mo Lingyan's face immediately seemed to be smeared with mud, and it became pitch black.

Seventy-seven and forty-nine days, this was the time when his master chased and killed the wind demon. A guy who can be hunted down by a character at the level of the master cannot be an ordinary small character, and he has run for 49 days, and he must be a great power before being killed by his master.

At this time, Xie Xuanyang also mentioned that the wind demon is related to the ancestral hall, so he is definitely a big man in the ancestral hall.

Mo Lingyan didn't know who the wind demon was, but Xie Xuanyang knew. The Feng Mo who finally died at the hands of Qing Xiao was the previous generation of Zong Ren Tang, and the patriarch of the Feng Mo clan at that time. As soon as this demon died, Qing Xiao and Feng Mo's entire clan truly formed a bridge.

It's not like the Fengmo clan has never tried to strangle Qing Xiao, but Qing Xiao, the first sword cultivator, isn't the title for nothing? Feng Mo came to seek Qing Xiao's life, but in the end he lost his own life. At that time, I don't know how many Feng Mos died in the hands of Qing Xiao, and even finally, the Feng Mo clan did not dare to come back and take the initiative to kill them for the immortal clan.

They no longer come to provoke Qing Xiao, but that doesn't mean they will not respond when Qing Xiao comes to their realm. Qing Xiao is powerful and they can't get rid of him, but they can attack the people around Qing Xiao. If Xie Xuanyang and his party went to the hall with Liu Wuqing and Chu Yun, Liu Wuqing, Chu Yun, and Mo Lingyan would become the best targets for the Fengmo family.

more importantly... ... .

Xie Xuanyang's eyes fell on the jade plaque of Zongrentang in Liu Wuqing's hand. The ghost face on the jade plaque was engraved with two eyes, as if he was staring blankly at him, wanting to make two holes in his face.

He unconsciously tapped the table with his fingers on the table, stared at the ghost face on the jade card for a long time, and when he raised his eyes, it bumped into Liu Wuqing's eyes.

Liu Wuqing's pupils are not dark, with a hint of red in the brown, and there seems to be a faint gold around the pupil. Looking carefully, Liu Wuqing's face showed shock, but his eyes were always calm, like a calm deep pool.

Looking at these pupils, Xie Xuanyang suddenly smiled, and he changed his mind. He said, "If you want us to go with you, it's not impossible, anyway, it's not too much for the two of you, and you can save your lives with a little effort."

Liu Wuqing also smiled, "Then why don't you say thank you senior, how about it?"

Xie Xuanyang replied, "It's not difficult, just listen to me after going to the ancestral hall."

Liu Wuqing said, "How do you listen to the Fa?"

Xie Xuanyang smiled and said, "I say East, you definitely don't say West's way of listening."

Liu Wuqing snorted meaningfully, raised his chin and took a long breath, and his arms stretched around casually, as if he had suddenly let go of something.

He crossed his legs, rested his left elbow on the table and supported his chin, and squinted slightly at Xie Xuanyang. It was obviously a leisurely movement, but it made people see some faint dangers, like a dormant wild leopard. He said, "Senior Xie said this listening method sounds interesting."

Xie Xuanyang pursed his lips and chuckled a few times, but there was no smile in his eyes. He said, "Not only does it sound interesting, it will be even more interesting when the ancestral hall is made."

Liu Wuqing raised his eyebrows, "Oh? Since that's the case, then I have to do it."

The author has something to say: Hee hee hee, all of them are magic cultivators, and there are still simple guys