Dark Moon Era

Chapter 107: Universal Energy Stone (Part 2)


"I didn't do anything. I just concentrated on 'looking' at that stone because I really wanted to figure out what it was." Tang Ling told the truth with a certain skill, and it didn't sound like there was any flaw in it.

A sarcastic smile appeared on Yang Kong's face.

Tang Ling was a little dissatisfied and said loudly: "I don't know how my mental power is, but I can often sense danger when I concentrate. I think I can sense something."

"Do you think I'm laughing at you?" Yang Kong asked Tang Ling to stand up, and then casually called all the teenagers over.

"Just now Tang Ling recklessly used his mental power to sense this, well, you should call it the universal energy stone, which almost caused extremely bad consequences."

"What are the consequences? It could range from turning into an idiot, or at worst, your body could explode."

"I don't know if it's because you're not mentally strong enough, or because you're lucky, you just have symptoms of dizziness. If I hadn't taken action in time, wouldn't you have fallen?" Yang Kong said to everyone seriously at first. this matter.

When they reached the back, their eyes fell on Tang Ling alone, and the mocking look on his face became even more intense.

He had no ill intentions, and he didn't know if it was because of Feilong. He also had a more 'biased' appreciation for this young man, who was calm but not timid, even very courageous and good at thinking.

Especially the latter point is a quality that Yang Kong particularly appreciates.

But just because of this appreciation, he had to stop Tang Ling's recklessness.

Tang Ling accepted Yang Kong's taunt. Yang Kong was right. If he hadn't sensed the surge of energy with precision and instinct, he would have exploded and died.

At first, he pretended to be dissatisfied, just because he was afraid that Yang Kong's ridicule was because he suspected something about him.

The scars and Su Yao's reminder made Tang Ling unimaginably defensive.

Of course, there are some fools who don't believe Yang Kong's words. For example, Auston shouted loudly: "Isn't it just a stone with a special color? Is it that serious?"

"Well, it's not serious. You can try to concentrate on sensing it. This stone happens to be very sensitive to fluctuations in mental power, and it will definitely 'respond' to you. How about trying it?" Yangkong raised the corners of his mouth and encouraged. A word from Auston.

Auston scratched his head, he was not that stupid after all.

"Remember, you are Crescent Warriors in the Barrier of Hope, but you are also the most immature students and know nothing about anything. You are here to learn. You who are unknown and confused must first learn some precious qualities. , that’s asking. Otherwise, the slightest mistake will kill you." Yang Kong's expression was calm, but his tone was unprecedentedly severe.

After receiving a lesson, Tang Ling also firmly remembered this sentence.

But more importantly, he heard the name Universal Energy Stone. After some thinking, he finally found a similar analogy in the energy fluctuations it emits.

The specific analogy should not be a thing, but a concept. This concept is that any living existence can be called an analogy.

Therefore, the fluctuation of energy is very much like the breath of life.

This breath is like the forest in the morning, with dewy leaves, birds chirping everywhere, the moment when everything wakes up

It is also like a settlement in the evening. When the bonfire is lit, the smoke of fireworks carrying the smell of food and the moment of peace of mind when people return home to rest.

It is indescribably subtle, but it is the breath of life. At a certain moment, it will be very obvious and can make people feel clearly.

The energy of this universal energy stone is similar to it, but different, but it is undeniable that its energy is full of vitality.

"Tang Ling, why do you pay special attention to the universal energy stone? I want to hear your reasons." Yang Kong interrupted Tang Ling's thoughts and brought the topic back to the key point.

In fact, except for Auston, who was relatively slow, everyone felt that the problem lay with the purple boulder.

Previously, in the command hall, whether it was a coincidence that this area was not monitored, or for some other reason, everyone did not realize that there was such a presence in front of the watchtower.

Anthony opened the window, and only Tang Ling noticed the flash of purple light.

But now, it's impossible to ignore it.

Moreover, everyone felt the changes in body and mental state. Only Auston did not think about the purple boulder.

"I don't know, I just instinctively feel that this universal energy stone is the reason why the Barrier of Hope exists." Tang Ling answered directly.

Yang Kong was very direct this time, saying: "Yes, the Barrier of Hope exists because of it."

"To be precise, it should be for this reason that the Barrier of Hope was built."

"Not only that, all the battles here happened because of it. It is also because of its existence that it attracts all the powerful creatures that come to this area."

"Because of this, our Safety Zone No. 17 can have a so-called stable front, such as safety belts and sub-safety belts! Don't all wars happen here?"

Despite their speculations, the teenagers were still shocked and had more complicated emotions.

It turns out that the so-called security is all an illusion, because all the wars are concentrated here.

This kind of subversion seems to be telling them that this era is more cruel than they imagined, and even stability must have a price behind it.

But Yang Kong didn't want to go any further on this topic. He just pointed at the huge universal energy stone and said, "You already know some of its essence from its name, right? Universal energy?"

"Yes, it is indeed! This concept is huge and difficult to understand. But you just need to remember that whether it is the heat energy required to boil a pot of hot water or the driving force required to push an object, it can provide energy for it.”

"Speaking of it this way, does it look like oil from pre-civilizations? Or coal? No, it's not the same, just similar. Not to mention its purity and the energy value it provides are far greater than these things. Let's just talk about its transformation. The efficiency is 100%, and no complicated machinery is needed to convert it.”

"It's hard to understand, isn't it? In fact, it's hard for me to understand too." Yang Kong's expression also changed somewhat. This is something that goes beyond the basic scientific theories set by previous civilizations, but this era does not have the ability to use it. A new theory to explain it, to define it.

"For it to transform, it only needs one condition. That is mental power!" Yang Kong added softly.

At the same time, a strange expression could not be suppressed on his face, and he said: "If, when you discover that its effect is not only on simple inanimate objects, but also on living things. Then , can you understand everything here, the madness here?”

(End of chapter)