
Chapter 69


The suffocating aura on the red lotus is a rare divine sword in the world. At this time, what drives it is no longer pure spiritual power, but a magic power full of killing intent. It becomes more powerful and fierce, and the sword is constantly rolling. Hongsha is like a red lotus karmic fire burning in hell, and it is about to burn everything in the way.

But how can the ice wall that is not even a **** stop the evil spirit on the red lotus in the red sky? Even if there was a huge iceberg in front of him, Xie Xuanyang in anger could break it open.

For a time, the ice road shook, and countless huge ice stones fell from the top, smashed to the ground and shattered into countless fist-sized ice cubes. The thick ice wall was broken, and there were countless talismans sandwiched in the center of the wall, as if it was frozen by pasting the paper wall and pouring water on it. People who look at the past without any defense will be shocked and lost.

Xie Xuanyang can see at a glance that these talismans are drawn by Hua Wenyu. This is a unique way of drawing talismans in his hometown. No one in this world knows how to use them except him and Hua Wenyu.

It's no wonder that they can't use their spiritual power. This ice road is basically a sealing road constructed by this kind of sealing talisman! Xie Xuanyang's hometown is full of great powers. This method of conferring spirits is usually used to arrest those who commit crimes. Rao is that the immortals who have already ascended have to be planted on it.

Hua Wenyu is ruthless! Xie Xuanyang only had time to grit his teeth and curse in his heart, as soon as the ice wall opened, he quickly pulled Qing Xiao and rushed in. The thousand people behind them melted extremely fast, almost rubbing their heels into the hole in the ice wall.

Xie Xuanyang looked back again, and the glacial bed had now completely turned into a highly poisonous river full of drunken people. Even above the river, white fog gradually formed, which was a highly poisonous fog.

Xie Xuanyang looked at the white fog and couldn't help but feel a little scared. If the ice wall he broke was not empty, if the talisman embedded in the ice wall just happened to block the influx of poison, he and Qing Xiao were afraid of this. At that time, he had become a soul companion under Huangquan.

It is good to say that he has become a dead soul. He is very familiar with the people of Huang Quan, but he does not want to bring the poison attached to his soul, nor does he want to see Qing Xiao become a waste.

"Is there any discomfort?" Qing Xiao hugged Xie Xuanyang and patted his back to help him relax.

Fang Cai's situation is really dangerous, but compared with him, Xie Xuanyang obviously consumes more. He couldn't use his spiritual power, but it took some physical effort, but Xie Xuanyang used all the magic power in his body. If the spiritual power returned to normal when he stepped over the ice wall, even if it made up for the vacancy in his body, Xie Xuanyang would have already Couldn't help fainting.

"It's okay." Xie Xuanyang replied, panting slightly, he was lying on Qing Xiao's body and stood with the strength of Qing Xiao's support on his waist. Although the spiritual power has made up for the vacancy of the magic power, he cannot recover immediately. His body is still in a state of extreme exhaustion for a while.

He gradually calmed down his rapid breathing, and then he had time to murmur and curse, "Damn Hua Wenyu, sooner or later you will be skinned!"

Qing Xiao had never heard of this name, but he was mentioned more than once by Xie Xuanyang after the so-called poison of thousands of people appeared, and he asked frantically, "Hua Wenyu? Who is he?"

Mentioning this person Xie Xuanyang frowned, and even the corners of his naturally upturned mouth sank. His eyes were full of disgust, and he said, "It's Liu Wuqing's real name. This man has a black heart, and even if he is disguised, it is difficult to see through people who are very familiar with him. I grew up with him, and I know the bottom line and see through him. That Liu Wuqing's skin also took a lot of work, and it is thanks to the dragon spirit in the half jade seal."

Qing Xiao was a little puzzled and asked, "What does this have to do with Dragon Qi?"

Xie Xuanyang said, "Hua Wenyu has half the blood of the phoenix. The dragon and the phoenix have always been at odds. As long as they meet each other, there will be a battle. Although the jade seal is not the spirit of the dragon, it represents the dragon, the phoenix in Hua Wenyu's body. When blood meets it, it becomes uncontrollable."

Xie Xuanyang suddenly buried his head in Qing Xiao's arms and sneered twice, his tone mockingly said, "Fortunately, this bastard is a mixed race, he didn't realize that he was stimulated by the dragon qi and the phoenix blood was surging so much that even his pupils were swept away. gold."

When Qing Xiao heard the words, something flashed in his eyes, and he whispered thoughtfully, "The dragon and the phoenix are at odds?"

Xie Xuanyang nodded and said, "Others say that the dragon and the phoenix are auspicious, and they all think that the two clans are one clan, but this is not the case. They have been displeased with each other since the beginning of the world, and now they are always in the dark. I only saw each other when I was young. The two clans fighting each other can't be counted."

Qing Xiao said, "In this way, your hometown must be full of great powers, even the dragon and phoenix clans are common."

"Want to know where my home is? Huh?" Xie Xuanyang's eyes flashed, and he whispered in Qing Xiao's ear, "Guess."

