Dark Moon Era

Chapter 52: Yu


A play by Auston brought safety No. 17 to a climax of excitement.

The original meaning of this carnival was to discover geniuses and bring new hope to Safe Zone 17.

Amidst the deafening cheers, people were even more eager for Yu's appearance. What kind of genius would be the young man who could be regarded as a great enemy by Auston

As for Tang Ling, he was consciously ignored.

Is the assessment of weak chickens worth paying attention to

People can't wait to see Yu's performance.

The instructor was also in excitement. Of course, he would not forget his duty and select the next person for assessment.

This time it seems that people's wishes were fulfilled, and the number 1 - Yu was drawn.

When this number is read out, people's happy mood is fueled by the fire, and the greatest expectation is given in the call sign.

When the whole audience shouted 'Yu''s name, Yu seemed unaffected and silently walked towards the iron cage, ignoring Auston's provocative gaze.

"Am I at the end?" Tang Ling glanced at the instructor intentionally or unintentionally. It wasn't that he wanted to be suspicious. There was indeed some coincidence.

Being beaten, the last test.

It seems that these are some disadvantages. After all, standing for four hours is also a consumption of physical strength.

As for Auston and Yu, they are obviously beyond the standards of ordinary teenagers, and the instructor will not think that waiting will have much impact on them.

The bottom line is the inertia inherent in human beings.

Their shot was like a climactic performance.

What about yourself

Tang Ling closed his eyes slightly and took a deep breath. In a time of chaos and no direction, the best way is to know what he wants to do

Therefore, no matter what the instructor said, I just wanted to pass the assessment, it was that simple.

When he opened his eyes again, Yu was already standing in front of the iron cage.

For the first time, the warrior responsible for releasing the beast from the iron cage was a little more careful.

A tiger roar shook the entire audience.

The strongest beast in the assessment finally appeared - the ancient sword tiger.

And this is the real King Beast - the strongest tiger among all tiger beasts. It is said that he has experienced an atavism and has grown a pair of fangs like swords.

Not only that, it also has a row of sword-like exoskeletons growing out of its back, which can be regarded as a small evolutionary element, but it has not completely evolved to the level of a ferocious beast.

Tang Ling, who had already enriched his knowledge, now of course knew that the king beast, which was once considered the most powerful in the settlement, was a special first level between wild beasts and ferocious beasts.

Including Auston's 'mount', it falls into this category.

However, it has not evolved into a ferocious beast, but it is still a beast after all. It is reasonable for the ancient sword tiger to appear in the assessment.

But its appearance this time brought people not panic, but more expectations.

Because for a talented boy like Yu, what's the point of a weak 'opponent'

Yu's performance was also in line with everyone's expectations. When he saw the ancient sword tiger, he didn't even raise his eyebrows. Gu Jing walked into the cage without any waves and stood face to face with the ancient sword tiger.

"Hmph." Auston made a dissatisfied sound through his nasal cavity. Why wasn't his opponent the ancient sword tiger

Of course, the crazy thunder flower mad bull is not weaker than the ancient sword tiger, but in the limelight

It was all luck, and Auston had nothing to do with it.

But when he was about to watch the game seriously, he was surprised to find that Yu and the ancient sword tiger had already crossed each other and changed places.

"You dodge well." Auston thought secretly. After all, the speed of the ancient sword tiger's attacks can be described as terrifying. Yu can dodge so easily, which is also the performance he should have.

At this time, only two seconds had passed.

But Yu didn't even look at the ancient sword tiger behind him. He just walked to the iron cage door indifferently: "Open the door."

Auston was stunned, and everyone was dumbfounded.

Yu wants to give up the assessment

The only ones who could remain calm at the scene were the Ziyue warriors and the instructors.

Of course, there is Tang Ling. No, he is not calm, his heartbeat is very fast, but he does not think that Yu is going to give up the test, but that Yu has already won, he killed the ancient sword tiger.

Tang Ling's judgment was correct. His precise instinct gave him a pair of extremely agile eyes, which could capture fast movements and details better than ordinary people.

So, the next second, along with the sound of the warrior opening the door, people saw the standing ancient sword tiger suddenly spurting out a large amount of blood from its chest to its abdomen, like a blooming red fireworks.

The intestines came out and were obviously broken. What about the internal organs

At this time, Yu had already walked out of the iron cage and shook his hand unintentionally. A few strands of blood fell to the ground, but the hand that looked slightly slender was still stained with blood.

"How did you do it?"

"Yu, it's impossible for him to cheat. He can't cheat in the assessment of the First Preparatory Battalion."

"Oh, is Yu already so powerful? I really admire him."

"Could it be that Yu is already a Ziyue warrior?"

At the same time, the Purple Moon Warrior headquarters in the Hall of Glory.

The entire screen was playing the slow motion of Yu Kaifeng.

The hungry ancient sword tiger attacks first, but as a large mammal beast, facing prey that is significantly smaller than itself, its first choice is to pounce.

At this moment, Yu moved.

He took two steps to take a run-up, and suddenly he knelt down and fell on his back. Using the power of his run-up, he passed under the ancient sword-tiger in an instant just as the ancient sword-tiger was about to pounce on him.

It was at this moment that he stretched out his right hand, a right hand that was slightly slender but had a texture as hard as steel upon closer inspection.

It was directly inserted into the chest of the ancient sword tiger.

With the help of the power of shuttle, this hand was like the sharpest sword, piercing directly from the ancient sword tiger's chest to its soft abdomen.

That's the whole process.

Fast and never sloppy.

"The combat response is top-notch, and the tactics are extremely correct. The important thing is, his right hand." After this short replay was watched twice by everyone present, the masked Aaron finally commented.

"Well, he has begun to consciously temper his right hand. It means that he has mastered the control of mental power. He is a true genius." The deputy speaker was very satisfied.

Feilong also admired Yu, but he was not that excited. He simply said: "Don't forget Yu's family. It is right for him to know something in advance and then initially control his mental power."

"Besides, it's a disgrace to his family that he doesn't hide secrets in his hands. I think a true genius should still go through primitive tempering."

"Feilong." The deputy speaker's tone became slightly serious. He was obviously dissatisfied with Feilong again. After coughing, he continued: "You can say that everyone is a flower in the greenhouse, but Yu, is he?"

Feilong curled his lips, obviously noncommittal.

It is an indisputable fact that Yu has experience in the wild forest under the safety belt, and even outside the wild forest.

However, that kind of secretly protected experience is not a real battlefield of life and death.

However, doing so is not completely useless. Yu's combat awareness is stronger than that of everyone in the assessment.

At least, it can be correctly inserted into the chest of the ancient sword tiger under the protection of the rib cage bone, which is a kind of proof.

But in the same way, everyone also explained that Feilong didn't take Tang Ling seriously yet.

(End of chapter)