Dark Moon Era

Chapter 47: Withdrawal, ineligible


"Squeak", the door of the iron cage was lazily opened by the soldier guarding the door.

The smelly mouth of the silver-tailed iron-toothed wolf was already aimed at No. 12's neck. The sharp teeth just touched the skin of the neck, and dazzling blood oozed out.

At this time, in just a few tenths of a second, with one bite from the silver-tailed iron-toothed wolf, No. 12 had no chance of survival.

"It's just the first game, are people going to die?" Hot sweat broke out on Tang Ling's back, and he could not remain completely indifferent to life.

A purple light seemed to flicker in the cage.

The next moment, what people heard was not the last scream of No. 12, but the cry of the silver-tailed iron-toothed wolf.

By the time Tang Ling could see clearly, the picture in his eyes was already a Ziyue warrior standing in the cage.

He carried the lifeless silver-tailed iron-toothed wolf with one hand, and then threw the wolf carcass out like a piece of garbage.

Just throwing it away casually, when the wolf corpse landed on the ground, it turned into a pool of mud-like blood, splashing on the ground.

"What kind of speed and power is this?" Tang Ling's breathing almost stopped. He had always heard the legend of how powerful the Purple Moon Warrior was. Today, it was the first time he saw the Purple Moon Warrior take action, and it still shocked him beyond measure.

He could not forget the cold light of the sword that night, and he had also thought about trampling these emotionless killing machines under his feet one day.

But this absolute gap, when he saw it with his own eyes, made him feel so desperate.

Because he could see more clearly than others. The silver-tailed iron-toothed wolf died from a smashed skull.

In just a few tenths of a second, he rushed into the iron cage and blew his head off without accumulating any force. However, the hardest thing in a wolf's body is its head.

Brazen head and iron bone is not a slang term for a hunter.

"This kid is lucky. He ran within the range of Ziyue Warrior's Shunpo." At this time, the instructor seemed to be a little unfinished and said with dissatisfaction.

Tang Ling took a deep breath and only remembered the word 'shunbu'. Does it refer to a sudden burst of steps

So, does Ziyue Warrior have such speed because of this

Even though he didn't want to admit it, Tang Ling had to say that he was increasingly eager to enter the First Reserve Battalion and become a Purple Moon Warrior.

With just an understatement, the Ziyue warrior exited the iron cage and continued to stand 10 meters outside the iron cage, standing with his hands behind his back.

In the cage, someone has already gone in to clean up the tattered flesh and blood left by the silver-tailed iron-toothed wolf.

Number 12 was carried out of the iron cage by several people. Although the Ziyue warriors took action in time, the wolf teeth bit his neck. It could be seen from his heaving chest that he was not dead.

However, there is no guarantee to the extent of the bite and whether timely treatment can be achieved.

In this era, the most luxurious act is therapy.

That's not something ordinary people can enjoy.

"I hope he is from the inner city." Tang Ling could only think this way. After all, the other party was just a young man full of hope. It was innocent to sacrifice his life for an assessment.

But at this moment, the instructor was holding a small piece of cigarette left in his mouth, adding a touch of heaviness to this cruelty.

"Do you think this test is okay? Are there any Ziyue warriors who will take action?"

"Don't be stupid. The Purple Moon Warriors are taking action this time to show you how powerful they are."

"I'm also telling you that as long as you enter the First Preparatory Battalion, you have great hope of becoming such a powerful person."

"Whether the Purple Moon Warriors will take action next time really depends on their mood."

After saying this, the instructor took a last puff of the cigarette and then reluctantly threw the cigarette on the ground.

Then he read out the next number—No. 7—very nonchalantly.

A brand new closed iron cage was brought into the field, and a hungry and irritable Cloud Shadow Leopard was released.

It is more powerful than the Silver-tailed Iron-toothed Wolf, there is no doubt about that.

"This is interesting." The instructor looked satisfied.

"I want to quit." No. 7 walked out of the team without hesitation.

Although the battle just ended quickly, its heavy shadow lingered.

"If you don't enter the iron cage, you have no right to exit. Do you want me to forcefully tie you in?" The instructor refused easily.

The opportunity to give up will only come before, and it is absolutely impossible to give up at this time.

No. 7 was silent and walked towards the iron cage as if resigned to his fate.

But as soon as he stepped into the iron cage, he shouted "I give up"!

"Haha." The instructor narrowed his eyes and sneered, while the soldier outside the door locked the door expressionlessly.

Then, after waiting for a few seconds, he slowly took out the key and opened the door.

There were various sighs and exclamations from the crowd, mixed with the uncontrollable crying of women.

The Cloud Shadow Leopard was not a wolf. It was extremely violent, and its hunger made it lose all its patience. When No. 7 entered the cage and shouted "I give up", it had already pounced on No. 7.

The unprepared No. 7 was thrown under the Cloud Shadow Leopard. The moment the soldier outside the door took out the key, a large piece of flesh and blood was already in the Cloud Shadow Leopard's mouth, and he swallowed it with satisfaction.

When the door opened, several soldiers drove away the Cloud Shadow Leopard, but the Ziyue warrior did not take action again.

And what about No. 7

Accompanied by people's horrified voices, all that was left was a mutilated body.

Death is just the main course. The torn clean thigh and torn abdomen are like the bloody side dishes next to the main course.

Among the waiting teenagers, no one could make a sound, and they even lost the strength to swallow their saliva.

Only Yu and Auston seemed relatively relaxed.

"Yo yo yo. It's a little slow." The instructor shook his head regretfully.

Then his eyes suddenly became sharp, and he almost roared: "Only those of you with noble status can I guarantee timely rescue."

"If you don't have it, don't even think about playing tricks."

"Do you know who I hate the most? People who don't know how to assess the situation, but are greedy for opportunities, thinking that there is no harm in giving it a try, and in the end they think they can escape with their self-righteous cleverness."

"A person like this is just a bomb when put on the battlefield! It would be better to die early."

"I promise that I will not let any such person pass by during the assessment that I supervise."

After saying that, the instructor looked like he was wronged and sat down angrily, as if to calm down.

Tang Ling was silent. What he said seemed to make sense.

But is this really the truth? This No. 7 is not a soldier, and the iron cage is not a battlefield. Could it be that the cruel times deprive people of their choices

Of course, if you make a choice, you must bear the consequences.

The death of No. 7 did not cause any more waves. Even though people saw the cruel scene, they probably thought of themselves in grief.

At least no one stood up to speak out against this bloody exam.

The parents of the candidates must be among them, but they are still silent.

"No. 28." The instructor read out the next candidate's number.

Once again, a pale boy came out and began to face an unknown fate.

(End of chapter)