Dark Moon Era

Chapter 11: Escape (Part 2)


The dark passage was filled with smoke and dust.

After the violent explosion, the aftershocks caused by the shocking destruction are still echoing.

My ears were still ringing, and the muffled sound of falling rocks from time to time was frightening.

Tang Ling coughed violently and felt that his internal organs were still shaking.

His mother-in-law was fine, and so was his sister. Tang Ling stood up and breathed a sigh of relief, then pulled up the two people he had just pinned down.

"Damn it." Quark spat, wiped the dust from his face, and said to himself: "The amount is too large."

But then he laughed exaggeratedly, stretched out a middle finger of his left hand and shook it, shouting: "Damn rats, if you have the guts, why don't you follow me?"

Not paying attention to Quark's strange gestures, Tang Ling stopped coughing and looked back, only to find that countless large and small stones had completely buried the entrance to the passage they had just entered.

"What is it?" The shock in his heart could no longer be suppressed. Even in the wild forest where he ventured, the most dangerous rock-cracking bear could not launch such an attack.

Is this something a weak human being can do? Can the Purple Moon Warriors do it

That explosion and the astonishing destructive power cannot be forgotten after just one glance.

"Explosives. Do you understand? Explosives." Quark seemed to be in a good mood. He took out a pot of water from a small backpack he carried and took a sip as he answered casually.

Tang Ling's eyes widened, medicine? A cure? He couldn't understand that this kind of thing could have such power

With a sarcastic smile on his face, Quark casually put his arm around Tang Ling's shoulder: "I once heard of a word called sitting in a well and watching the sky. It means that a frog, no, it should be called a tongue-licking beast, is placed in a narrow tunnel. , the sky you see is always only as big as the tunnel exit.”

"Do you understand? This is a description of an ignorant person. But, if you think about it carefully, sometimes ignorance may be a kind of happiness. You just need to live." As he spoke, Quark began to rummage in his bag again. Pan, took out a slightly rusty cylinder, pressed it gently, and a bright light source lit up in the dark passage.

This time, not only Tang Ling, but also her mother-in-law were surprised. They knew that there was something in the safe zone that emitted light through something called electricity, called a lamp.

But what did Quark hold in his hands? Is it also a lamp

"Let's go. If you stay in this damn passage, you will be trapped to death sooner or later. I once inspected that it can lead directly to the safe zone. When the time comes, people in the safe zone will be surprised to find, wow, how can there be danger underground? If only one person comes out, not even the Purple Moon Warriors can guard against me." Quark chattered, holding his glowing cylinder and walking straight ahead.

Tang Ling silently picked up his sister and pulled his mother-in-law to follow Quark.

He couldn't describe his feelings at this time. The sorrow of hell descending and the 'magic' displayed by Quark intertwined into inexplicable emotions in his heart. He doubted the reality of this world, and could not explain that weak humans were not so 'weak'.

At least Quark proves that.

"You said you want to dig this passage directly to the safe zone? Does that mean this passage leads to the safe zone?" Tang Ling's mood was complicated, but his mother-in-law's sudden words interrupted Tang Ling's thoughts.

Quark turned around, and in the light, Tang Ling noticed a strange light shining in her mother-in-law's eyes, eager and shocked!

"How is that possible? We are at least a few hundred meters away from the safe zone! It is impossible to move forward." Quark's tone was a little frustrated.

"Why, didn't you say it leads to the safe zone?" Tang Ling would not hold on to such vague hope. If it really led to the safe zone, there was really no need for Quark to find him.

But this doesn't mean that Tang Ling has no doubts.

"X, black-horned purple-striped snake! There is a whole nest of black-horned purple-striped snakes behind the wall!" Quark's expression was filled with fear, and he told Tang Ling the reason without any concealment.

"What did you say?" Anger suddenly rose in Tang Ling's heart, and he stepped forward and grabbed Quark's collar.

As an adventurous hunter, he knows very well how dangerous the black-horned purple snake is. The king of the wild forest is the rock-cracking bear, but it does not dare to fight head-on against the black-horned and purple-striped snake.

Just because an adult black-horned purple-striped snake is at least fifteen meters long, their explosive power can strangle all beasts including the rock-cracking bear, provided that you are successfully strangled by it.

If that's all it is, it's not very scary. The scary thing is that the black-horned purple-striped snake is highly venomous. Even if the skin is scratched just a little by its teeth or the horns on its head, it means there is no way to save it.

A black-horned purple-striped snake is the most terrifying killer. What is the concept of a nest of black-horned purple-striped snakes? In comparison, the crowd of corpses outside was not that scary.

Quark actually brought them into such danger? How could Tang Ling endure it

"Otherwise, why do you think I would call you?" Quark was not nervous, but gently pushed Tang Ling's hand away, and then said: "Theoretically, this passage can lead to the safe zone, but at the critical moment The location is blocked by a wall.”

"I don't know who the hell built those walls. But now, I think I should thank them. When I broke down the wall with so much pains, I found a group of black-horned purple-striped snakes inside. Among them, there was also a big snake Partner."

"I'm sure it's about to mutate again."

Quark finished all this in one breath, regardless of whether Tang Ling could digest the information or not understand what the mutation meant. In short, he winked at Tang Ling and said very directly: "Do you still want to hide it anymore? You can avoid danger."

Tang Ling's expression changed. Is this his secret that Quark knows? Something about precision instinct.

But luckily, he doesn't know 'it' yet!

"Are you following me?" No matter what, this feeling was not good, and Tang Ling's eyes were filled with defensiveness.

"I think any businessman will be interested in a guy who is inexplicably lucky. But just being interested doesn't mean I care much. Except now!" Quark did not deny anything.

Tang Ling stopped talking. In fact, judging from the magic displayed by Quark, it was not impossible for him to observe him quietly.

Taking a deep breath, Tang Ling began to stand side by side with Quark: "What you just said was too vague. You must tell me the details. I can't guarantee to bring anyone out of here just relying on my ethereal instincts."

As for what you will face after you go out? What to do? Tang Ling didn't have any complete plan, but the current dilemma must be solved.

Because there is no way out.

"There's no problem." Quark began to tell Tang Ling in detail about this secret passage.

Tang Ling listened attentively, not noticing the dimming of her mother-in-law's eyes or Shanshan who had been completely quiet for some time.

She lost her ability to cry again.

(End of chapter)