
Chapter 9


Xie Xuanyang didn't know that he had been cultivating the Chunyang Sword by the head of the Tianxian Sect, and he was following the outer sect manager to his new residence. The Tianxian Sect is the number one sect in the world of immortal cultivation, with countless disciples under its sect, and the outer sect disciples are not comparable to ordinary sects. They are all people with true spiritual roots. It is hard to imagine that there will be a rootless root that has no possibility of immortal cultivation among this group of disciples, so Xie Xuanyang's name as a new disciple spread throughout the outer sect as early as the moment he was left by the sect master.

Bai Qishan naturally heard about it. When he was bullied again, he also saw him, this young man who clearly had the worst aptitude in the history of the immortal cultivation world but looked like a fairy.

"Bai Qishan, why do you still have the face to stay here?" At that time, a group of outer disciples surrounded him, punching and kicking him with full of malice. They pinned him to the ground, kicked and abused him as a vehicle for venting. He knew that no one would help him, and the other disciples passing by would only glance at him a few times, and it was impossible to lend a helping hand to him.

Holding his head, he curled up to bear it in a muffled voice, scolding the injustice of heaven in his heart, and swore that if he had a chance, he would repay everything he had suffered. However, these are just thoughts. So many disciples with true spiritual roots are unable to successfully enter the Dao and cultivate into a true fruit. How can the only person with false spiritual roots in his entire sect do it? Even though he practiced all day and all night, he tried his best to be unable to touch the so-called edge of entering the Dao.

Thinking like this, he accidentally failed to protect himself. He was kicked in the middle of the abdomen and groaned in pain. There was a faint smell of iron and blood in his mouth, and he thought that maybe he would be beaten to death by these guys today. This is not bad, if this is the case, you will no longer have to suffer the injustice of this world.

At this moment, Xie Xuanyang appeared. Dressed in white, I don't know what material it is made of, there are dark dark lines on the corners, and yin and yang fish are decorated around the waist. With a sword on his back, he looked like an inner sword cultivator in the sect from a distance. Cold and cold, it seems that no vulgar things can enter his eyes.

"Insulting fellow sects, this is not what a disciple of Tianxianzong should do." Xie Xuanyang held down the fist that was about to fall on Bai Qishan. His hand was very stable and his strength was very strong. Even the disciples of the period could not draw their hands out. Xie Xuanyang looked at him, his dark eyes were bottomless, and he saw that the outer sect disciple was panic-stricken.

The disciple opened his eyes, and he felt that this person's eyes were very mysterious, as if they were the magic eyes of the legendary magic cultivator, which could suck a person's soul into the most terrifying depths of the vagina. He saw that Xie Xuanyang's clothes were different from everyone in the sect, and he shouted loudly: "You are not from the Tianxian sect, who are you? A traitor sent by the devil?!"

"I wasn't a disciple of this sect before, but I am now." Xie Xuanyang said, he put down the disciple's hand, and glanced around the outside disciples who drew their weapons and surrounded him, "Xie Xuanyang, all seniors are polite."

"Xie Xuanyang?" The outer sect disciples were discussing after hearing the words, "Is that the newly arrived Wuling Root?"

"Isn't the non-spiritual root worse than the fake spiritual root of Bai Qishan? Then he is too bold to take care of Fusheng's affairs when he is a newcomer to the outer door."

Fu Sheng was the outer disciple who had just been held by Xie Xuanyang. These people, Fu Sheng, are considered to be of high cultivation among the outer sect disciples. They are in charge of allocating resources and do not care much about the affairs of the outer sect disciples. These people are rampant and domineering, and they are used to bullying the weaker than them. Suddenly, Xie Xuanyang dared to say that they were not. Fu Sheng and the others heard that his name was not a high-level person at all, and they were immediately angry.

"What kind of thing are you? How dare you care about Grandpa's affairs!" Fu Sheng's face was blue with anger, his eyes were as wide as Tongling, and he wanted to peel and eat Xie Xuanyang. He saw that Xie Xuanyang was a young man, and the wrist that was exposed before seemed to be able to be broken as long as he used force. Compared with his own figure, Xie Xuanyang was just a small thing. When he thought of the fact that this little thing had disturbed him just now, Fu Sheng was even more angry in his heart. He stretched out his hand and pushed Xie Xuanyang's shoulder, pushing him to the ground and beating him, so that he knew that he was in the outer door. Great grandpa. But he didn't think about it but pushed it empty, Xie Xuanyang in front of him disappeared.

