Dark Moon Era

Chapter 15: Tang Ling, War (3)


"It's loaded. You need to hold it like this, and when attacking, pull the button here." There was no time to explain too much, Quark bluntly explained the usage of this strange guy.

Tang Ling learned quickly, but there was an indescribable strange feeling in his heart - if you pull it like this, it will attack? What kind of attacks can this guy who weighs less than five kilograms have

"Remember, you have to tighten your wrist when using it. It is not a very successful pistol in previous civilizations, but it is almost the most powerful pistol." After saying this, Quark rubbed the strange thing and looked at Tang Ling: " You can call it a desert eagle. Maybe with your physical fitness, you can complete high-speed shooting, but the key is to tighten your wrists, like this."

This seemed to touch Quark, and he couldn't help but say a few words. By the way, he showed Tang Ling the correct posture.

Tang Ling pursed his lips and finally heard Quark mention pre-civilization. It seemed that this abstract concept suddenly became vivid through Quark's mouth.

A pistol? Desert Eagle? Weird name, incomprehensible words, two concepts that couldn't be connected.

But this was obviously not the time to be curious. Tang Ming also touched the Desert Eagle in his hand. The cold metal touch gave him an indescribable feeling.

"How powerful is it?" This is the key to the question.

"It can't be compared with a bomb. If the final danger is that guy I think, the most I can do is knock off that guy's scales. But if an ordinary person is attacked by it, he will be beaten into a sieve."

"What I mean is, there is a bloody hole in the front, and there is a bloody mess behind." Quark compared his chest and back.

"Perhaps, people in this era will not be so miserable. In short, I have not tried it! But it is certain that if it is hit in a vital point, it will 100% die immediately."

Quark could only provide so much information about the Desert Eagle.

But Tang Ling's temples beat uncontrollably a few times.

He had a terrible headache, as if something suppressed was about to burst out of its shell, and then evoke something he had forgotten.

This is a very strange feeling, with a certain yet ethereal feeling.

Fortunately, this feeling only lasted less than a second and then subsided.

There was nothing unusual about Tang Ling's face, but there was a turmoil in his heart. He didn't know what it felt like. It also reminded him of his blank memory before he was adopted.

How strange—pre-civilized humans! Quark's words that maybe people in this era will not be miserable echoed in Tang Ling's mind repeatedly. He couldn't explain why he cared so much about this sentence. !

After taking a deep breath and putting aside the distracting thoughts in his mind, Tang Ling explained the details of the operation to Quark and then quietly jumped down from the pipe.

The last desperate effort seems a bit cruel.

The arm that the mother-in-law grabbed was a little painful. The moment he turned over, the mother-in-law grabbed him hard. Obviously she wanted to stop Tang Ling from taking risks, but there was nothing she could do.

The younger sister was unexpectedly well-behaved and kept silent from the moment she entered the tunnel. Maybe she also realized that this was not the time to be coquettish and willful.

Thinking of these seemingly insignificant thoughts, infinite courage rose in Tang Ling's heart.

Tang Ling walked almost silently in the tunnel, stepping over the black-horned snakes he killed one after another. Tang Ling didn't even tremble a finger.

He knew that Quark had followed him, and perhaps because of his excessive nervousness, his heavy breathing was louder.

Fortunately, the footsteps of my mother-in-law and sister came before the sound of breathing.

A peaceful smile appeared on Tang Ling's lips, and the sensing range of the big snake in his calculations was about to reach.

Whether it was because of his precision instinct, Tang Ling's eyes and ears were extremely powerful. After adapting to the environment, he was able to see in the dark and hear any subtle sound.

Obviously because of this, he must complete the delayed tasks.

Ten meters.

five meters.

one meter.

Tang Ling made his final calculations with his habitual silent recitation.

Tang Ling didn't stop until he entered the dangerous range.

This was something that was planned, but it was also an unplanned 'mutation'.

Just because when he first saw the so-called big snake, the cold, huge, and suffocating danger made him not act according to the plan at all, but stopped subconsciously following instinct.

Is this a black-horned purple-striped snake

The purple pattern occupies a large area of the snake skin, forming a mysterious pattern with a cold metallic luster.

The sharp corners that were originally black turned bright red and bent at a strange angle, like a thin knife that my mother-in-law had dug out from the ruins of previous civilization.

It's huge.

The width almost reached Tang Ling's shoulders, and even if it was curled up into a ball, it could be seen that its length would not be less than twenty meters.

If these were just the fears brought by its appearance, what frightened Tang Ling even more was the look in its eyes.

This is not the look of a snake, the kind of cold, almost unwavering look.

Instead, it was filled with emotions unique to humans, sarcastic and disdainful. It didn't seem to be frightened at all by Tang Ling's appearance.

It felt like it was waiting for Tang Ling to fall into a trap!

Tang Ling felt that his last bit of pride had been knocked away. Weak humans possess the pride of wisdom. How could this kind of fear not be unforgettable? !

"Run." Although he was almost suffocated, Tang Ling still shouted, but the tremor in his voice could not be concealed.

Footsteps sounded, and it was Quark who started sprinting with his mother-in-law and sister.

The undisguised footsteps echoed in the empty tunnel, and each sound was like a hammer on Tang Ling's heart.

He was always calm, but his fingertips began to feel cold.

But the big snake in front of him seemed lazy. He just raised his head slightly and swallowed the snake's message. He seemed to find the weak creature in front of him very interesting.

But Tang Ling didn't feel that the danger had disappeared. On the contrary, the danger brought by his precise instincts was even stronger, as if a hand had grasped his heart in an instant.

Almost subconsciously, Tang Ling raised the Desert Eagle in his hand, exerted force with his left leg, and used the rebound force to swing his whole body backward.

At the same time, he pulled the so-called 'trigger' of the Desert Eagle.

A dull sound echoed in the tunnel, which seemed very 'friendly' compared to explosives, but the shock caused by it made Tang Ling almost unable to steady his right hand holding the Desert Eagle.

Then, there was a sound similar to the collision of metal, and the big snake that had been looking at Tang Ling lazily before almost rushed to Tang Ling's eyes.

The huge snake head swayed, and a dazzling spark flashed in the tunnel for a moment.

error! This is the first time such a huge error has occurred in precision instinct!

Whether it was the judgment of the sensing range or speed of this big snake, they were all wrong!

For the first time, Tang Ling lost control of the battle.

But there was no room for avoidance in front of him.

I’ll give you an update next Monday. Now I’ll save more articles to get them on the shelves. Recommendations and collections are increasing a bit slowly now. If you have time, click on collections and give a few recommendation votes.

(End of chapter)