Dark Moon Era

Chapter 29: Dream (3)


The iron rod is good, even if it is broken, the fracture is sharp.

There was no more suitable weapon than it, and Tang Ling held it tightly without hesitation.

After experiencing the killing, his brain seemed to be clearer. Tang Ling knew that in the current situation, there was no hope of returning to the safe zone. The Manglin was relatively safe.

And the obsession in his heart also drove him. He must go back again, not only to find his mother-in-law, but also to find his sister.

As for what happens next

Safety Zone 17 will never let these zombies wander around forever. As long as the environment of the settlement can be maintained relatively safe, there will always be new people to make the place 'busy' again.

Tang Ling's thoughts were so clear, but what was rolling in his heart was pain and anger that he couldn't express.

He ran quickly, and corpses gathered towards Tang Ling from all directions. No one could explain their ability to pursue fresh flesh and blood, just like sharks in the sea are sensitive to blood.

After having the experience of killing a corpse for the first time soberly, it was not too difficult for Tang Ling, who had a strong learning ability in combat, to kill a second one, not to mention the 'weapon' at his disposal

As a result, more and more corpses, the second and third, died in Tang Ling's hands along the way.

If he was still clumsy at the beginning, by the time he killed the seventh corpse man, Tang Ling was already familiar with it.

A direct attack, facing the corpse man's weakness, penetrated through his eyes, at the moment when the corpse man pounced.

This is simply a precise 'art'. It's a pity that no one in the empty seat belt can appreciate this young man's amazing fighting talent.

With a 'pop' sound, the iron rod in the corpse man's brain was pulled out. Tang Ling was already out of breath. There were countless corpse men here, and his precise instincts could not turn into endless physical strength to save him.

But Tang Ling still ran numbly. After losing his mother-in-law and sister, life and death actually became very light, but he was not willing to die like this.

Moreover, the anger in his heart was burning with him, and the familiar heat had burst through his limbs and began to gather towards his heart.

Tang Ling knew that the weird state was about to begin, and with just a little more anger, he would become the killing machine he was that night.

In fact, it was clearly God playing tricks on him along the way, right? The corpses he killed were all people who had treated his family with kindness.

How can you not be angry? How can we not be sad

"Will there be another one?" Tang Ling showed no expression, but his eyes grew colder and colder: "Will there be another one?"

There was less than 200 meters away from the edge of the woods. According to the current density of corpses, Tang Ling could no longer break out of the encirclement.

Accurate instinct told him that as long as he ran less than twenty meters in this direction, he would be surrounded by more than five corpses from all directions.

Transformation is the only hope now.

The funny thing is, should I expect this hope? Or just die and be free

The cold iron rod was greasy and covered with the blood of the corpse man. God quickly gave Tang Ling a choice. A corpse man roaring with excitement caught up with Tang Ling.

Tang Ling turned around almost subconsciously and raised the iron rod in his hand, but his hand began to tremble slightly involuntarily.

The corpse in front of me seems to be very 'lucky'. It should have died without much pain during its lifetime.

Therefore, its clothes are still clean, and the traces of corruption are not too heavy, except for the fatal wound on its right shoulder.

Such corpses are just like they were in life.

Looking at it, Tang Ling's head felt like it was exploding, but apart from the excitement of finding blood, this corpse man showed no emotion. It lowered its body and pounced on Tang Ling without hesitation.

The wind with a rotten smell blew again, bringing with it pieces of indelible memory fragments.

In Tang Ling's memory.

The whole era is gray, but the time spent with my mother-in-law and sister is warm yellow, like the gentle sunshine in the morning.

But the only time with a charming and hazy color is maintained on the corpse in front of me.

"Why is your face so dirty? Oops, it's torn here." A clean handkerchief was brushed across his face, and his soft hands were compassionately placed on the wound.

Her breath was sweet, her smile was like the blue butterfly flower blooming in the countryside, and the sincere heartache and pity in her eyes were like a clear lake, instantly drowning Tang Ling.

In the evening when he was thirteen years old, Tang Ling's heart beat violently for the first time.

Xiaoye, this extremely simple name has been engraved in my heart ever since.


His thoughts only lasted for a moment, and the corpse man was already less than five meters away from Tang Ling. The familiar eyes in the boy's dream no longer had the lake-like eyes and the flower-like smile.

There are only gray and white heartless eyes, and a crazy and greedy look.

Tang Ling raised the iron rod in his hand, and hot sweat rolled into his eyes, burning them and blurring his vision.

"I will go to the seventh camp of the settlement tomorrow." Panting, Tang Ling stood helplessly in front of the door, watching Xiaoye pack his things one by one.

Hearing that she was moving from next door, Tang Ling couldn't control himself, but couldn't ask what? Even the mother-in-law who told him the news didn't say much about the reason.

Just a sigh.

"Why are you leaving?"

"Because girls have to depend on their partners when they grow up. From tomorrow on, I will be a hooker of the 7th Battalion." She raised her eyes, her big eyes still bright, and she couldn't tell whether they were calm or sad.

Tang Ling scratched the door frame and didn't notice the wooden thorn piercing his hand. Hook? The bully who had the power to distribute drinking water in the settlement.

Xiaoye stood up and approached Tang Ling.

Soft lips landed on Tang Ling's forehead.

He left again in an instant, turning around and leaving Tang Ling with one last smile.

With a 'pop' sound, the sharp iron rod pierced the corpse man's eyes. It was only a short battle, but such precision had become Tang Ling's instinct.

Even though the vision is so blurry.

Pulling out the iron rod, a drop of liquid, whether it was sweat or tears, slipped from the corner of Tang Ling's right eye, and a sadness began to spread from his fingers.

'Hoo, hoo' Tang Ling's breathing was like that of a wild animal. He was not that tired, he just felt like he couldn't breathe. The cruel and cold era made him feel so depressed for the first time.

Even the memories have nowhere to put them.

"You went to the Seventh Battalion, and I never went there again. Although, occasionally, I miss you." There was no point in telling the corpse man, but Tang Ling just wanted to say it.

If it were told, there would be no place for the memories, and the boy's thoughts would at least have traces of their existence, right

Fortunately, the huge wave of sadness only lasted for a moment. The next moment, the heat that burst from his heart overwhelmed Tang Ling.

That mysterious state reappeared.

(End of chapter)