Dark Moon Era

Chapter 108: Permissions


Indeed, I can understand it.

Although it takes at least a few minutes to think about it to understand it, and you must know some knowledge.

A simple metaphor is like boiling a pot of water, which requires heat energy.

Putting aside the various heat-generating mechanical instruments of pre-civilization, the most primitive method also requires a pile of combustibles, then lighting a fire, using the combustibles to keep the fire burning, and using the heat of the fire to boil the pot of water.

This is a transformation of energy.

In this process, the heat of the fire inevitably spreads to the surroundings, so it takes time to boil a pot of water. Instead of the heat of the fire being transferred to the water itself instantly, it immediately reaches the boiling point of 100 degrees.

This is not an exact metaphor, but it appropriately illustrates the issue of energy conversion rate.

So what does Yang Kong express about the universal energy stone

The simplest and crudest way to put it is that if you want to boil water, put a pot of water on the universal energy stone, and you use your mental power to define that its function is to boil water, then the universal energy stone can provide the heat energy to boil water.

And during the process, this heat energy only acts on water, without spillage and waste, achieving a 100% conversion rate.

Crazy, okay

The young people present who can enter the first preparatory camp all have a basic knowledge. Thinking of this, their faces instantly turned red!

It's just like a joke. If you didn't say it to the sky, who would believe it

In addition, can it affect life

This is more like a joke. For example, if you are injured, use your mental power to tell the universal energy stone to heal the injury.

If my thinking becomes more divergent, hungry, thirsty, and more "fantasy", my life force will be exhausted and I still want to live.

Thinking of this, even the timid Andy's eyes turned red when he looked at the huge purple boulder.

"What are you guys thinking about?" Yangkong leaned against a pillar at the top edge of the watchtower. Seeing the excited faces of these teenagers, he couldn't help but sneered.

Thinking about it, they should have magnified the effect of universal energy stone on life.

"It doesn't have those random thoughts of yours. For living bodies, its only function is to provide energy, energy that makes living bodies more powerful."

"But you remember, this universal energy stone is very magical, and it is also very violent. I think you should understand this, Tang Ling. Its body, with our current power, cannot be cut and reused. The only thing that can be used is the energy it emits."

"I mean those purple lights." After Yang Kong said this, he stood up straight and looked at these teenagers solemnly.

"So, you should understand that the meaning of the existence of the Barrier of Hope is to occupy this place of 'light'! Guard this universal energy stone! The same is your duty! No matter how many dangerous beings this universal energy stone attracts to gather here, If we want to fight for it, we cannot give in at all, because it is the hope and heritage of Safety Zone 17. "

"Yes!" The teenagers stood up straight with their hands behind their backs, loudly accepting the responsibility.

And Yang Kong nodded, then took off the badge on his chest and walked in front of the teenagers.

"Then, let's start now. As your instructor, the instructor who will give you the first lesson. On behalf of Hope Barrier, I will officially authorize you."

"After authorization, you will better understand the meaning of what I said before." Yang Kong said.

The teenagers were slightly excited. After authorization, does it mean that those blinding white lights will disappear and they will see the entire grand barrier of hope

The so-called authorization ceremony is very simple.

The specific process is that Yang Kong uses his own badge and the boys' badges to stick to each other for about 10 seconds.

In this way, the chip hidden in the teenagers' badges will record the information from the chip in Yangkong's badge. When Yangkong officially confirms the information through the badge, the permissions of the badges worn by the teenagers will be officially activated.

During this process, Tang Ling noticed a detail. When transmitting information, Yangkong would press the second star on the left edge of the badge.

During the final confirmation, the biggest star on the badge was pressed.

Tang Ling himself couldn't explain why he wanted to remember these insignificant things, but they should be useful later

"Your permissions have been officially activated. Wait for two seconds. Then you can see the barrier of hope." Yang Kong reminded him, interrupting Tang Ling's random thoughts.

Two seconds later, the sound of teenagers breathing in one after another came from the top of the watchtower.

I already had an idea of what a barrier of hope looks like.

In addition to the concept, they also saw its three-dimensional image through a teaching projector.

But when I actually saw this 'behemoth' that took 90 years to build, I was still shocked beyond words.

Under the sun, in the purple light.

Stretching for 13 kilometers, the barrier built close to the cliff of Hope Cliff exudes crystal clear and colorful light.

In the light, the camp on the top edge of the barrier, the steel cable belt, and the artillery array were filled with an iron-blooded atmosphere.

On the steel cable belt, soldiers wearing electromagnetic arm guards came and went.

Below, large carriers carrying various 'harvests', such as beast carcasses, similar to pre-civilized trains, were passing through a gate at the bottom of the Barrier of Hope, entering and exiting.

And in the midst of this busyness, large expanses of green, representing hope and life, unexpectedly occupied our eyes.

Barrier of Hope, the 150-meter-high Barrier of Hope. Except for the bottom 50 meters, which is made of a strange metal similar to the inner city wall, the upper 100 meters are all made of a kind of glass that should be glass, but it is There are 'glass walls' constructed of subtly different materials.

Therefore, when you first look at it, it will emit colorful crystal light, which is so beautiful.

Behind these glass walls, starting from the bottom of the glass wall and rising every ten meters, there will be a huge platform that also extends for thirteen kilometers. What is on the platform

All kinds of crops are planted, and breeding farms can be vaguely seen, with many people and soldiers busy among them.

The same is true for the top platform. The difference is that within fifty meters of the top platform near the outer edge, there are a large number of barracks stationed, which is what Yang Kong calls the patrol place.

Barrier of Hope is more like a farm in nature!

No wonder no wonder

The teenagers were shocked and speechless, but there was also a sense of absurdity in their hearts. Who the hell came up with this genius idea? Putting a farm on the edge of such a volatile battlefield

Aren’t there a lot of areas for seat belts and sub-seat belts? Why isn't that land used? Do you need to go to great lengths to artificially build land and 'glass houses' to grow these crops

Of course, when this idea comes to mind, as long as you are not a fool, you should be able to think that all this must be related to the universal energy stone!

I seem to have forgotten something. By the way, everyone remember to vote, vote, vote!

(End of chapter)