Dark Moon Era

Chapter 101: Level three ferocious beast


Look at the invincible, huge, and unknown monster on the screen.

Tang Ling's forehead was covered in cold sweat, but there were too many inexplicable thoughts in his mind.

"Even the oxygen content has changed in this era."

If the oxygen content in the air was still the same as that of pre-civilizations, it would be impossible for such huge creatures to appear, because the concentration of oxygen is not enough to meet the needs of large creatures.

But if modern times are a high-oxygen environment, how can humans adapt? Oxygen poisoning will occur because the lungs will not be able to bear it first!

And if it is a high-oxygen environment, human beings will definitely undergo drastic changes to adapt to the times. How can they still be the same as previous civilizations

Or is it that the current human speed, strength and even some inexplicable changes are already a change? Do these require a high oxygen environment

What kind of inexplicable era is this

Tang Ling's mind was a little confused and he couldn't connect some of the knowledge he knew with the current era.

In fact, even if he has a super memory, it is impossible for him to understand so much in just a few days of reading.

In the past few days, he found that he seemed to have a wonderful state of 'memory'. As long as he had read the theory in the book, even if he just glanced at it and didn't understand it at all, he would understand it afterwards and come up with something related to it. some relative knowledge.

For example, if he knows the Pythagorean Theorem, he will know the mathematical derivation process to prove the Pythagorean Theorem.

Tang Ling was too lazy to think about this, but at various moments, it seemed that it had become some kind of instinct for him to think in combination with knowledge.

But what does instinct do

"How could this happen here? Is the situation getting worse?" In less than three seconds, Tang Ling had already thought a lot, but Yang Kong whispered to himself, interrupting Tang Ling's thinking. .

Even Yang Kong became very concerned? Tang Ling looked up and saw the monster that was still eating frantically, and was shocked.

At this time, a man who seemed to be the commander who had been sitting in the middle of the watchtower without saying a word finally stood up.

His tone was slightly urgent.

"Emergency, emergency, a suspected Level 3 ferocious beast appears in Area 6 of the battlefield at coordinates 33.76. Preliminary observations indicate high-end capabilities."

"Damn, I hope it's not about space!" The commander couldn't help but cursed at this time.

When the word "space" fell out, Yang Kong's brows suddenly tightened.

"It is recommended that Ziyue warriors immediately form a five-person team and go to eliminate the target. Or, dispatch."

"Third-level warriors and above." The commander paused and said the last words.

At this moment, Yang Kong suddenly turned to the stunned Tang Ling and others and said quickly: "Stop the lecture. I don't know if you are lucky, but you can see a big show on your first day here."

After saying this, he walked to the command podium in front of the big screen and directly took over the command of the commander.

"Area No. 7, Area No. 5, Area No. 4, all personnel should retreat immediately."

"All combatants within the coordinate range 33-43.65-89 will also be evacuated immediately."

"All members of the patrol area guard team have entered the first level of security and are preparing to activate the M777 howitzer. They have been given the second level permission to connect to the city protection instrument 'Sky Eye' to carry out precise strikes on targets."

Having said this, Yang Kong hesitated for a moment, and then said again: "In addition, two GM-45 155mm towed howitzers are also in preparation for combat."

"Report to the command center, permission to use artillery shells." A reply came from the console of the command center immediately, with hesitation and a hint of unnoticeable distress in his tone.

"The highest authority, no matter the cost." Yang Kong pursed his lips. The foundation of Safety Zone 17 was insufficient. Artillery shells were an absolutely precious resource. At least, Safety Zone 17 did not have the ability to produce them on its own for the time being.

But so what? Times have changed. Although the weapons of pre-civilizations are powerful, they are no longer absolutely capable of dominating the battlefield.

Not even nuclear missiles! Times have—changed!

Calculated this way, as long as we can hunt down the level three ferocious beast on the screen - the Red Dragon Lizard, no matter how many shells we use, we will get our money back.

Yang Kong's command immediately plunged the battlefield into a state of absolute tension. Countless combatants began to retreat, and the steel cable belt area immediately became extremely busy.

Each soldier was pulled back to the Barrier of Hope by a tightrope, but they had no idea what was happening

Of course, no need to know what happened? On the battlefield, unconditional execution is the most important military quality.

The commander also stood aside honestly, not complaining at all about Yang Kong snatching the command.

Yang Kong's status was very high. This was the first time that Tang Ling and others realized that this man who was unkempt when they first met, had an unpredictable personality, and whose only interests were scientific research and flying dragons, was extremely unusual.

Compared to others, Tang Ling was obviously more shocked.

Because he possesses level three ferocious beast meat. There is no doubt that it is level three ferocious beast meat. The man named 'Kun' in the mysterious shop threw the level three ferocious beast meat to him very indifferently. It was the food of his little turtle.

Actually, it came from such a terrifying guy? !

No wonder Leno wants to snatch it! !

Everything was ready at this time, just waiting for the Ziyue warriors to go out on a mission.

What kind of battle will this be? Tang Ling actually forgot about fear and was more excited.

On the screen, the monster is still harvesting food. It seems to be strolling around, just filling its stomach at will, but the direction it is moving is pointed directly at the Barrier of Hope.

Possessing precise instincts, Tang Ling began to calculate again. This monster was accelerating every second. It was a very small acceleration. For example, the speed in the first second was one meter, and the speed in the next second became 1.01 meters. .

This made Tang Ling extra sensitive, and he felt a certain purpose of the monster.

Almost involuntarily, he began to use precise instincts to calculate the amplitude of muscle movement on the monster's face. This was the first time he had done this calculation, like a vague instinct guiding Tang Ling to make a certain judgment.

And this kind of judgment gradually took shape almost in the next second.

The movement of the muscles on the monster's face outlines a 'vivid' expression, and the difference in amplitude reveals anticipation, nervousness, and undisguised excitement.

What is the result? Tang Ling himself was confused, but it really wasn't outrageous. Humans have micro-expressions that can reveal their moods, but ferocious beasts don't

What he couldn't understand was why he could read some of the ferocious beast's 'thoughts' through precise instincts.

Is this kind of cold number calculation to calculate emotional mood an interesting discovery

(End of chapter)