Dark Moon Era

Chapter 115: Drag oil bottle


Andy felt a little sad when he thought that Yu would leave. It took a lot of effort to get acquainted with him and become a friendly companion.

Even if they are still in the First Preparatory Camp, but they no longer live together, will they become estranged

However, we can't live in this cave that represents backwardness forever, right? Everyone will gradually become stronger and will definitely leave here.

So, Tang Ling is the last one. How lonely will he be then

Thinking of this, Andy couldn't help but look at Tang Ling sympathetically.

"What are you looking at?" Tang Ling glanced at Andy sideways, then took out 7 or 8 apples from various places on his body, and shouted directly in the 'dormitory': "Eat the apples."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was movement in all the small caves in this 'cave dormitory'. Except for Amir, the rest of the people were there, and there were also two seniors. Unfortunately, they were also in the bottom ten, so they had to Live in this cave.

Tang Ling distributed the apples to everyone, then jumped to his own small cave, sat on the edge, swaying his eyes, holding an unlit cigarette in his mouth, and watched everyone eating apples with satisfaction.

He just likes the way everyone is "complicit".

"Tang Ling, let's go on a mission together today." It was Yu who spoke. He spoke much more fluently than before, and collective life was not without its benefits.

"No." Tang Ling refused directly, stretched out and rested his head on his head, looking like he was a fool who deserved a beating.

"It's not difficult. We can hunt corpses and beasts in the safest war zone No. 10." Yu frowned and added unwillingly. It was rare for him to say so many words.

"Just do more tasks and accumulate some hope points." Tang Ling was still smiling, but he didn't let up at all.

Strictly speaking, they have not officially started practicing yet. According to what was said in Yang Kong's class, in order to officially enter the training course, each of them must have a strength of 1,000 kilograms, a speed of less than 5 per 100 meters, and nerve reaction speed and endurance. It has to reach a certain value.

"This means that your physical fitness can withstand the power of training. Of course, you must wait until all of you reach this value, or most of you reach this value, and then Instructor Os, who is in charge of the internal body training course, will officially teach you."

"Why? No why, the instructor's time is also precious. Do you think the teaching should be one-on-one?"

In view of this, making progress together is very important. Over the years, it is also because of this requirement that one team after another of the 1st Reserve Battalion has established a more sincere combat friendship.

Tang Ling was like a drag.

"Tang Ling, can you be more diligent? Don't you know that this guy Yu wants to take you on a mission, hoping that you can accumulate some hope points?" Auston chewed an apple and walked to Tang Ling angrily. In front of him, he wanted to slap Tang Ling, but Tang Ling grabbed his wrist.

Tang Ling was still smiling, and Alston sighed helplessly. How come he hadn't seen this guy so unmotivated before

Every week, except for completing required tasks and attending classes on time, he is free to move around.

After all, this is the first preparatory camp, not a kindergarten in a safe zone. As long as you abide by the rules and complete what you need to do, your freedom will not be too restricted.

No one knew what Tang Ling did during his free movement.

But living together every day, you can always see clearly that he has gained nothing.

Promotion often relies on one's own efforts and self-awareness. Auston is really worried about this guy Tang Ling.

"Auston, forcing is useless. But we are the 107th Raptors team, and we will not let anyone fall behind." Wei An's gentle voice came. She held a combat uniform and looked at it. It looks like it has been cleaned and repaired.

It was Tang Ling's regular combat uniform. I don't know why it was always in tatters. What was he doing when he moved around freely

Auston snorted in dissatisfaction. Only Tang Ling could come up with such an unpleasant name for the Raptors. The problem was that everyone agreed.

Just because Tang Ling said that dragons are the most powerful, especially the giant dragons from the pre-civilization Dongshengzhou Huaxia Kingdom, which are omnipotent in heaven and earth.

"Yes, if this guy Tang Ling really turns into a 'troublemaker', it would be great if we all find a way to prevent him from falling behind." Christina was eating an apple and wiping her face, and glared at Tang Ling as she spoke. Ling glanced.

Tang Ling made a face at her, making Christianan so angry that she didn't want to look at him again.

"That's the only way it can be. I'm really taking advantage of you, brat." Auston was still dissatisfied. He admired Tang Ling. Tang Ling's 'amazing' performance in the first test still left a shocking feeling in his heart. impression.

But why is this kid a scoundrel

"Tang Ling, be careful with your clothes next time. You have spent all your hope points, and there is nothing left to exchange for combat uniforms." Wei An blushed a little, lowered her head and handed over the mended and cleaned clothes. Tang Ling.

"Andy, help me get it." Tang Ling looked indifferent and asked casually: "Where's Amir?"

"You kid." Auston said a few words through his teeth. Looking at Wei An who was a little disappointed and forced a smile, he didn't know what to say? Anyway, he was unwilling to answer Tang Ling's question.

"I'm sorry to ask, but Amir is not like you. He's already on a mission. I'm really worried about him. I probably don't even have time to sleep." Christina rolled her eyes at Tang Ling.

"Hey, Tina, you seem to care about Amir very much," Andy immediately teased as if he had discovered a new world.

Everyone immediately burst into laughter. The two unlucky seniors who had been silent while eating apples looked envious. One of them couldn't help but said: "It's such a great relationship, this Raptors team."

With a smile on his face, Tang Ling closed his eyes and lay down. The laughter of his friends was still in his ears.

If possible, he doesn't want to play the role of a "stoker", he also wants to grow upright with everyone.

However, who is targeting him behind him is a lingering shadow. He must lie dormant, must keep a low profile, must

Moreover, in the end, I still have enough to eat. In order not to drag everyone down, I still have to solve this matter myself.

It can be really tiring to carry forward with secrets.

Tang Ling quietly clenched his fists, not allowing himself to have such weak thoughts.

At this time, everyone has finished packing, and those who are due to go on missions are ready to set off.

In fact, if it weren't for waiting for Tang Ling and Andy to come back, everyone should have set off long ago.

It was also at this time that Tang Ling suddenly said: "I got some reliable news, how about we go on a group mission on Friday?"

(End of chapter)