Dark Moon Era

Chapter 120: Color changing black winged mantis


It was a great improvement. A month ago, it was so difficult for Tang Ling to endure a trace of ferocious beast meat, but now he could swallow one or two, and it was not too hard to hold on.

In addition, his data has reached or even exceeded the qualifications for true cultivation.

Remembering that the instructor said that it would take even the most talented Crescent Warrior a month and a half to reach the standard, he achieved it in twenty days.

Is this awesome

This happiness only lasted for a few seconds before Tang Ling completely calmed down. After all, he had level three ferocious beast meat, which was a huge advantage.

You know, the standard meat in the current First Preparatory Camp is the meat of the king beast, and the standard is only two kilograms a day.

The higher the level of meat, the richer the energy, and the more terrifying the improvement in physical fitness. Every time it crosses a level, it increases almost geometrically.

Tang Ling had calculated with precise instincts that if his daily meat supply was mainly level three ferocious beast meat, then his daily demand would not exceed three taels at most, but the increase would be faster than the current level, nearly one-half.

That's the difference.

Therefore, there is still a long way to go, and he is still burdened with the burden of 'appetite'. After the level 3 ferocious beast meat is consumed, how will he replenish it

Moreover, why has it been so long and I haven’t fallen asleep again? According to Kun, the Dream Coins are so precious. If he is lucky enough to get them, he can exchange them all for meat.

After all, he regarded the meat of level three ferocious beasts as rubbish among rubbish.

But how can people only think about good things? What if dreaming only happens once a year? You still have to replenish your food yourself.

Now that our strength has improved so much, our precise instincts have become more proficient, and our hunting experience has become richer, shouldn’t we

Tang Ling thought of it, a prey he had been plotting, a 'blocker', and suddenly the blood in his body began to boil.

There is still plenty of time. If the hunting goes well and I can make it to class in the evening, then let’s give it a try.


In this era, it is not that there are no 'favorites'.

If someone must ask who is the darling of the times? Many people will answer - not who, but all insects.

Yes, in this era, the mutation of insects is the most severe. You can hardly find any insect that is the same as the previous civilization. To be precise, it should still retain more than 60% of the body shape and characteristics of the previous civilization. insect.

They have become stronger, more survivable, and many species even have a little intelligence.

Everything is developing in a good direction, coupled with the terrifying number of ethnic groups and countless species, what are they if they are not the darlings of the times

Therefore, in this era, the basic classification of insects is completely different from that of beasts.

The lowest level is level one mutant insect, all the way up to level nine.

Next, there is the 'insect spirit', which is similar to a ferocious beast, such as the first-level insect spirit and the second-level insect spirit.

As for whether there is anyone more powerful than the insect spirit, Tang Ling doesn't know.

In fact, Tang Ling was confused as to whether there was anything more powerful than the ferocious beasts, and there was no mention of it in the information.

"Insect spirit, does it mean that an insect has become a spirit?" At this time, Tang Ling had arrived at the edge of the wild forest. Specifically, this was the junction of the northern wing of the wild forest and the battlefield.

Hiding in a tree, Tang Ling complained about the name "Insect Spirit" and stared at a ruin less than 200 meters away.

This ruins is already the limit of where the purple light of the universal energy stone can shine, so the purple light here is extremely thin, almost non-existent.

In addition, the location of this ruins may be a place where pre-civilization buildings were densely populated and the terrain was complex. You can vaguely see various interlaced narrow lanes, various piled high building debris, and plants that pop up from time to time, blocking the view. line of sight, so this place is an unusually clean place on the battlefield.

Wherever Tang Ling looked, it was very quiet. Although more than a kilometer further ahead was a battlefield filled with smoke and dust, and the fighting was fierce, there was not a single living creature here yet.

Are there really no living creatures? Not really!

Tang Ling explored the wild forests on both sides many times. The biggest task was definitely to find food, but he was not without ambition.

He wanted to sneak into the battlefield through the wild forest. No matter what misunderstanding the soldier had about the dangers of the wild forest, there was one thing he said correctly, that is - the harvest on the battlefield was much richer.

Tang Ling also wants to gain something! Even if he didn't take the mission on the battlefield, he could only hide the harvest after he got it, and he couldn't bring it back to the Barrier of Hope to exchange for Hope Points.

But what does that matter? Su Yao will definitely find a way! In fact, Tang Ling did not take back some of the gains he made in Manglin, but he hid them properly.

Therefore, Tang Ling wanted to go to the battlefield.

He had seen so many bloody fights that he was used to it, and his adventurous heart stimulated him all the time.

However, something that sounds simple to say is so out of reach to do.

In a battlefield where fighting is everywhere and dangerous, there is no good breakthrough point for him to successfully infiltrate.

When he discovered this strangely quiet place, he almost went crazy with joy and tried to enter the battlefield from here.

But he was stopped by a shameful third-level mutated insect—the color-changing black-winged mantis. When he escaped, he almost had an arm cut off by it!

This made Tang Ling understand that the battlefield also had territory.

It's natural that this rotten place with thin purple light would be occupied by a third-level mutated insect. Coupled with the complex terrain, it has a bonus effect on this color-changing black-winged mantis. It can fly and change color, not counting its size. It's too big, hiding and attacking is troublesome for any opponent.

There is no point in taking such a risk for such a place if it is more powerful than it.

But Tang Ling was unwilling to give up. He was not as powerful as the mantis, but this was the best breakthrough point he could find to break through the battlefield. Then he would go around to a place where there was no purple light in front, and then he would enter the territory of those mutant beasts.

Uneasy, Tang Ling smeared more Sour Nier Tata leaves on herself and waited patiently.

Finally, after more than ten minutes, there was some movement in the corner of a rubble-like ruins, and a proud mantis appeared, holding its forelimbs like a pair of swords high.

Its color is almost the same as the ruins behind it. It moves slowly, and the color of its body is constantly changing.

Tang Ling's eyesight was extremely good, and he didn't know if it was because of his precision instinct, but it was definitely much better than ordinary people.

But even so, if Tang Ling hadn't done something wrong last time and smashed three highly stained mulberry fruits on its body, Tang Ling wouldn't have been able to easily spot this discolored black-winged mantis.

"Thank God that it didn't rain to wash away the stain on those three mulberry fruits. I'm also grateful that my strength improved quickly." Tang Ling licked the corner of his mouth and took out the poisonous sac of the Earth Spider.

Yes, thanks to the Earth Spider!

(End of chapter)