Dark Moon Era

Chapter 16: Extreme


But that's not to say there's no glimmer of good news at all.

From the moment he pulled the trigger, Tang Ling experienced another kind of power - the so-called power of a pistol.

Just a small action like pulling the trigger at least made the big snake shake a little. Although a scale as big as a palm was not broken, it was still shaky.

It is true that it cannot kill this big snake, but if it is used to delay it, it is enough!

There are only seven chances to attack. This is something Quark mentioned again and again when discussing the final details with Tang Ling.

While the person was still hanging in the air, Tang Ling's brain began to calculate non-stop again.

Including his own chance to escape, he would have to delay at least seven seconds.

In the best case scenario, each of the seven attack opportunities can delay the snake for exactly one second.

Moreover, every time the trigger is pulled, the node must be perfectly connected with the moment when the big snake resumes action, without any error, in order to achieve the 'perfect seven seconds'.

Only those who have experienced life and death know that even a fraction of a second of blank time can rewrite the ending.

The biggest difference between reality and imagination is that if the imaginary world is a perfect 'vacuum' and you only need to do everything as required, then the results will not be biased.

And what is the reality? It is a quagmire full of impurities, too turbid to see clearly, and there are always too many uncontrollable factors interfering with everything.

The Desert Eagle's attack cannot delay the snake for a second.

In fact, the violent, flaming impact attack only made the seemingly dazed snake pause for less than half a second.

Then, Tang Ling could feel the rising anger even before he landed.

In the darkness, its scarlet snake kept swallowing and spitting, emitting a hissing sound that made the brain feel irritated.

Then, Tang Ling saw its eyes burst into a deeper level of anger, complete anger!

At that moment, Tang Ling had a strange illusion. It seemed to sense that he had killed six of its 'descendants'.

The sound of rustling sounds came from all directions, and accompanied by these sounds was a slight "squeaking" sound of metal collision.

It was the sound of feet stepping on the ladder, and the familiar strength of the landing. Amidst all the complicated calculations, Tang Ling could tell that it was his sister who climbed up the ladder first - Quark had not broken his promise.

This voice seemed to have great warm power, soothing Tang Ling's heart.

He was extremely calm.

He was so calm that he watched the angry snake straighten its body, swinging its tail and lightly smashing the bricks beneath it, and then it stood up.

Completely beyond Tang Ling's understanding, he stood up, using only his tail of less than one meter to support his huge body.

The smoke, dust and gravel were flying with a terrifying crushing force.

"Actually, it's a bit funny." Tang Ling had completely calmed down. Looking at the big snake standing upright with its head on the top of the tunnel, he felt that it was quite difficult for it to stand up like this.

Regardless of the movements of the big snake or Tang Ling's thoughts, it only happened in a moment.

The moment Tang Ling's idea came to him, he pulled the trigger again without hesitation.

With such a huge body, Tang Ling, who has had an instinct for precision since he was a child and has hunted for a living, does not need to think about whether he can shoot accurately.

He even closed his eyes and relied on instinct to raise his hand and shoot.

This was another of Tang Ling's unexplainable secrets, which was that when he was in extreme urgency and danger, he 'turned off' his senses, and his instinctive attacks would have unexpected effects.

This instinct sometimes fails, but in a battle of this level, besides believing in yourself, what else can you rely on

This shot was fired extremely decisively. Tang Ling, who had learned his lesson, remembered Quark's words and straightened his wrist.

The shocking power was finally bearable, but a terrifying fact overturned Tang Ling's understanding.

The big snake stood up, and it turned out that it was going to use the power of its tail to launch towards itself.

However, his shot happened to hit the point of force of its entire body at the moment it ejected, interrupting its 'plan'.

It was unimaginable to see a huge creature ejecting towards him. Without this stunning attack, Tang Ling was sure that the snake didn't have to do anything. The huge impact force alone could turn him into a puddle of mud just by the force of the ejection.

"Peng", the sound of landing sounded, and the blood from Tang Ling's nose almost spurted out to form two blood lines.

The high-speed calculations had yielded results, but this was the price. Tang Ling's brain, which was so dizzy and about to explode, needed to bite the tip of his tongue to stay awake.

Without any hesitation, Tang Ling's body formed an angle of about twenty-nine degrees with the big snake, and he exerted force again and swung backwards.

And the snake's well-prepared attack was interrupted in such an uncomfortable way, making its anger reach a new high point again.

The force point of the ejection was attacked, and its huge body tilted uncontrollably towards the wall on the right. It collapsed like a pillar. After half a second, it hit the wall hard, making a dull and violent sound.

As a result, the scales were broken into more than a dozen pieces, because the force of this impact was essentially its own force preparing to eject.

The wind was whistling in his ears, but it didn't stop Tang Ling from hearing the second sound of someone stepping on the ladder - it was her mother-in-law.

There was a smile on Tang Ling's lips, which seemed to be reassuring, but there was also a hint of ridicule towards the big snake.

Why should I be afraid of the emotions before it

Anger in battle is scarier than a fatal wound!

Sure enough, the big snake that was able to control its body at the next moment did not choose to eject again, but swam towards Tang Ling in an instant.

But according to the position where it fell and the direction in which Tang Ling retreated, this swimming posture was destined to be extremely uncomfortable, and it needed a little adjustment.

Being huge doesn't always give you an advantage. This slight adjustment will definitely waste more time.

Another second passed.

"Damn, there's a big group of black-horned purple snakes coming, you better hurry up." A beam of light lit up, there was a crisp sound, and then there was the sound of the last person stepping up the ladder.

It's a quark.

At this time, he opened the glowing guy and threw it into the tunnel.

Tang Ling felt slightly grateful in his heart. Since he had alerted the snakes, having light would naturally give him an advantage in fighting.

Without needing to be distracted, Tang Ling once again chose an angle after landing, and used a backward jump to distance himself from the big snake.

And at the right time, he closed his eyes and fired another shot. This shot hit the second curved position of the curved and swimming snake's body, causing its body to move slightly.

But in this position, it cannot continue to swim. It can only pause slightly again before the snake head can lead the body to move forward.

Landing, angle, and shooting, Tang Ling did every step in an orderly manner.

The fingertips that were still a little cold suddenly became completely warm.

An emotion that only boils up during fighting began to rise in his heart.

The only trouble is that a large group of black-horned and purple-striped snakes are swimming over.

(End of chapter)