Dark Moon Era

Chapter 129: Happiness


Yes, Tang Ling's ability is his transformation ability.

The explosion in the dream does not count, so speaking of it, it should only have occurred once in reality.

But is that really the case? Tang Ling was waiting in line at an entrance to the secret passage, carrying two jumping chickens and kicking rabbits that were temporarily hunted.

Today, entrance No. 9 is open, through which you can return directly to the Barrier of Hope.

In the vast jungle on the left wing, Tang Ling only met other soldiers once.

But I don’t know why, no matter when I arrive at the entrance to the queue, there are always a dozen people waiting.

Thinking about it, this is not unexplainable. The left-wing forest is so large, and he mainly focuses on exploration. Hunting is a matter of convenience. Others may not be interested in dangerous exploration, so he can meet other people. The chances are much smaller.

Tang Ling no longer cares about this issue.

What he cared about was a past event, a past event he had encountered in a settlement. That time he was surrounded by black-toothed rats and fell into a coma. When he woke up, all the black-toothed rats were dead, and he had eaten at least Half.

This was Tang Ling's biggest secret and biggest unsolved mystery before the night of mutation.

But now that I think about it, this should be the explosion of his ability. Well, if 'it' can be called an ability.

Once this matter is determined, Tang Ling will be able to determine the results of his precise instincts. Once his ability explodes, his physical fitness, that is, his all-round abilities will be improved by nearly four times.

The most obvious aspect is strength. For example, a punching force of only 100 kilograms will quadruple to 400 kilograms.

In terms of speed, for example, if you can run 10 meters per second, it will become about 25 meters per second. Although it is not four times, it is still an exaggerated improvement.

It is difficult to be precise about the speed of neural reaction, after all, I was not very able to stay awake at that time.

However, the improvement is more than double.

These are the answers Tang Ling came up with based on his opponent, comparison with himself, and the fact that he was relatively awake in his dream.

If the black-toothed rat could be confirmed that time, Tang Ling's familiarity with the black-toothed rat would naturally make him more convinced of the authenticity of this data.

"Hey, Tang Ling, are you shocked by today's harvest?" Just as Tang Ling was thinking hard, the soldier responsible for the inspection at the entrance couldn't help but remind Tang Ling.

It turned out that Tang Ling was so absorbed in thinking that he didn't notice that it was his turn to check.

Although Tang Ling had faced this kind of inspection many times, this time Tang Ling couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

After all, he brought something valuable into the Barrier of Hope for the first time, and hopefully the badge Tony gave him was useful.

If it was useless, it would be a trivial matter to expose something. The key point is that his usual low-key cover-up would no longer hold true.

But on the contrary, if the existence of the black market is a rule, even if the soldiers on guard discover something, they will definitely not make it public.

Thinking like this, Tang Ling smiled stupidly at the soldier, and then walked into the door frame that resembled the security inspection equipment of former civilizations.

The strange thing is that when he was wearing a black badge under his combat uniform, when he was scanned, the existence of the dagger and finger tiger was not detected.

Through precise instinct, Tang Ling could feel the black badge emitting a faint wave of energy while scanning.

Presumably it was the energy fluctuation that helped him cover up the existence of the dagger and Zhihu.

But more specifically—what about those hunted materials? What if it's crystallized? Can it also be hidden? Be sure to ask Tony for clarification the next time you make a transaction.

Of course, there is no need to ask. If something is too 'good', the black badge must not hide it. This Tony has a reminder.

After successfully passing the test, Tang Ling breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help but sigh at his luck.

Not only did I gain something today, but I also met a trader like Tony, who was like a help in times of need.


Barriers of hope.

The First Preparatory Camp, the 'worst' cave where Tang Ling was located.

At this time, it was already late at night.

A physical training class belonging to Instructor Platycladus made everyone on the Raptors team practice to death.

But did they just fall asleep from exhaustion? No, not really.

On the contrary, everyone stared at the fire on the ground with wolf-like green eyes.

There is no doubt that the Hope Barrier is cold at night. Even if you hide in the cave, the coldness is still deep into your bones. After all, this is not the No. 17 safety zone with high walls.

So, is the fire for warmth? Not really, but to cook something to eat.

In the cave, the exhaust pipe took away the smoke from the fire, but not the aroma of the food.

The jumping chicken soup is simmering on the hanging pot, and the oil has been stewed into a clear yellow color. With the addition of a small amount of vegetables exchanged for half a jumping chicken at the farm, the aroma is already very attractive.

"This kind of soup only needs to add a little salt to make it delicious. I promise." Auston licked the corner of his mouth. This guy who didn't take apples seriously has only been in the First Preparatory Camp for about twenty years. God, his obsession with food was already approaching Tang Ling.

"The kicking rabbit is roasted very well." Yu touched the dagger in his hand and said almost through gritted teeth. Once the shiny rabbit is roasted, he will use the dagger to cut off the most delicious rabbit legs. Yu That's the plan.

Amir swallowed a mouthful of saliva next to Yu, and the sound of 'gu dong' was very loud. This caused a burst of laughter from Christina.

Wei An and Andy were careful as 'chefs', not to let Tang Ling's hard-earned prey go to waste.

On the other hand, Tang Ling, the 'contributor' of food, was already sleeping soundly with his legs still hanging outside his small cave.

"It's rare for him to be so diligent. Let's wake him up later." Auston muttered.

"The chicken legs and rabbit legs belong to Tang Ling. If it weren't for him, we wouldn't have this delicious meal. I heard that he spent a third of his Hope Points for these prey." Wei An was very afraid of Tang Ling. It looks like I can't eat anything.

"Why?" Auston and Yu howled at the same time, expressing their opposition to Wei An's statement, which caused everyone to laugh.

In fact, the food was better in the first preparatory camp than in the closed training camp.

But because of efficiency and cost-effectiveness, everyone is happy to replace the supplies with nutritional solutions and nutritional pastes.

A warrior cannot be too greedy for food and drink! However, not coveting does not mean that the desires of the mouth and stomach can be ignored.

What's more, their unknowing growth has greatly increased their demand for food. One week's supplies are gradually no longer enough for everyone.

That's why Tang Ling's generous donation of food this time made everyone so excited and made them feel so happy.

Even in the firelight, Tang Ling's snoring became particularly lively.


Thanks to the leader, the heavyweight otaku, for the reward!

(End of chapter)