Dark Moon Era

Chapter 12: Dilemma


Things are worse than imagined.

After listening to Quark's statement, Tang Ling's face turned extremely sad, but he still had to rely on Quark and do what he said.

The underground passage is so huge that at least tens of thousands of people in the settlement have never fully explored it. In fact, they said there was nothing they could do even with the underground passage under the safety belt.

Except for the black-toothed rats and various unknown dangers, the underground passage is like a huge maze, and you will get lost in it if you are not careful.

This is a secret passage that Quark is familiar with. Without him, Tang Ling and the others would become 'blind'.

But the 'nest' of black-horned and purple-striped snakes that Quark said contained at least hundreds of snakes.

The good news is that they come in big and small sizes, and some may not be so dangerous. The bad news is that Quark has successfully alerted them after breaking through the wall. These guys crawled out and spread out in the passage.

According to the habits of black-horned purple-striped snakes, they may not stray too far from their nests. The uncomfortable thing is that the nearest and only exit of this passage is very close to their nest.

Thinking about it this way, even if Quark is familiar with this passage, what's the use? The black-horned purple-striped snake that can jump out at any time is deadly.

What's more, Tang Ling couldn't think of a reason to leave through this passage! Are we going to face hordes of corpses on the ground

Tang Ling didn't believe that they all poured into the ground.

But Quark insists on going out through the exit.

"Even if this passage does not lead directly to the safe zone, you cannot doubt its significance! In fact, if you go out from there, you will be very close to the door of the safe zone." Quark tried to persuade Tang Ling.

"But what? What does that mean?" Will the safe zone open its door? Tang Ling wouldn't believe this possibility.

"It means an opportunity! Under such a disaster, there will still be stubborn rats who escape to the gate of the safe zone. The safe zone does not have the courage to give up all the people. You have to know that the fresh blood of the soldiers and even the Ziyue warriors "It also depends on the blood transfusion in the settlement. It's not like there are no big figures in the settlement," Quark said.

Tang Ling did not answer. Quark was not lying. As far as Tang Ling knew, at least two Ziyue warriors were born in the settlement.

But Tang Ling didn't fully believe Quark's words. He felt that Quark was hiding something. Just like he never mentioned how he escaped after discovering the black-horned purple-striped snake

But there is no need to tell the truth at this time, but it is necessary to be careful.


Despite the light, the dark, dark and branching underground passages were unsettling.

Tang Ling tore off a piece of dried meat and put it in his mouth to chew. Quark just looked at him in surprise at this action and stopped caring.

The mother-in-law glanced at Tang Ling worriedly, but didn't ask any more questions.

After about ten minutes of moving forward silently, they encountered an obstacle.

In front of him is a wall made of rubble. It looks extremely rough, but it also means that the safe distance ends here.

There is no doubt that this wall is the work of quarks.

He's been doing this since discovering the black-horned purple snake. Because he couldn't guarantee that one day an eyeless black-horned purple-striped snake would wander into his shop in the Fifth Battalion.

Fortunately, until the wall was completed, there was no black-horned purple-striped snake to 'stop' his work, otherwise they would not be able to safely have a 'safe distance' to buffer them.

Taking out a small tool, Quark began to dig into the wall until a small hole appeared, and then he began to place something.

At this point, Tang Ling just watched quietly. In the end, he only saw Quark putting a tube in the wall.

"Actually, there's no need to be surprised. This thing is simply not enough to see in this damn world. Hey, I told you to step back a little further." Quark pulled out a long line from the tube and lit it as if nothing had happened. Got it.

"Is that the explosive?" Tang Ling asked softly.

"Get down." Quark pretended not to hear Tang Ling's words.

With a roar, a big hole was blown out of the rough wall. Although it was not big enough for people to pass through, the surrounding gravel was torn apart, and it only took a few vigorous kicks to pass through.

"You go." Quark said to Tang Ling, and turned off the cylinder.

The light source was gone, and the passage was completely plunged into darkness. Tang Ling patted his mother-in-law and sister on the back to express comfort, then stood up and kicked out the broken wall to create a passage.

His precise instinct told him that at least there was no danger here.

"There can be no more light. Black-horned and purple-striped snakes are sensitive to light sources. Moreover, I advise you to speak in a lower voice. Although there is still a certain distance, these guys are also very sensitive to sound sources. "Quark lowered his voice and said softly.

Tang Ling just silently tore his sleeves to pieces, then twisted them into a rope and tied his sister, mother-in-law, and his own arms together.

Clothes made from sage splendens stems are strong enough.

"Let's go." Tang Ling urged, but the action of eating meat still did not stop, but became faster and faster.

"It's best to follow me closely, only I know the way." Quark said again, obviously he was dissatisfied that Tang Ling didn't tie him together.

But Tang Ling couldn't explain at all.

The steps began to slow down, and even the breathing became much lighter. In the absolute darkness without the light source, every step was filled with fatal dangers.

Compared to Tang Ling, the other three were much more relaxed, because no one noticed that Tang Ling's forehead was already covered with fine sweat at a distance of only two hundred meters, and even his eyes were horribly red.

"Thirty meters ahead, there is danger at the left corner. Avoid it." In order to save energy, Tang Ling even spoke extremely concisely.

But fortunately, at a distance of two hundred meters, Quark had already formed a tacit understanding with Tang Ling. After Tang Ling sensed the danger, he could always find a side road to avoid it perfectly.

But because of this, the road has become longer.

A trace of nosebleed flowed from the end of Tang Ling's nose, which he wiped away silently.

In fact, precise instinct can predict danger, even immediate danger, but that requires a high degree of mental concentration.

Tang Ling had never tried to use his precise instinct for such a long time, because he knew that if the time was longer, his head would be so painful that it would make him collapse.

But, there is no choice!

As time passed by slowly while moving forward, Tang Ming was almost finished eating the dried meat he grabbed from Quark.

But the hunger feeling in his chest was surprisingly not relieved much.

This made Tang Ling, who was in a dazed state, a little uneasy. Could it be that the intensive use of precise instincts consumed something

"Soon." Quark finally brought good news and pointed to a place.

But at the same time, Tang Ling said calmly: "Twenty-eight meters ahead, there is danger."

"Are you kidding? There is no fork in the road ahead, so avoid it on purpose." Quark's face suddenly turned ugly.

"More than one. There are seven dangers within a hundred meters." Tang Ling always maintained an inexplicable calmness. He did not tell Quark that there was a huge danger where Quark was pointing. Let him feel it a little and then Almost suffocated.

(End of chapter)