Dark Moon Era

Chapter 110: crack


Sure enough, Amir yelled in the next sentence: "I was born in a settlement. I just want to say that if you let me work here, I can eat with peace of mind. I am very willing."

After saying this, Amir seemed to realize his gaffe, and took a step back in fear, quickly lowering his head.

He looked a little scared.

After a month of closed training, it was no longer a secret that Amir was born in a settlement. He himself had mentioned it once before.

"It's safe here." Tang Ling let go of Amir and helped Andy up.

In fact, isn't Amir's idea not Tang Ling's? Is there anything better than this, at least for the people in the settlement

No need to brave the severe cold or heat, no need to run around, no need to even be confused about what to do tomorrow in exchange for food? As long as they are protected by warriors, even Ziyue warriors, they can eat enough by farming every day.

What is this if not beautiful

Amir was born in a foreign city and there was no way he could understand.

"Yes, Andy, it is safe. The Barrier of Hope must be guarded by Security Zone 17. There are also Purple Moon warriors here. What could be safer than working in the Barrier of Hope?" Wei An also comforted Andy, She was also uneasy, as she was also born in an outer city.

But girls may mature earlier than boys, so she quickly figured out the problem and didn't panic.

"Yes, I'm sorry, Amir." Andy whispered.

"Huh? Hmm." Amir didn't seem to expect Andy to apologize and accepted it in a panic.

"Come here, Amir. No one blames you, we all understand." Tang Ling always had different feelings for Amir, and he also spoke to comfort Amir, even though Amir seemed to be a little resistant to everyone.

It was Auston who forcibly pulled Amir over.

At this time, when a small disturbance was about to end, Yang Kong calmly interjected: "If someone disrupts the class again in the future, I will not be polite. Considering that this is only the first time, and it is the first class."

Everyone was silent and did not dare to speak. No one dared to question Yang Kong's seriousness at this time.

Sure enough, the next moment Yang Kong spoke sarcastically and said, "Do you think everyone can work here? Only the most trusted residents of Safety Zone No. 17 can obtain the labor qualification here."

"Andy, your parents may not be here. In Security Zone 17, there are many places that require labor, including factories built underground."

"Otherwise, where do you think the things you eat, live in, wear, and enjoy all the materials come from? In this era, no waste can survive openly."

'What about those nobles in the safe zone? Tang Ling really wanted to ask, but he didn't ask this pointed question. It is the best choice to continue listening to the class now.

"Where is our first reserve camp?" Yu rarely spoke, obviously to change the topic.

The affection established between teenagers will always be expressed no matter what method is used.

Although it was a bit tactful, Yu's question still successfully brought Yang Kong's attention back to the classroom.

"Haven't you found it yet? Take a closer look at where the other end of the main battle passage leads to?"

Yang Kong's reminder made the teenagers notice that the other end of the main battle passage leads to Hope Cliff.

Before, due to permission issues, there were white lights all around, and it was impossible to notice that there was such a large cave on Hope Cliff.

It's an artificial cave!

At this time, the answer to the question was very obvious. The first reserve camp turned out to be in the cave.

"Actually, except for the Purple Moon warriors, all the barracks are stationed in Hope Cliff. When they are not on duty at patrol sites, they usually stay in the cave."

"This is not without its benefits. After all, it is close to the universal energy stone! Therefore, it is not that simple in the cave."

"After all, how can there be no reward for the warrior in a place where the mortality rate is so high?"

Yang Kong's few words made the teenagers extremely curious. What is the reward? If it has anything to do with universal energy stones, it would be very exciting to think about.

But at this time, Yang Kong didn't want to explain too much about this small issue. He just said lightly: "The universal energy stone can make such 'fragile' seeds of the previous civilization survive. Then you can imagine that through certain means, , allowing the soldiers to practice nearby, the improvement will be huge."

"This can also be seen as one of the foundations of Safe Zone 17."

"But how can a place only have heritage? In this era, anything gained comes at a price."

"Do you think fighting like this is the price? Do you think this price is too small?"

When Yang Kong said this, a hint of anger appeared on his cold face.

Is this a small price to pay? The teenagers were a little numb. Could there be something more terrifying

Yang Kong took a deep breath, turned around, faced the battlefield and said softly: "You also turn around now and your authority has been increased. You can see something hidden."

"This thing is hidden on the battlefield. You must remember it, remember it deeply, it is as important as the universal energy stone, and it must be taken seriously."

"It's just a disgusting thing."

As soon as Yang Kong finished his words, the teenagers turned around impatiently. What was it that needed the instructor to describe it like this

But when everyone turned around and saw that 'thing' with their own eyes, a creepy feeling suddenly gripped everyone's heart.

A crack, a huge crack! On the other side of the universal energy stone, less than 20 meters away and directly opposite the watchtower, there is a huge crack.

Its length stretches to the distance at least 10 kilometers.

The widest place reaches hundreds of meters, and the narrowest place is more than 10 meters.

It just stands on top of the ruins, revealing the deep underground

Is this a crack worth being so afraid of? Tang Ling tried his best to resist the feeling of fear in his heart and took two steps forward.

He wanted to see clearly what was underneath this huge crack? But until he reached the edge of the top of the watchtower, he couldn't tell how deep the crack was.

All I could see was darkness, with no end in sight.

I tried to measure with precision, but it didn’t work! It strangely failed! Even the depth of what is seen cannot be measured.

The only feeling was, unexpectedly, one of deep malice.

How come you feel like this? A drop of cold sweat appeared on Tang Ling's forehead. He couldn't explain how 'emotion' could emerge from a crack

And Yang Kong's words also rang in his ears at the same time: "This disguise is not ours. It is the disguise of the crack itself."


Because the worldview of this book is particularly grand. I remember when I opened the book, some people said that the worldview was rough. I can’t say that. This book does not lay out the worldview at once like other books, but rather follows the plot to tear apart the worldview bit by bit. . If you look carefully at this rhythm, you will see that it is actually setting the worldview. I think this is also the reason why it is so slow, but if it is spread out, it will look very good. I personally think it looks good. Writing about Dark Moon is more tiring than writing about Warriors and Mountains and Seas.

I know you want to read the plot, but for the sake of the whole book, I can't produce a plot in three or four thousand words, not to mention that one chapter only has two thousand words. Sometimes I am hesitant to choose between the rhythm and the effect of the entire book. If you speed up the pace, the benefits to the book will be immediate, but please allow me to be willful. In fact, I personally feel that the pace is not too slow, but only four thousand words are updated every day. It will be much better after it is released.

(End of chapter)