Dark Moon Era

Chapter 4: secret


This is Tang Ling's secret.

Even his closest sister and mother-in-law didn't know that there was a 'demon' hidden in Tang Ling's heart.

In fact, Tang Ling didn't know whether it was right to regard this 'hunger' that would occur every once in a while as a concrete existence

It must be ridiculous to say it.

But Tang Ling firmly believed that there must not be anything wrong with his body, but that there was another existence hidden in his heart.

It was the first time Tang Ling had a seizure since he was eleven years old, and he was suspicious.

It was the first time he went out and wanted to do something for his poor family. However, he accidentally got lost and was surrounded by five black-toothed rats.

In a desperate situation, Tang Ling tried his best to kill a black-toothed rat, but he could not escape the siege of the black-toothed rat.

It happened that at this life-or-death moment, the hunger struck for the first time.

Tang Ling still remembers that hunger that wanted to devour everything. It didn't feel like he was hungry at all, but like there was another guy in his body who was hungry, and kept urging him to find food, otherwise he would be killed. Devour it all together.

Tang Ling was so confused and frightened that he even forgot the fear of being surrounded by black-toothed rats.

Unfortunately, where would he find food in such a desperate situation? While escaping, the huge hunger seemed to really start to devour Tang Ling. In extreme helplessness and panic, Tang Ling passed out unconsciously.

What happened after that? This was a mystery that Tang Ling had always wanted to explore and was deeply afraid of.

Because, when he woke up, he found three complete black-toothed rat corpses beside him. Except for the shattered heads, there were no other unnecessary wounds.

He had no experience at the time, but looking back now, it was clear that he was fatally punched, and it hit the hardest part of the head.

Of the five black-toothed rats, I killed one and three died inexplicably.

What about another one

The next moment Tang Ling panicked, he discovered that half of it had been chewed off in his hand.

Who did it

Tang Ling was frightened again, but soon he discovered that there was a torn black-toothed rat skin next to him. His mouth was covered with blood when he wiped it, and his mouth still smelled of blood and black-toothed rat. The meat has a special unpleasant taste.

It’s me!

Looking back now, it still feels like a dream, not like it really happened.

But the feeling of hunger that came every twenty days or so reminded Tang Ling that this was real.

Of course, Tang Ling couldn't believe that the black-toothed rat that was killed that day was made by himself. He killed it with one punch and hit it in the brain. Only someone close to the strength of the Ziyue Warrior could do this, right

Then what kind of mysterious person is following me

Unfortunately, this situation only happened once, because Tang Ling was able to find food in time every time he felt hungry.

"But you are becoming more and more greedy." Tang Ling's cold fingertips slid across his chest, and the trace of fear and doubt in his eyes turned into calm.

In this era, life is a luxury.

As long as you are still alive and can support your mother-in-law and sister, you don't have to figure everything out.

However, Tang Ling would be troubled by the fact that the appetite of the 'monster' hidden in his chest would increase every once in a while.

This is also regular.

Just like an attack usually occurs only once in twenty days or so, if an attack has not occurred for more than a month, then that attack will definitely be extremely violent and will definitely require more food.

Just like this time, a whole half-dried black-toothed rat meat! You must know that for the same weight, air-dried meat has more weight in the belly than fresh meat.

I'm just afraid that one day I won't be able to find so much food anymore.

Tang Ling tore off the traces of his own chewing on the dried black-toothed rat meat and strode forward with the black-toothed rat in his hand.

Nothing is important, only the assessment of the reserve soldiers tomorrow is important.

I hope that I can get out of this dark underground and live with my mother-in-law and sister on a beautiful and safe surface.


Safety Zone No. 17, Settlement No. 3, Fifth Battalion.

This is where Tang Ling lives in the settlement, and this is not the best place in the settlement. There are so-called 'rooms'.

This is just a relatively large open space in the underground waterway. I don’t know what the purpose of pre-civilization was for leaving such a place.

Therefore, this place was designated as the fifth battalion.

The originally empty open space was home to tens of thousands of people. Therefore, the place is densely packed with various messy sheds, forming complex and narrow paths one after another.

The air was dull and dirty.

But it's still good, at least there's no smelly, purple underground sewage flowing through it.

Tang Ling carried half of a black-toothed rat and shuttled quickly along the trail. Along the way, he deliberately ignored the greedy, jealous, malicious, and friendly glances.

No one dared to think about the materials exchanged from Quark.

"Tang Ling, the harvest is good." A familiar voice sounded in Tang Ling's ears.

Tang Ling looked up and saw Uncle Zhang with a big beard. He was the man who taught him hunting skills. Tang Ling had always been grateful and respectful to him.

Showing a smile, Tang Ling didn't answer. He was not good at words.

Uncle Zhang didn't care and patted Tang Ling on the shoulder: "Go quickly. You've been out for three days this time, and your family will be very worried."

Tang Ling glanced at Uncle Zhang gratefully and walked faster.

Yes, there were only my mother-in-law and my younger sister at home. Before I could afford the whole family, the family's life depended on my mother-in-law scavenging in the safety belt, looking for valuable items left behind by previous civilizations.

However, as time goes by, how many so-called valuable things can be found

But even so, her mother-in-law still insisted on scavenging because she wanted to help Tang Ling lighten some of his burden.

It would be nice if he could be stronger. Tang Ling pursed his lips.

As for the younger sister, she is only five years old.

Shanshan, thinking of her sister, Tang Ling felt a burst of distress and warmth in her heart.

This lovely girl seems to have not been affected by the cruelty of this era. She is so simple, innocent and soft. Seeing her is like seeing a pure sky.

I feel sorry for her because her parents died while out hunting shortly after she was born.

In fact, Shanshan's parents are Tang Ling's adoptive parents.

Tang Ling was adopted by them when he was four years old and treated as their own.

They were good people, but unfortunately they were swallowed up by this cruel era and did not receive good rewards. But Tang Ling must repay the favor.

It's a pity that I only remember being adopted, and all my memories before the age of four are blank.

But so what if I remember? Do people who abandon themselves need to remember? Although there are so many children abandoned in this precarious era.

Thinking about his thoughts, Tang Ling suddenly reached the northwest corner of the fifth camp, and the familiar tent came into view.

Four leaders! It’s really painful and happy at the same time. As per the old rules, I will update the title after it is put on the shelves. Keep asking for votes, and don’t forget to click a little if you like it! Chapter 2 is at 8pm. Believe me, the story is going to be great to watch as it unfolds, and it will unfold very quickly.

(End of chapter)