Dark Moon Era

Chapter 20: choose


Tang Ling's heart skipped a beat.

Sure enough, the man not far away slowly raised his right hand.

Behind him, a Ziyue warrior stood up and stood behind the man at a speed that Tang Ling could not see clearly.

The next second, Quark's slightly fat body was effortlessly picked up by him with one hand and rushed towards the door of the safe area behind.

"Bah, you piece of shit! I can't say a word."

"Do you think I will give in?"

"63527, 63527!"

Quark began to struggle violently and yelled loudly and without fear.

It was just the flurry of numbers he cursed at the end that left everyone baffled.

He watched Tang Ling yell out these numbers.

Tang Ling was helpless and could only watch Quark being taken away, but he kept these numbers in his mind that he had no idea of.

He was not worried that Quark would die, but at this moment, his last hope was destroyed by a cold despair. What should his mother-in-law do? What about my sister? Tang Ling's hands, which were still warm before, turned cold at this moment.

"Brother," the sister began to whisper unconsciously. Tang Ling tightened his arms and hugged his sister tightly, but he did not notice that at some point, his mother-in-law's expression had become extremely calm, revealing a firm determination.

"Those who meet the requirements come here and we will screen them." The man in the red cloak had already submerged behind the long wall. At this time, several other Ziyue warriors had already stood up and began to follow the requirements. work.

And many people's expressions became desperate at this moment! But he was stiff and refused to leave. Where should he go? Should we face those cruel and bloodthirsty zombies? There is nowhere to go.

Tang Ling refused to leave, choosing to stand in the crowd and wait silently. On this night, some of the faith he once had began to break, and he understood that ants can never be important in the eyes of people.

But Tang Ling still had to wait. He believed that on the edge of life and death, people who were usually afraid of the Ziyue Warriors would not remain silent.

They will resist!

Tang Ling was waiting, waiting for people to resist. Only when there was complete chaos, could he take advantage of the chaos and find some opportunities

Sure enough, someone stood up.

But she is not a rebellious person, but a girl who meets the age requirements.

With the first one, everything else fell into place, and one after another children who met the requirements chose to obey.

The crowd gathered more and more, but they all watched this change silently. After all, this was the only place that was safe. As long as they were not forced to retreat, it was good to stand here.

There were Ziyue warriors who stood up silently, and they didn’t know how to start selecting the children from the past.

In short, just one glance is heaven and hell.

The selected children stood behind the group of Ziyue warriors, while the rest were driven back to the crowd without mercy.

Time passes by, and soon the quota of 300 people will be filled.

"Take your sister over there." Mother-in-law suddenly spoke.

Tang Ling shook his head! He could not give up the chance of his mother-in-law's life.

The mother-in-law seemed to have remembered something and did not insist anymore, but at this moment, five people in a row passed the exam, and the quota of 300 people was filled.

A Ziyue warrior led them to the door of the safe zone, and the door that had been closed for many years opened a small door for these people to enter and exit normally.

The man in red cloak standing in front had long since disappeared, and the remaining Ziyue warriors began to mercilessly ask everyone to step back.

The cruelest forced retreat has begun, and the remaining people have no choice but to die!

The crowd also erupted at this time, and the despair of no longer hope finally drove people to a dead end.

What's more, many people who were waiting silently like Tang Ling also saw an opportunity - the door to the safe area opened.

A voice hidden in the crowd said loudly: "Why are we not allowed to enter the safe zone? Most of our daily gains have been taken away by the adults in your safe zone. Even if we are only allowed to hide for one night, it will be fine."

This sound was like a bomb, completely detonating people's emotions. Many people began to roar, began to push, and began to forcefully rush towards the gate of the safe zone.

"Yeah, you're only hiding for one night, why don't you let us in?"

"It's going to be death anyway, we might as well fight now!"

Behind him, the unique roar of the zombie seemed to be close to his ears.

Hearing this voice, people were completely desperate, and even their expressions became distorted, and everything was moving in a direction that was completely out of control.

Under the impact of the crowd, the 'long wall' composed of Ziyue warriors took a step back neatly, keeping a distance of about twenty meters from the crowd.

The rules announced by the man just now have expired. People will not be willing to be abandoned by the safe zone. However, the Ziyue warrior's performance at this time seems to be hesitant and retreating.

Seeing this scene, Tang Ling felt a strange excitement in his heart. It seemed that even the Ziyue warriors from the safe zone did not dare to commit 'public outrage', and his opportunity might be right in front of him.

Thinking of this, Tang Ling clenched his mother-in-law's hand and was about to move forward. Before that, he glanced behind him and saw that there were already more than a dozen corpses rushing towards him.

The 'rules' that the Corpse Man abides by are also invalid.

There was no time to think about the reason, Tang Ling only knew that if he didn't seize the opportunity, the corpse man would rush over in five minutes at most.

It happened at this moment that a hand held Tang Ling tightly. Tang Ling turned his head in surprise and met his mother-in-law's calm and firm eyes.

Tang Ling was a little surprised by the look in her mother-in-law's eyes. She had always been timid and cautious. Why was she so calm and firm in such a desperate situation tonight? There seems to be no fear at all.

Tang Ling was inexplicably flustered. He turned around and just wanted to drag his mother-in-law away. Even if he risked his life, as long as his mother-in-law and sister could enter the safe zone.

"Go!" The mother-in-law, who a second ago was asking Tang Ling to take her sister into the safe zone, once again said the word "go" unswervingly at this moment.

Just like in the settlement not long ago.

"What?" Tang Ling's throat tightened. Why did her mother-in-law stop her

In front of his eyes, the wind and rain became more intense. Countless figures passed by Tang Ling's eyes and rushed towards the door of the safe zone, while the corpses were running madly towards where the crowd was gathering.

"Mother-in-law" Tang Ling wanted to say something, but was quickly interrupted by her mother-in-law.

"With our status, it will be a hopeless hell if we go in. But if we don't leave now - we will die!"

There was a shocking coldness in her mother-in-law's voice, and Tang Ling had never disbelieved in her mother-in-law.

(End of chapter)