Dark Moon Era

Chapter 14: Tang Ling, War (2)


The exhaustion that was approaching the limit almost made him lose the strength to lie on the pipe.

Willpower is the last support, but fortunately, I have won a short respite.

He breathed heavily. After all, the last danger was a certain distance away, and his breathing could not be heard.

When Quark witnessed all this, he was so shocked that he could hardly open his mouth from ear to ear.

Is there any better hunter than this boy? What's even more frightening is his almost 'perverted' combat EQ and careful planning.

Although he has the ability to sense danger,

If this young man grows up, will Quark deny this possibility? No matter how good he is, he will never be able to cross the chasm.

Quark sighed inaudibly, and various complex emotions surged into his heart.

But there was no way Tang Ling knew what Quark was thinking.

What he cared about was the last danger, but his overly consumed brain couldn't allow him to think about it at the moment.

There won't be much time to rest. Even if these black-horned snakes have less sensitive sense of smell, they will definitely find the corpses of the same kind after a while.

"You must be angry." A thought came to Tang Ling's numb mind. But in fact, snakes are cold-blooded animals, so it is difficult to believe that they have feelings.

Tang Ling felt that his idea was ridiculous, but after regaining his strength a little, he carefully started to retreat until he reached where his mother-in-law and the three of them were.

"We have one last fight left." Faced with Quark's excitement, Tang Ling said the result directly.

"You mean, you killed so many people and haven't solved it yet?" Quark didn't seem to care too much. If there was only the last unsightly obstacle left on the way forward, it didn't seem to be too troublesome.

"Six. I only solved six places." Tang Ling made a number with his finger, and then said: "I said, there are seven trouble spots. The most dangerous one is very close to the exit you pointed to. Less than thirty meters away. ”

"How dangerous is it? Is he a big guy?" Quark's tone was still relaxed. He even wanted to jump off the iron pipe and went straight to the exit.

Dozens of thoughts ran through Tang Ling's mind at this moment, but in the end he held Quark back.

"I think you misunderstood. That place made me feel invincible and extremely oppressive."

Quark was stunned for a moment, and some terrible memories suddenly came to his mind.

Is it that guy? That huge black-horned snake, no, maybe it shouldn’t be called a black-horned snake, but it should be

For a moment, Quark even wanted to jump off the iron pipe and run back. He would rather face the corpse man than face that guy!

Tang Ling noticed the change in Quark's expression. He was silent for a second and then said, "We are about one hundred and twenty meters away from the exit. My senses tell me that the snake's sensing range is forty meters, no more." ”

When he said this, Tang Ling's expression was very calm, and his tone was even less excited.

Undoubtedly, this made Quark calm down a little. Tang Ling's previous performance had already impressed him.

Even though he felt that it was impossible to overcome the final obstacle, Quark subconsciously felt that he should trust this boy.

So Quark licked his dry lips and asked, "What does this mean?"

"The forty-meter sensing range does not completely cover the exit. From its location, I have calculated that it will only detect our presence when we are within seventeen meters of the exit."

"According to the reaction time and speed of the black-horned snake, it takes about two seconds for it to get close to us and attack us."

When Tang Ling said this, Quark waved his hand excitedly, and he interrupted Tang Ling in a low voice: "You shouldn't use the Black Horned Snake's normal performance to calculate that guy, if you knew"

After saying this, Quark kept silent, so what if he told some facts that people in the settlement could not possibly know? It can only make everyone more desperate.

But Tang Ling's expression did not change at all. He whispered: "I calculated the approximate ability of the snake based on the degree of danger I sensed. In fact, if you have this kind of instinctive perception, you will get used to it. calculation."

"Although it is not precise, the approximate error should not have fatal consequences."

Quark was stunned. Is this young man's perception so terrifying? Did you underestimate him

It was true that he was underestimated, but compared to those who had crossed the 'Heavenly Chasm', Tang Ling's ability seemed to be underestimated.

Quark wanted to sigh again, but his eyes towards Tang Ling were already slightly grateful.

Struggling in this era, Quark was already a human spirit, and he knew that Tang Ling held him back just now.

In the case of unequal information, he was not used by Tang Ling as a bait to avoid danger.

Tang Ling didn't pay attention to Quark's gratitude and just continued: "This is the result. You should know that we have two seconds to run over a distance of seventeen meters."

"This is not difficult. What is difficult is that we still need to pause, grab the ladder, and then climb up. The climbing process will not be safe because the ground is only 11 meters away from the exit, and there are seven ladders in total."

"No matter how powerful the snake is, I'm sure it can't climb a ladder. But I'm sure that when it attacks, its 'height' will definitely exceed eleven meters." Tang Ling finally had the mood to say something slightly joking.

"It's impossible to get out of here." Quark fell into despair again. Today's ordinary humans can run a distance of 100 meters in about seven or eight seconds.

Seventeen meters in two seconds is indeed not a difficult task. But to finish climbing the ladder, no matter how fast it is, it will take at least five or six seconds

Quark didn't have precision instinct, but he also knew that the time left for them to rush out was negative.

"So, I'm going to stall for time. In exchange, you are responsible for the safety of my mother-in-law and sister. I need them to go out before you." Tang Ling said calmly, without any threat.

In fact, there was no need to threaten him. Quark could also think that if he didn't do this, the boy might have a way to prevent him from running away.

Gritting his teeth, Quark nodded in agreement.

"Also, I need that thing called dynamite." At a time of life and death, Tang Ling believed that Quark would not be stingy.

"No, that thing is not easy to control! Even if you have that instinct, if you are not familiar with it, you still can't use it perfectly. What's more, under today's conditions, exerting its power can only ignite it. These guys You are very sensitive to light, do you want to cause more trouble?" Unexpectedly, Quark denied Tang Ling.

"You have a way." Tang Ling looked directly at Quark.

Quark met Tang Ling's gaze and was silent for a second before he put the strange thing he was holding into his clothes.

He made a move very carefully.

After Tang Ling heard a 'click' sound, Quark handed the thing into Tang Ling's hands.

(End of chapter)