Dark Moon Era

Chapter 117: Free movement (Part 2)


Through the information room of the First Preparatory Battalion, Tang Ling knew that human sleep was very important.

Sleep patterns are divided into 'rapid eye movement sleep' in which the eyes move rapidly when dreaming, and 'slow wave sleep' in which brain waves enter high-amplitude slow-wave oscillations when there are no dreams.

Slow wave sleep is conducive to the recovery and rest of the body, while rapid eye movement sleep is a sorting out of memories recorded during the day. The brain will start to become active again at this time, which is conducive to the recovery of mental strength.

The combination of these two modes creates a sleep cycle that takes approximately 90 to 110 minutes.

Ordinary people need to complete 4-5 cycles, which takes 7 to 8 hours, to maintain peak physical and mental conditions.

Tang Ling, through precise instinctive monitoring of himself, found that he only needed 3 cycles to maintain his peak condition.

However, he did not have time to enjoy the luxury of three sleep cycles.

So, after repeated explorations, he found that he could barely complete the remaining two cycles by maintaining a complete sleep cycle and using scattered time fragments to rest in the remaining cycles.

The effect is naturally not the best, but it can barely keep the body and mind in a relatively good state.

This means that the precision instinct has taken another step forward without even realizing it.

At least in terms of its own monitoring and control, it is comparable to an 'instrument', just like a pre-civilized 'sleep monitoring bracelet'.

Finally, I was able to work precisely and get an accurate analysis and calculation result even when my consciousness was not very clear.

This made Tang Ling look forward to it. What potential would there be if the precision instinct was further developed

The bathhouse became quiet again, and the regular sound of "gurgling, gurgling" water was like the best "hypnotic sound", making Tang Ling fall into a deep sleep quickly.

97 minutes later, 8:39 in the morning.

Tang Ling suddenly opened his eyes, and after the cycle was completed, he woke up without wasting a second.

The precise instinct that has been running slowly is like the most punctual alarm clock, which will 'wake up' Tang Ling in time.

Without wasting a moment, Tang Ling put on his combat uniform.

He ran out of the First Preparatory Camp almost at a trot and arrived at the Hope Cliff Secret Road area.

There are dedicated guards here, and the secret passages extending in all directions under Hope Cliff not only lead to Safety Zone 17, but also to the battlefield, as well as the wild forests on both sides of Hope Cliff.

The permission of the First Reserve Battalion badge allows you to enter the secret passage at any time, but you cannot enter the secret passage leading to Security Zone 17.

"Hey, hunting boy, here you go again? Are you going to the wild forest on the left or the wild forest on the right this time?" The soldier on duty saw Tang Ling and joked casually.

I have never seen such a Crescent Warrior. As an elite, it would be more beneficial for me to not take on the tasks issued by the Barrier of Hope. Instead, I would run to the wild forest every day.

However, this boy was well-behaved and sensible. Every time he came back from the wild forest, he would share all the meat on his body with the soldiers on duty.

Therefore, everyone was happy to keep silent about his whereabouts and help him keep the secret, lest this boy who did not do his job properly and loved hunting would offend the real senior people in charge of the First Reserve Battalion and be fired.

"It doesn't matter, left or right." Tang Ling smiled friendly and didn't care about the soldiers' teasing.

It was these places that made people like him, and the soldier smiled, stopped talking, opened the door to the secret passage area, and took him into the secret passage hall where there were not many people at this time, opening a passage for him. The secret passage leading to the left wing of the jungle.

"I said boy." After opening the door this time, the soldier did not leave in a hurry. Instead, he hesitated and called Tang Ling.

"Yeah." Tang Ling was a little worried. Could it be that he had gone too far? Going to the wild forest every day has already put these soldiers in trouble

In fact, no such thing happened. The warrior hesitated for a moment and just said: "Don't be so obsessed with staying in the wild forest, although it is easy to find food there."

"But isn't a more dangerous battlefield more conducive to improving oneself?"

“And the rewards will be greater.”

"Ah, that's it." Tang Ling scratched his head in embarrassment, then looked up at the soldier seriously and said, "But, I'm very timid."

"You brat." The soldier was speechless and simply waved his hand to let this likable but unmotivated boy leave quickly.


Left wing jungle.

Located on the left side of Hope Cliff, with Hope Cliff as the boundary, this large forest is divided into two pieces.

The inner area is the so-called secondary safety belt surrounding the former settlement, also known as the Inner Wild Forest.

The outer forest surrounds the battlefield area and spreads to the boundless remote mountainous area - it is collectively called the outer forest, or the one on the left side of Hope Cliff is called the left wing forest, and the one on the right is called the right wing forest.

The troops of Security Zone No. 17 are stationed at the foot of Hope Cliff, forming a tight defensive belt here.

Because of its existence, it was impossible for the people in the former settlement to pass through the inner forest and reach the outer forest.

It is also impossible for the soldiers of the Hope Barrier to enter the sub-safety belt through the wild forest and return to the No. 17 safety zone.

This is why 3D holographic projection can deceive everyone. With the cooperation of powerful force, Hope Cliff is divided into two worlds.

Why so insistent on dividing? Instructor Platycladus made an unintentional remark and revealed some information.

Because of the population, because we need to create a relatively safe area to attract the population! Especially excellent populations, such as the Leicester Rangers camp that was once wiped out by the Leicester Silverback Bear, are excellent populations.

If some bloody truths were laid bare on the table, would there still be foreigners joining Safe Zone No. 17

Tang Ling was thinking this as he carefully walked through the bushes in the left wing forest, searching carefully.

He was looking for a plant that only grew at the bottom of the bush and had a cute name - Sour Nile Tata.

This is a tower-shaped plant that produces tooth-aching pink fruits in the fall.

This fruit can be used to make condiments, but what Tang Ling needs now is its leaves.

Because after its leaves are crushed, it can release an odor similar to earth, accompanied by a slight acid that can mask other odors. It is the best plant to hide its own smell.

Tang Ling found a few plants last time, but due to frequent visits to the jungle, they have been used up.

Now, finding Sour Nier Tata is a top priority, otherwise the survival rate in this vast left-wing forest will be greatly reduced, let alone hunting.

Before, the kind-hearted soldier reminded Tang Ling that the wild forest was a good place to find food, but it was far less dangerous than the battlefield. What misunderstanding was there

Tang Ling shook his head helplessly, and then his eyes lit up. He had already caught a Sour Nier Tower that looked like a small tower in his hand.

(End of chapter)