Fu Sheng saw that Xie Xuanyang had bypassed them at some point and came to Bai Qishan. He bent down slightly and stretched out his hand to Bai Qishan. His hands are very white, like the finest suet jade. Bai Qishan has only seen it on the children of rich families who are intensively raised in the mortal world. The thin skin and tender flesh did not look like the hands of a swordsman, and Bai Qishan couldn't help but suspect that the sword on Xie Xuanyang's back was a decoration.

"Can you get up?" Xie Xuanyang asked, "But where is the injury?"

"No." Bai Qishan patted Xie Xuanyang's hand away, and got up by herself to clear the dust on her body. He didn't want to have anything to do with Xie Xuanyang. Fu Sheng, who was behind Xie Xuanyang, was already furious. If he was regarded as a group with Xie Xuanyang, he would definitely be beaten, and his current body could not stand it.

"Xie Xuanyang!!" The neglected Fu Sheng roared, pounced on Xie Xuanyang to clasp his slender neck. Fu Sheng has never had an outer disciple dare to face him like this for so many years in the outer sect, and he feels that his position has been challenged.

Everyone felt that Xie Xuanyang was going to suffer, but they saw that Xie Xuanyang didn't turn his head, and clasped his hand on Fu Sheng's muscle knotted arm and pulled it gently and quickly. Before Fu Sheng could react, his hand fell weakly. Down, a sharp pain pierced his brain from his shoulder.


Just when Fu Sheng was about to fall to the ground in pain, suddenly a palm hit Fu Sheng's injured shoulder. Hearing a click, Fu Sheng fell to the ground completely and lost consciousness. When everyone saw it, it was the out-of-doors steward who had always been elusive. This steward looks very young, but I heard that he and the sect master are disciples of the same generation of Tianxian sect. It is rumored that he was one of the elders of the inner sect, and he almost became the suzerain of this generation, but he came to the outer sect for some reason.

The steward had a smile on his face, as if he didn't see the farce in front of him at all. He glanced at everyone with his hands behind his back, "It's been a lot of fun today, everyone's class is finished?"

Everyone didn't dare to make a sound when they saw this. The steward had never been in charge of their classes, and they didn't know how to answer when they suddenly asked. For a while, the outer door was eerily silent. A few people around Fu Sheng looked left and right: "Manage, manage, this new troublemaker." They didn't know how long the steward watched, but since he didn't mention Fu Sheng's beating, maybe he didn't see it, they It's better to put all the faults on Xie Xuanyang.

"Oh?" the steward said, "Xie Xuanyang still makes trouble? I'm on the way to take him to his residence, why did he make trouble?"

On the way to take him to the house? So the steward saw it from beginning to end? Several people's faces turned pale, "But, Fu Sheng...he was injured by Xie Xuanyang."

"Isn't this what I beat?" the steward said, "Fu Sheng skipped morning classes again and again. As your steward, I should change his lesson, shouldn't I?" After he finished speaking, he waved his hand and motioned for the group of outer disciples to disperse. " Alright, let's do our own thing." After the many disciples had dispersed, he turned to look at Xie Xuanyang, who was standing behind Xie Xuanyang at this time.

Bai Qi Sugimoto also wanted to leave with everyone, but when he was about to leave, he couldn't lift his feet. His feet were firmly stuck to the ground, and he couldn't even move a little. Until he was looked at by the steward. Now Bai Qishan knows that he was imprisoned by the confinement that the steward did not know when.

"Bai Qishan, you haven't left yet?" There were some surprises on the steward's face, which made Bai Qishan keep calling him old in his heart. It was obviously because of the imprisonment he dropped that Bai Qishan couldn't leave, but he wanted to make this picture. look. "Xie Xuanyang, look at your roommate, I know you don't recognize the way and want to take you away. It seems that the two of you will get along well in the future. Not bad, roommates will take care of each other in the future."

Xie Xuanyang nodded and said yes. He saw that Bai Qishan was not willing to stay. After all, he just didn't want to have a relationship with him, and he wouldn't change his face and quickly become willing to lead the way for him. But he wouldn't say it, just how Zhengchou made friends with Bai Qishan, the manager gave a reason, it's better to follow the trend.

