Dark Moon Era

Chapter 126: Black Market (Part 2) (Congratulations to the heir of the alliance leader's military strategist


black market? Traders? And this weird badge

Tang Ling expressed appropriate curiosity about all this.

If you don’t know, you just don’t know. This is just the right kind of sincerity, and it’s easy to win the trust of others.

Tony had already expected Tang Ling's curiosity. If the immature boy in front of him knew about the existence of the black market, he wouldn't be as defensive as before.

Of course, Tang Ling's calm attitude made Tony feel more favorable to him.

So, he quickly explained: "The black market is the underground market! There are always various reasons for its existence in Security Zone 17. What do you think? Dear young gentleman."

"You can call me Tang." Tang Ling was really not used to being called Mr. Little, so he simply told Tony a title.

There is no need to hide it. If the black market really exists, it is easy to find out the characteristics of the Crescent Warrior and the people from Dongshengzhou.

"Okay, Tang." Tony walked up to Tang Ling with a smile. He didn't say anything, but took out something that looked like a document from his 'treasure bag'-like combat uniform and handed it to him. Tang Ling.

"After reading it, please destroy it."

Still confidential? Tang Ling took the information and opened it to a very detailed map with twelve red dots marked on the map.

These red dots are distributed in various places in the inner city and the outer city. They are all inconspicuous places. Some places are restaurants and some are pubs.

Correspondingly, the map also marked twelve points with the code corresponding to each point and the contact person to be found.

You don’t need to think too hard to understand that this is the way to enter the so-called underground black market.

"As a trader, my task is to find people with trading potential to join the black market. Although the transactions there are shady and even the items are slightly more expensive, they are more convenient and secretive."

"Of course, sometimes, when it is not so convenient, you can also choose to trade in the wild outside the black market, just like us now. But for this kind of trade, you must designate the location in advance and leave a special trading mark. Otherwise, you can rely on chance encounters. The odds are really unreliable.”

Tang Ling didn't answer, but quickly wrote down all the contents on the map, and then without hesitation, he lit a fire and burned the map.

"Don, don't you have any interest in the black market? You have to know" Tony's face was shocked. In fact, let alone the Crescent Warrior, even the Purple Moon Warrior needed the black market. What about this Tang

"Oh. I just remembered everything." Tang Ling interrupted Tony. He is not not interested in the black market, on the contrary, he is very interested!

But now, he still has some doubts.

"You, you have remembered it?" Tony was even more shocked than before, no wonder he could become a Crescent Warrior! You have already surpassed ordinary people in every aspect!

"Otherwise, you can try asking me?" Tang Ling's tone was teasing.

Tony shook his head quickly and said, "I just envy your talent. Instead of wasting time talking nonsense, why don't we talk about a deal?"

As a trader, Tony is very conscientious and always wants to lead the content to the topic. At the same time, he also revealed that he was very interested in those things on Tang Ling.

Tang Ling was not in a hurry, but asked directly: "How many things are there on the black market? Among the things in the entire market, what you have is the best?"

"How is that possible? The things I have on me can only be considered above average at best. The only thing that can be called top quality is the 'Wolf Bite' just now. It was to arouse the interest of the Purple Moon warriors."

"I mean, what if I have great luck and meet a Purple Moon warrior who just wants to trade underground?"

Tang Ling didn't say anything, he just took out a cigarette and handed it to Tony. Compared to the old fox Quark, this Tony was not very cunning in his business.

At least he revealed some information so that Tang Ling, who was doing such a transaction for the first time, could evaluate the value of the items.

"Well, it seems there are a lot of good things on the black market." Tang Ling also lit a cigarette for himself.

Tony proudly lit up the cigarette Tang Ling handed him, and while praising Tang Ling's generosity, he said, "Yes, that 'Wolf Bite' is just a relatively low-grade thing among the best. "If you go into the real black market, rather than out in the wild, you can see some really top-notch stuff."

"For example, there are super alloys, genetic medicines, and cell medicines." Tony lowered his voice and said to Tang Ling in a very mysterious manner.

Tang Ling's heartbeat accelerated a bit, these things were simply unbelievable! Not talking about super alloys, just talking about genetic medicine and cell medicine each have very magical effects.

Although at this stage, he has limited information based on his authority, he still knows that among the two medicines, the gene medicine has the effect of changing itself and breaking through itself. As for the cell medicine, it is a super healing medicine!

But Tang Ling didn't intend to reveal this feeling. People who have never seen good things are more likely to suffer losses in transactions.

So, he just took a puff of cigarette and said perfunctorily: "Really?"

This made Tony couldn't help but guess that he hadn't returned to Safe Zone 17 for half a year, and had he missed the birth of a child from a big family? That's why he felt that Tang Ling was strange.

Of course, Tony's guess is not completely unreliable. Even if Tang Ling, who is known as Su Yao's nephew, is not a child of a big family, he is not much different.

This guess undoubtedly made Tony even more enthusiastic, and he quickly said to Tang Ling: "That's true. Although these top-quality items will only appear in underground auctions on the black market. But on weekdays, it's not impossible to encounter them with good luck. ”

"Okay. I'm tempted by your deal. However, I'm also very worried. You know that according to the rules of the Hope Barrier, no matter what you gain, you have to bring it back to the Hope Barrier. The Hope Barrier will extract money based on the value of the harvest. Part of it, the rest is my own.”

"So, if I use these things to trade with you for anything, I will also." As he spoke, Tang Ling shook his head, looking very regretful.

The implication of his words couldn't be more obvious. If I trade with you, the things obtained from the trade will also be known to Hope Barrier. Why should I go around in circles to trade with you? Moreover, there may be a danger of being 'unclear'.

Yes, you go out to fight, how can you get weapons? Could it be that you killed someone

This is what Tang Ling is most worried about. If the black market can solve this problem, then Tang Ling will no longer have to worry about his loot.

"Haha, the black market is omnipotent. And, dear Tang, have you ever heard of an ancient Chinese saying - When the water is clear, there will be no fish."

"Put this on! When you return to Hope Barrier, the inspection will be easier." Tony took out another black badge and winked at Tang Ling.


Since it is an extra update, I suddenly remembered that the leader of the alliance has been waiting for so long, so let’s start from today. Thank you to the leader of the military family for the reward! Also, I want to tell you that this book will get better and better, believe me.

(End of chapter)