Dark Moon Era

Chapter 24: Broken, Su Yao


"It's really troublesome." The man in black robe looked a little impatient, then turned to look at Tang Ling for a few times, but in the end he let out a contemptuous snort. I wonder what he wanted to express

However, the next second, the man in black robe made an action that drove Tang Ling crazy.

Very casually, he threw his sister out in the direction of the crowd of corpses behind him.

Seven or eight corpse men swarmed forward, and one of them grabbed his sister. Tang Ling saw with his own eyes that the corpse man's sharp nails easily pierced his sister's robe and penetrated his sister's skin at that moment, and blood flowed out instantly.

The other corpses seemed to be stimulated by the blood, roaring with excitement as they gathered around.

"Very good prey, please be gentle." The man in black robes said with a sneer in his voice, and the next moment Tang Ling noticed that he had mysteriously disappeared.

But a voice with disgust and disgust came from afar: "That troublesome guy should taste good too, just eat him."

Tang Ling heard these words, but his brain went blank for three to five seconds uncontrollably.

Three seconds or five seconds? Tang Ling didn't understand why he was thinking such inexplicable questions, because every second when his body seemed to be swallowed by a black hole was so painful.

Where is the swallowing black hole? It seems to come from the chest.

A weak call of "brother" suddenly woke up Tang Ling. Tang Ling saw his sister, her head sticking out from the gap between three or four corpses. There was blood dripping from her hair, and there was despair in her eyes. It turns out to be more nostalgia and dependence.

Tang Ling exploded!

That moment was an explosion. He looked at the weird big bulges in the muscles all over his body. They soon burst his clothes and were about to burst his skin, so small pieces were ejected from the capillaries. The blood stained the clothes that were torn into strips.

He felt his bones cracking, and he was growing taller quickly. The other zombies running towards him became shorter, until they were only half his height.

The important thing is that Tang Ling was dominated by a crazy consciousness, and all that was left in his heart was the crazy emotions that he wanted to vent. In addition, there was power, a lot of power, like the power of a strange beast.

Tang Ling stepped out and rushed out. He didn't know that his steps were as heavy as a mad bull beast crossing the ground, nor did he know that his speed was as fast as a fired cannonball.

"Roar", the corpse man didn't know any fear at all, he opened his smelly mouth and rushed towards Tang Ling with his fangs exposed. However, at the moment of contact, he was hit hard by Tang Ling and flew up, but was caught by Tang Ling again. Torn in half without mercy.

"Ah" the corpse man's black blood spattered in front of Tang Ling, covering Tang Ling's head and face, but Tang Ling felt vented. It was this kind of blood that could calm down the torturous heat in his body. .

But it wasn't enough. It wasn't enough. Tang Ling squinted and stared at the corpse nearest to him. He grabbed the corpse's skull with one hand. It wasn't very difficult. He held it in with his fingers and pulled it. , the skull of the corpse was pulled out by Tang Ling.

The corpse man let out a miserable howling sound, which Tang Ling felt was very harsh. He grabbed the corpse man and slammed his knee into it. The corpse man was twisted into a weird 90-degree right angle, and his spine made a crisp sound.

No, it’s still far from enough! Tang Ling continued to take a step forward, kicked the next corpse through the chest, then stepped on it heavily under his feet, and then shook his foot mercilessly, letting the corpse's broken body fly out. More than ten meters

Also, it seems that many corpses have rushed out of the settlement behind them!

Come on, come on, but I seem to have forgotten something important. Tang Ling fell into tremendous pain and crazy fighting that he couldn't remember. He was like a sophisticated and efficient killing machine, tireless, with only the flashing red light in his eyes. in violent fluctuations.

He seemed to want to burn his life away until it was destroyed, to escape the heaviest pain of losing his life.

In the distance, a figure as strong and tall as a mountain appeared on the south city wall, carrying a weirdly huge long knife on his back. He seemed to be searching for something

He soon discovered Tang Ling fighting with the zombies under the city wall. With a low cry, he jumped down from the city wall more than 100 meters high.


In the safety zone on May 17th, it rained heavily for three consecutive days.

It is hard for people before the end of the world to imagine that what should be a hot summer day is actually filled with violent raindrops brought by cold wind, making it as cold as winter. What would it be like

But this does not hinder the carnival of people in the No. 17 safety zone. Rainwater that meets the fourth-level drinking water standard is precious.

In the past, not to mention a three-day rainstorm, even an hour-long shower was a gift from God.

It would be nice if this imperfect urban drainage system could be stronger.

"But, I bet. They are very happy. The water in their house is Grade 4 drinking water." Su Yao held a cigarette in the corner of his mouth, thick smoke coming out of his nose, and started talking to the cook who was making soup. He made a joke and patted her plump butt like a peach.

The cook was not angry, but looked at Su Yao coquettishly. In these last days, such a strong man represented a sense of security. She didn't mind spending a wonderful night with such a man.

The cook's heart was about to burst with tears, her thoughts were changing, but Su Yao had already turned around and left.

Standing at the door of Room 706, Su Yao was still in a happy mood, recalling the feeling just now. He was wondering if he should try to knock on the pretty cook's door at night

But when the door opened and he saw the thin young man standing in front of the window, Su Yao's expression darkened again.

He closed the door, walked straight into the room, lifted up the young man standing in front of the window, and narrowed his eyes at his pale face.

"You have been awake for almost a whole day, and you are planning to stand in front of this window forever? Never respond to anything I say? My patience is about to run out."

My sister's life and death became a mystery, and everyone patted it lightly. In fact, I haven't even started the plot yet.

(End of chapter)