
Chapter 72


The medical practitioners on Tianxian Zongdan Peak are not as famous as those in Xuanzhengzong's Xiaogan Peak, but the medicine pills produced are also top-notch. Liu Zhou used the wound medicine from Danfeng to heal his body in a short time. injury. However, it is also good that although the wounds on his body are ferocious, they are all flesh wounds. One is not hurting the bones, and the other is not poisoned. Otherwise, even the most powerful medical cultivator will not be able to make him recover in a short time. .

Liu Zhou circled his arms backwards, moving his muscles and bones. This injury has been with him for a long time, and now he has finally gotten rid of it, it is like a rusted iron object touched a layer of oil, it is really comfortable. He couldn't help but sighed and said, "The Heavenly Title Sect is indeed the number one cultivator sect, and its name is well-deserved."

There are no people from Danfeng here, even if people from Danfeng are here, they may not want to receive the praise of the magic cultivator. Xie Xuanyang said lightly, "Since you are well, then come with us."

Liu Zhou asked, "Want to go out? This is the place where my clan is tested. I've been here many times and I can't know the way out."

Xie Xuanyang pointed to the hole on the other side, and said, "What are you talking about?" He smiled coldly, "I'm afraid the way out here is a dead end."

Liu Zhou's expression froze, and he said, "How do you say it? This road leads to the glacier that runs through our clan's land."

Xie Xuanyang said, "That glacier is now a poisonous river."

Liu Zhou suddenly stood up, his face as heavy as black mud poured into ink. He thought for a moment and knew who did the good thing to become Poison River. No one in the Fengmo clan does not know the importance of this river. Even if the clan land is set on fire, it is impossible to attack this river. Only the bastard Hua Wenyu from outside the clan can attack.

Liu Zhou said bitterly, "He's going to destroy the entire Fengmo clan! I'm going to kill him!"

Xie Xuanyang said, "Hua Wenyu is not so easy to kill. Your ability is enough to escape from him, but if you want to kill him, your cultivation is not enough."

Xie Xuanyang's words were unpleasant. Anyone who hears others say that their strength is not enough in front of them will feel uncomfortable, not to mention that Liu Zhou is a first-class master in the Fengmo clan, except for the one time when he missed killing Qingxiao and was almost killed, he Never failed.

But Liu Zhou knew that Xie Xuanyang was telling the truth. Hua Wenyu seems to be only in the golden core stage, but in fact, his cultivation is extremely high, and Liu Zhou has not been able to detect his depth in several fights with him. He is also good at medicine and poison, and the judge pen hanging on his waist is superb, and he may die suddenly if he is not careful with him.

Liu Zhou had seen several wind demons in the clan who were also dissatisfied with him provoked him, but only after a few fights, those wind demons fell to the ground and died.

There is probably no one in the entire Fengmo clan who is the opponent of that man.

Liu Zhou gritted his teeth unwillingly, and clasped his fist to Xie Xuanyang and said, "Young Master, my family was originally a shadow guard under the honorable father, serving and serving. Now that our family has suffered a major disaster, I also ask the young master to help remove the Hua surnamed person. "

Xie Xuanyang refused, "I can't get rid of him."

Liu Zhou asked, "It's not enough to add Daojun Qingxiao?"

Xie Xuanyang said, "It's not that it's not enough, it's that it can't. If he dies, he will be in big trouble." He paused, then continued, "But it's no problem to help your whole family. Where is the end of the glacier?"

Liu Zhou's eyes flickered, and he said, "In... In the private library of the father."

This is also the reason why the Fengmo family originally settled on both sides of this glacier. Glacier started from the private library, and it came from the Fengmo clan. No matter who wants to enter the Mozun private library, it must be approved by the Fengmo clan. No one wants to bypass the Fengmo clan and break into it.

"Oh? Private library." Xie Xuanyang chewed on the word, he knew what Hua Wenyu wanted to do. What Hua Wenyu was fighting was the attention of his father's private library.

Xie Xuanyang was still wondering how Liu Zhou ran out of Hua Wenyu's hands. You must know that Hua Wenyu is a master of medicine. If he catches a person, he has a way to prevent him from escaping. Liu Zhou was so powerful that he could escape from Qing Xiao, but he could never escape from Hua Wenyu.

It seems that Hua Wenyu deliberately let Liu Zhou go, and even the private key that Liu Zhou brought out was also brought out by him on purpose. Hua Wenyu knew that he and Qing Xiao would appear here. That Liu Zhou would meet them and give him the key, Hua Wenyu certainly expected it.

Xie Xuanyang thought to himself, his father's private library is afraid that only he can open it, and the things hidden in it are probably not simple.

Due to the bad relationship between Xie Xuanyang and Hua Wenyu, Xie Xuanyang will definitely not let Hua Wenyu successfully get the things in the private library. The best way is to take the key and leave now. But Xie Xuanyang did not intend to do so.

Hua Wenyu's ultimate goal is a private bank, but on the way, he is a real killer to Qing Xiao. If you dare to attack Qing Xiao, you must be prepared for revenge.