Xie Xuanyang was interested in Bai Qishan from the first sight he saw. Bai Qishan is weak and bullied by others. Judging from his skilled curling up to protect himself, it seems that he has not been bullied for a day or two. If an ordinary person either accepts his fate or fights hard, he is not. At the same time as he was suffocating and not resisting, his eyes seemed to be hiding a tumbling storm, and the killing intent was bursting like a beast that was silently accumulating power. .

Among the people Xie Xuanyang knew, he had never seen anything like this, and it was very novel.

"Bai Qishan." Xie Xuanyang smiled at Bai Qishan, "Please give me more advice in the future."

Who wants to teach you a lot? Bai Qishan didn't want to pay attention to him at all. In his opinion, he was too busy to take care of himself, and he had no intention to take care of others, not to mention that this other person was a person with no spiritual roots even worse than him. What are the two wastes taking care of each other? How to die faster? If it wasn't for the steward still here, he must have been sarcastic, but now he can only forcefully pull the corner of his mouth back to Xie Xuanyang with a smile, "Take care of you in the future, Junior Brother Xie."

Seeing this, the steward also smiled and left, leaving only the two of them. Seeing the figure of the steward disappear from sight, the smile on Bai Qishan's face immediately disappeared without a trace. He lowered his face and looked at Xie Xuanyang gloomily, "Don't bother me." Then he turned around and left.

Xie Xuanyang was not annoyed, and raised his heels. When he first arrived here, the steward left by himself before he brought him to the residence. If he wanted to go to the residence, he could only follow his unfriendly roommate. Following Bai Qishan to the residence, Xie Xuanyang saw that he had no intention of talking with him, so he sat on his own bed, unloaded the sword on his back, and pulled it out.

The light scattered outside the window reflected a dazzling white light on the blade, so that Bai Qishan couldn't open his eyes.

"Do you cultivate swords?" Bai Qishan asked. He wanted to ask this question from the first time he saw Xie Xuanyang. Xie Xuanyang was carrying the sword, but he didn't see the hard calluses on his hands. A person who has been practicing sword since then is more like a novice who has just made the decision to practice sword. Maybe it was because he heard that Jianxiu did not have high requirements for spiritual roots, and he was more interested in Wujian? Bai Qishan thought.

Many people who are new to the sect think so. But in fact, it is difficult to enter the Dao, and it is even more difficult to cultivate a sword. Comprehension of the sword is never a simple matter. Even if it is the favored son of heaven, who has worked hard all day to practise the sword and comprehends the sword, but there are many people who can't achieve the result in the end. So Bai Qishan said: "I advise you to die from this heart. It is difficult for those with spiritual roots to cultivate swords. If you don't have spiritual roots, don't even think about it. Sword cultivators don't just have to take a sword."

"I know." Xie Xuanyang lowered his eyes and placed the sword on his lap, holding the hilt with one hand and stroking the blade with the other. He asked, "Do you know what a sword is?"

Bai Qishan didn't know, and he didn't want to know, so he rolled his eyes and replied angrily, "How do I know?"

Xie Xuanyang raised his eyes: "Then you can use a sword"

"Use." Bai Qishan said, "But I don't practice swords."

Xie Xuanyang sighed when he heard the words, and his eyes faintly swept across Bai Qishan's right hand hanging beside him. There were many calluses on the tiger's mouth, and the calluses also had some small scars, some of which were still new. He suddenly snapped his fingers and hit the body of the sword, and a ding sound hit Bai Qishan's ear, which made him feel a kind of ethereal attack, and the distracting thoughts in his mind disappeared. But only for a moment.

"Do you want to repair the sword?" Xie Xuanyang asked again.

This time Bai Qishan stopped, he was silent for a long time, his eyes were complicated, "No."

I don't want to, I still can't thank Xuanyang and stop talking. He knows that some things can't be asked, so it's better not to ask. But even if Bai Qishan doesn't say it now, he will know in the future, who let them both live in the same room? The days of immortality are long, and he has time to get to know his roommate.

When the time is near unitary, the sun is slanting west, and the sky is orange-red. Xie Xuanyang looked at Akane outside the window, the fingers of his left hand flexed, the thumb lightly buckled the lower part of the ring finger, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

Some things are meant to be.