Dark Moon Era

Chapter 57: Precise performance (3)


However, no battle can be without consumption.

After struggling fiercely for seven minutes, the Leicester Silverback Giant Bear's movements slowed down significantly. It seemed a little tired.

But it was not Tang Ling who caused all this, but itself.

Because Tang Ling had never fought it head-on.

On the other hand, it was impossible for Tang Ling to relax. To maintain this state, the burden on his body was huge.

He was panting heavily.

Two streams of blood flowed out of his nasal cavity. This was the inevitable burden caused by excessive use of precision instinct.

"Can you still hold on for three minutes?" Tang Ling did not dare to let his movements slow down or deform in the slightest.

In this seemingly "funny" confrontation, he has actually fully experienced the wisdom of the Leicester Silverback Bear.

In fact, that's been the case from the beginning.

This giant bear knew how to conceal its purpose. When the instructor told it the conditions, its eyes widened, but it pretended not to understand and didn't care in front of Tang Ling.

Therefore, Tang Ling had already entered a fighting posture at that time.

Because of Tang Ling's vigilance and perhaps lack of understanding of the prey in front of him.

The cunning Leicester Bear did not act immediately.

It was then that two choices appeared in Tang Ling's mind.

The first is to use the caution of the Leicester Silverback Bear to delay it for some more time.

Second, take action immediately, but do so in a way that paralyzes the Leicester Silverback Bear, rather than recklessly allowing it to attack directly.

Therefore, Tang Ling acted out a show in front of this king beast where he had already let down his guard.

This is really ridiculous, but it is true.

What about those hilarious-looking dodges that follow? In the midst of people's excited jeers as if they had chewed 'Blue Saw Kata'.

Only Tang Ling knew how thrilling and terrifying the details were.

In its rage, this giant bear showed great wisdom, and all its actions were very humane, as if they were the result of careful consideration and were not random at all.

For example, one time, it stood in the corner of the cage, pressing against the wall of the cage.

In this way, Tang Ling couldn't hide behind its back, and the remaining space in front made it impossible for Tang Ling to perfectly avoid its bite.

It only left Tang Ling with one choice, which was to stand on its head.

But its arms were not unable to reach its head. As long as Tang Ling failed to dodge, his feet would be caught. Even if it caught one, it would win.

In addition, Tang Ling couldn't hold on to the slippery iron bar for a long time to let himself fly.

It could even walk away at any time and get rid of Tang Ling completely.

This is almost the best choice. Without powerful wisdom, how could an ordinary beast make such a judgment

This also posed a huge challenge to Tang Ling's precise instincts. When should he move his feet, when should he take off, and when should he continue to entangle him the moment it walks away

Therefore, Tang Ling was about to reach his limit.

This was a situation where the precision instinct had become a little stronger and reached its limit again. It was even more tiring than facing the ferocious beast, the serpent.

However, the fight cannot be given up.

The rest is a competition of will.

One person and one bear are still continuing this game of throwing away and entangling.

But Tang Ling understood that he needed to do something at this time.

Barely controlling his rapid breathing, Tang Ling began to speak intermittently, keeping his voice low enough that the silverback giant bear could hear it, but perhaps people watching the live broadcast could only hear it intermittently.

In fact, Tang Ling had more plans, all just to guard against the instructor.

Even if the trees are beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy them.

What's more, he was being targeted.

"Brother, you worked so hard to play with me, can you really get free?"

"Do you know humans? Do you think they keep their word?"

"Look, your dignity as a silverback giant bear has been mocked today."

"I know I'm cheating. How about I cooperate with you so that you don't look so incompetent?"

It took Tang Ling almost a minute to dodge and gasp for a few simple words. He was not necessarily sure that the silver-backed giant bear was smart enough to understand, and he was not necessarily sure that he could convince the silver-backed giant bear.

This is so ridiculous.

He just wanted the silverback giant bear to not have to work so hard, and everyone could just muddle through the rest of the time.

After saying the words "cooperate", Tang Ling deliberately slowed down his movements, and his prediction was no longer so accurate.

Therefore, the silver-backed giant bear's claws touched him slightly, and one of its sharp nails scratched Tang Ling's calf.

This is Tang Ling showing his 'integrity' to the silver-backed giant bear.

In addition, he must not expose his precise instinct. If he continues to be 'perfect', he may arouse huge suspicion.

Even predictions are not as error-free as mine.

Tang Ling's series of considerations obviously had some effect.

The silver-backed giant bear was obviously not convinced by Tang Ling because of its hatred for Tang Ling, but its suspicion was aroused by Tang Ling. It was a little distracted and started to look at the instructor from time to time, and even occasionally growled. .

"I am

Besides, did this kid see anything? He seemed to have been whispering to the giant bear, but he couldn't hear clearly at all.

Thinking of this, the instructor's mood suddenly became serious. Tang Ling acted a bit 'monstrous'. What is monstrous is not his strength, but his fighting wisdom.

The deputy speaker, Feilong, Aaron, and even many Ziyue warriors had the same idea.

No matter how powerful one is, the combat wisdom that includes combat consciousness, combat instinct and tactical arrangements is extremely precious.

Therefore, when they saw that Tang Ling was injured, everyone felt relieved for some reason.

Safe Zone No. 17 naturally likes geniuses, but this kind of combat intelligence, which reflects IQ to a certain extent, is not so lovable.

Are people who are too smart easy to control

Therefore, Tang Ling was also making up for it.

Since the first injury, he began to suffer injuries and make mistakes one after another.

Although these are not fatal, it also shows that he relies on the so-called prejudgment to take advantage of many elements.

Act like an ordinary genius, don't act like a monster, that's fine.

Of course, it was also because the ten minutes were almost up that Tang Ling made such a choice.

If he hadn't faced a 'pervert' like the Leicester Silverback Bear, why would he have exposed himself to this extent

Therefore, Tang Ling, who started to feel embarrassed in the later stage, struggled to endure every second. The occasional distraction of the silver-backed giant bear gave him a little breathing space.

But the burden of precision instinct is still heavy, because he is not really wrong.

Pretending to be wrong is actually more tiring.

Fortunately ten minutes are up.

(End of chapter)