Xie Xuanyang knew his father. If his father can be called Demon Venerable, he can't be an ordinary person, and there must be many traps in his private library. Xie Xuanyang clenched the copper key in his hand, and the corner of his mouth evoked a cold smile. He said, "Liu Zhou, take me to the private library."

He wants to use these traps to teach Hua Wenyu an unforgettable lesson.

The glacier that runs through the entire Fengmo clan is the way to the private library, but it is not the only way. To go to that private library, there is a secret passage. Only Grandpa Liu Zhou, who had been with Demon Venerable for a long time, knew about the existence of this secret passage, and his grandfather told Liu Zhou the secret before his death. Now, only Liu Yi is known to the entire Feng Mo clan.

The dark passage is very long, and it is pitch black inside, like a black screen with an insulating effect, and the light from the outside cannot penetrate a single bit. Xie Xuanyang and Qing Xiao followed Liu Zhou into the dark passage. As soon as they stepped in, the entrance behind them disappeared silently. They fell into the darkness where they could not see their fingers, and could only detect movements around them through their ears.

Xie Xuanyang noticed a faint sound of wind.

Liu Zhou said, "Follow the wind. This secret passage is extremely complicated, with countless forks. If you go wrong, don't even think about going out."

Xie Xuanyang sighed, "Your clan really likes the wind. The place where you entered the clan was to follow the wind on the snowfield, and now you follow the wind in the dark passage."

Liu Zhou said, "Don't think that my clan is called Feng Mo because of this. The wind of the clan's name is the wind as fast as the wind. The speed of my clan is unmatched in this world, and the previous patriarch of our clan is more It is worthy of the reputation of the top master of Fengmo."

Xie Xuanyang said, "It's not that Qing Xiao has caught up yet."

Liu Zhou was silent for a while. What Xie Xuanyang said was too reasonable, Liu Zhou wanted to refute but couldn't refute, their top master was indeed killed by Qing Xiao.

Liu Zhou was stunned for a moment, and then continued stiffly, "The previous patriarch was really powerful, but it's a pity that there is no successor."

Xie Xuanyang also knew how embarrassing Liu Zhou, a Fengmo clan, was embarrassed by his casual words, so he didn't mention it interestingly. He asked, "Why is there no successor?"

Liu Zhou said, "After the death of the previous patriarch, our clan has new rules. Whoever kills Qingxiao will be the new patriarch."

Xie Xuanyang said, "So you also thought about being the patriarch?"

Liu Zhou nodded, but no one could see in this dark passage shrouded in darkness. He said, "No one can kill Qing Xiao, and no one can be the patriarch. I know how much I have, but there are still people who don't know what they are capable of, thinking that they can kill him with the help of foreigners."

There are obvious hints inside and outside of his words, even people who don't know the affairs of their clan can hear that he is scolding someone who is beyond their own power.

Xie Xuanyang said, "You are talking about Liu Yun."

Liu Zhou relied on the cover of darkness, his face changed and changed, and the emotions he showed were very complicated. Liu Zhou didn't know how to evaluate Liu Yun. The two of them were good brothers who could deliver their backs, and they were brothers and sisters, but they changed after the death of the previous patriarch.

Liu Yun no longer had a relationship with him, and people became unscrupulous, and Liu Zhou almost thought that someone had taken away his home.

Liu Zhou's final expression stopped in disdain, he clicked his tongue, and said, "It's him. The people of the Fengmo clan don't change their names, even if they sit down, they won't bury their clan names even if they are classified as aliens. But this fellow Liu Yun changed his name to Chu Yun and went to the rivers and lakes, which is a shame for our clan!"

After that, he spit out a few words that others could not understand, which seemed to be the unique language of the Fengmo clan, and the tone seemed to be cursing.

After scolding Liu Zhou, he continued, "The most hateful thing is that this bastard surnamed Hua was brought back by him! This is simply pushing my family into the fire pit! The surnamed Hua is not a good person at first glance, with a fake smile on his face. , is extremely disgusting. Liu Yun actually said that brother Wen Yu worked for the young master. What young master? He is a counterfeit at all! And there is more than one person surnamed Hua. I have seen him and the so-called Lingshan with my own eyes. The Lord has trusted him. Loyal to the Second Lord, such a person cannot be trusted!"

When Xie Xuanyang heard the words, he immediately intercepted the main point of Liu Zhou's words, and he asked, "The fake young master in your mouth is called Pop?"

"I don't know, but he looks very familiar, pretending to be carrying a sword on his back like..." A flash of light suddenly flashed in Liu Zhou's mind, thinking of Qing Xiao. He said, "I remember, when I played against Qing Xiao, I saw this person beside Qing Xiao."

Popular, Xie Xuanyang thought. It seems that this young master is betraying the popularity of the division.

Xie Xuanyang asked again, "Then the Lord of Lingshan, is the person with the surname Bai?"

Liu Zhou said, "I don't know if the surname is Bai, but I know that this person is called the Spirit Master. When they talked, the Spirit Master called the surname Hua the Pavilion Master, as if it was Linglong... . .. Isn't that the Linglong Pavilion that controls the intelligence network of several circles?!"

The author has something to say: Phew, I'm so pissed off by the comments that appeared today. Saying that Xuanyang's IQ is not enough, he was so angry that he almost didn't want to update it today