Qing Xiao had never heard of where the dragon and phoenix clans were hidden, so he naturally couldn't guess. He was not in a hurry, and said lightly, "When the time comes, you will tell me."

Xie Xuanyang withdrew from Qingxiao's arms with a smile, and Qingxiao pulled the topic away from Hua Wenyu, his anger gradually calmed down, and his body recovered after a short rest.

He said, "Did you deliberately pull the topic off? I don't know when you learned this kind of trick to keep people angry."

The intention was detected, and Qing Xiao also took advantage of the situation to admit it and asked, "Calm down?"

Xie Xuanyang nodded, pulled out the red lotus in the red sky that had just escaped into the ice cave, and put it on the ground, brushed off the ice debris on the sword, and put it back into the scabbard behind him. He adjusted some messy clothes again and said, "Let's go, let's find Hua Wenyu."

Xie Xuanyang has calmed down, but it doesn't mean that he won't go to Hua Wenyu who caused them to almost ascend to the sky to settle accounts. Xie Xuanyang is still a devil in essence, the temperament of "if someone offends him one point, he will pay it back ten million times" is engraved in his bones, no matter how much spiritual power he cultivates, he can't get rid of it. Now that Hua Wenyu stepped on his bottom line and crushed his feet a few times, how could he give up easily? I must let this fellow have a bad life.

After leaving the ice road full of seals, Xie Xuanyang's spiritual power returned to his control, and he instantly captured Hua Wenyu hiding behind countless twists and turns around the ice road.

Xie Xuanyang sneered in his heart, to see where this Hua Wenyu can hide, no one can escape the search of his spiritual power without the Spirit Sealing Talisman, does he really think that his method of controlling the spirit is just for fun

Countless thoughts flashed through, Xie Xuanyang and Qing Xiao had walked a long way along the new ice road. The new ice road is different from the ice road they escaped from. It is not a glacial channel. It is very narrow. The two can only walk in front of each other and cannot walk side by side. It is also very dark. point.

This icy road became more and more sad, and in the end, both of them had to bend down to move forward. Xie Xuanyang was walking in front when he suddenly felt a gust of cold wind, which made his eyes hurt a little, so he couldn't help squinting and rubbing a few times. Just as he was rubbing his hands, before he put his hands down, there was a sudden cold sensation on his waist and buttocks, as if someone had put their hands on them.

Xie Xuanyang was taken aback, "Qing Xiao?"

Qing Xiao replied, "Huh?" There was a little doubt in his tone, apparently not knowing Xie Xuanyang's intention to call him.

Hearing this, Xie Xuanyang's face turned black, he clasped the hand tightly with his backhand, and squeezed it hard enough to crush what he thought was an adult man's hand bones. Xie Xuanyang gritted his teeth and said, "Something touched me."

Qing Xiao's face sank in an instant, and the killing intent all over his body burst out. He grabbed forward by feeling, grabbed the thing that appeared between him at some point, and mercilessly slapped it.

It was crushed to pieces in the front, and then a palm full of killing intent was placed in the middle of the body, and the thing immediately let out a long and shrill scream, so sharp that it seemed that the eardrums would be shattered. Xie Xuanyang was shocked and his head stinged so much that he could barely tell that it was not an individual who made the sound. He turned around in annoyance, and shot at its neck like lightning, cutting its vitality completely.

Xie Xuanyang frowned and rubbed his temples, and said, "There are still ice field monkeys in the ice road, this arrangement is strange enough."

The so-called icefield monkeys refer to the monkeys that grow on the icefield. This kind of monkey paw can break open ice, but it is not afraid of cold but is naturally interested in warm things. Compared with people with high body temperature, they are the most popular. If they encounter resistance, they will use their sharp claws to grab people to death and take them away.

The Icefield Monkey is a bit of a threat to mortals, but to monks, it's almost as threatening as an ant. Xie Xuanyang could only say that the Icefield Monkey was daring and wanted to provoke him.

"Shh." Qing Xiao suddenly covered Xie Xuanyang's mouth. He seemed to hear a rustling sound coming from the ice road in the distance behind them, mixed with countless sharp objects rubbing against the ice. scratching sound. With a condensed expression on his face, he pushed Xie Xuanyang forward and said solemnly, "Icefield Monkeys."

The cry of the ice monkey just before its death attracted its clansmen.

For monks, the threat of ice field monkeys is too small, but if they encounter a group of monkeys in such a narrow ice road, it will not be good. Their claws are enough to cause some trouble for the two of them, and it's best not to bump into each other.

Xie Xuanyang knew the reason, and did not forget to grab Qing Xiao's hand and run forward. This ice path is too narrow, and the ground is covered with ice, too slippery, and it is really inconvenient to run. The two of them ran bumpy and almost let the group of ice monkeys catch up. After finally running to the end, I didn't think it was an exit hanging in the air.

Xie Xuanyang tried to stop, but his foot slipped, and he fell down with Qing Xiao.


The author has something to say: Xie Xuanyang: This monkey is so daring, how dare he touch me!

Qing Xiao: Kill it! No one can touch that place but me.