Dark Moon Era

Chapter 39: Inner city


Su Yao's words echoed in Tang Ling's ears, but turned into a meaningless buzzing sound.

Because the brain was too shocked to accept the meaning of Su Yao's words.

Behind the door, the dazzling lights were like the clearest night, and the twinkling stars enveloped Tang Ling in a noisy, lively and alternative atmosphere.

The small door behind him closed silently.

With a half-smiling expression, Su Yao lit another cigarette, leaned against the door, and looked at the shocked Tang Ling quietly.

His narrowed eyes seemed to recall some distant past, and he said, "Once upon a time, I and I" but he kept silent after these four words, and just let the smoke blur his face.

Tang Ling could no longer notice this kind of detail.

A full dozen seconds passed, and Tang Ling still couldn't believe the 'reality' in front of him.

The tall and exquisite buildings of the so-called pre-civilization that I once saw in the pictures my mother-in-law collected from scavenging actually exist, and are best preserved within the wall of Security Zone No. 17.

In addition, there are some strange buildings that have never been seen before.

Night seems to be the best reason for 'carnival' in these buildings, so thousands of twinkling lights decorate them.

In such splendor, the crowd became dense.

If the clothes of the people in Security Zone 17 outside the wall are still a bit dull, the three repeated tones of black, gray and blue represent almost everything.

Here, for the first time, Tang Ling realized that clothes could also serve as decoration, making the leisurely-looking people walking inside this wall look so proud and noble.

There are also all kinds of indescribable wonderful sounds, mixed together, some noisy, some beautiful, gathered into a moving song of the night.

"This is the first time I see a place like this. No one can be calm." Su Yao held a cigarette in his mouth and touched Tang Ling's head kindly.

Only then did Tang Ling come to his senses and wanted to say something to Su Yao, but all the words were stuck in his throat.

Only his precise instinct told Tang Ling the most accurate distance, from the place closest to the safety zone wall in the settlement to the center of Safety Zone 17.

If it is a pure straight line, it is only 5127 meters.

But there are two walls, forming three completely different large life circles.

People outside the circle cannot imagine the life inside the circle, but those inside the circle can trample on everything outside the circle.

Straight-line distance couldn't explain anything. He just understood for the first time that there were countless ridicules behind the cold numbers.

"Let's go." Su Yao threw away the cigarette and patted Tang Ling on the back.

Tang Ling nodded wordlessly.


Ten minutes later, Su Yao brought Tang Ling to a strange building.

This building is not big, but it is hundreds of meters high. It only consists of a few white curved pillars that form a diamond-shaped main body, and then its entire exterior wall is covered with reflective but opaque materials.

Quite a mysterious feeling.

"Training Base." Tang Ling read out the words in front of the building's door and understood what the building was for.

"Go in." Su Yao showed no surprise at Tang Ling's inexplicable ability to understand a pre-civilized language. He just said calmly and pulled Tang Ling into the building.

But Tang Ling noticed that the Tower of Babel that reached into the sky stood in front of the training base on the left, only about 20 meters away.

Being so close to it for the first time, Tang Ling felt a strange vibration in his heart, vibrating every ounce of blood in his body, as if speeding up their flow.

This surprised Tang Ling, but the feeling came and disappeared very quickly, and he couldn't feel it at all after entering the door.

"Come here." Su Yao called out to Tang Ling, who was still in a daze, in a deep voice.

Tang Ling, who came back to his senses, finally saw the inside of the building clearly.

Soft white light illuminated every corner, but the source of the light could not be found.

The location he and Su Yao occupied was an empty hexagonal hall, which was empty except for a circular bar made of unknown metal cabinets.

The six sides surrounding the hall are connected by corridors. Behind the corridors are six diamond-shaped doors.

The doors in the middle are the most numerous, and the doors at the lowest and highest points are huge, but there are only a few doors.

It looks a bit like a honeycomb, but not exactly the same.

"I want a basic training room." Su Yao was standing in front of the metal counter and said casually to the beautiful woman standing behind the counter.

With a smile that actually contained no smile, the woman said coldly: "Five hundred credits."

This number shocked Tang Ling. He had never earned so many credits in his life.

Credit points are the common currency of Security Zone 17. They are in the form of a small metal disc and cannot be counterfeited.

Credit points for general settlements are all released uniformly by Security Zone No. 17.

One credit per disc.

Seeing that Su Yao was just wrapped in a black fur cloak with his chest open, where could he put 500 credit points

Su Yao seemed to see through Tang Ling's thoughts, and gave a rather hateful smile, then took out a crystal badge, which was similar to the one he gave to Tang Ling before entering the inner wall, but it was much more transparent.

The beautiful woman took Su Yao's badge and pasted it somewhere on the metal counter. After a crisp 'beep' sound, the woman handed the badge and a metal card to Su Yao.

"Room 6F-019." The woman said.

Su Yao took the things, turned around and left with Tang Ling. Despite being restrained countless times, Tang Ling couldn't help but ask Su Yao: "Uncle Su Yao, did you give her money?"

"Hahaha." Su Yao burst into a burst of triumphant laughter, and then rubbed Tang Ling's head vigorously: "How should I put it? Do you think I should carry a big bag with bits and pieces of metal? ?”

"In the safe zone, credits are stored in the ID badge. The one I gave you."

"I deposited 1,000 credit points for you in it. In short, you will understand about the identity badge in the future." Su Yao never explained too much. As he spoke, he had already led Tang Ling into a room. Inside the huge six-diamond door.

The door was still illuminated by soft white light, but there was nothing there, and the space could only accommodate three or five people.

But Tang Ling didn't care about this. His breathing became rapid - 1,000 credits? !

This number was like a hot flame, so hot that he didn't even bother to pay attention to any details. He just held the ID badge in his trouser pocket tightly.

He would not be polite to Su Yao, and Tang Ling had Tang Ling's way of treating favors.

There was a slight vibration, and the huge six-diamond-shaped door that I had just entered opened again.

When they came out again, they were already in the corridor marked 6F.

(End of chapter)