Dark Moon Era

Chapter 59: Calculate, calculate


A dry piece of flesh.

It is full of criss-crossed meat tendons without any fat, which means it has a hard texture that is difficult to eat.

But it exudes the fragrance of energy and is the most tempting delicacy.

The Leicester silverback giant bear was intoxicated, and with its powerful wisdom, it couldn't help but start twitching the tip of its nose.

Then he became greedy and crazy.

The battle in front of me and freedom were all thrown aside.

What pure energy!

The animal's primitive instinct began to drive it, and it only wanted the piece of meat in Tang Ling's hand.

However, this is not an easy task. The annoying little reptile in front of him is worth mentioning, but it is so slippery that the bear despairs.

He clearly wanted to avoid him and find an opportunity to eat that fragrant piece of meat.

How could he possibly succeed

This piece of meat overflowing with energy should belong to your noble self.

One person and one bear, because Tang Ling showed off the beast meat, the fight became fierce again.

But Tang Ling, who had been supporting himself for too long, was obviously not a strong person.

His movements became more strenuous, and he suffered more injuries.

He seemed to be about to fall down in the next second, but he was holding on with his will.

People didn't know what happened to make the Leicester Silverback Bear so crazy. After all, Tang Ling held the meat in his palm. Except for the Leicester Silverback Bear, no one could detect this keenly yet.

Leno's face was still gloomy, as if he was resentful that Tang Ling would not fall down and let him accept the 'moral' trial here, but no one noticed the greedy light flashing in his eyes.

Another half minute passed.

Tang Ling's dodge finally made a huge mistake. Amid people's exclamations, his right hand was bitten by the Leicester Silverback Giant Bear.

"Ah!" The elegant woman covered her mouth with a handkerchief.

"Oh!" The well-dressed gentleman also showed his unbearable expression on his face.

If your right hand is bitten, what chance do you have to break free? Next, it is only natural that this thin boy will be torn into pieces, right

His performance was good, after all, he endured unfair treatment.

Some people are thinking about whether to write a letter to the beloved Lord of the City after the assessment to expose the unfairness of the assessment.

But Tang Ling's luck was beyond people's imagination, and he actually broke free.

Even though his right hand was scratched with blood by the sharp teeth of the Leicester Silverback Bear, he still pulled his right hand out of the bear's mouth, then let go in an awkward manner, then rolled over and lay down on the ground a few meters away from the Leicester Silverback Bear. He was gasping for breath less than ten meters away.

"The game is over." A Ziyue warrior thought.

The 'experts' who understand this battle will naturally understand that only by being close to the Leicester Silverback Bear can they have a chance of survival.

Keeping distance is undoubtedly a sign of reaching the limit of ability.

The tragedy happened only with a delay of a few seconds, and no one believed that the ending would change as a result.

At this point, Laino, who wanted Tang Ling to die the most, did not show any excitement. Instead, he frowned and took out a cigarette again and lit it in pain.

On the other hand, Tang Ling was lying on the ground, panting violently, but there was no trace of panic in his dark eyes, and there was a hint of sneer at the corner of his mouth.

One second.

Two seconds.

Ten seconds.

An accident occurred again. The Leicester Silverback Giant Bear did not attack Tang Ling at all, but lay down lazily with an unusually human and indescribably comfortable expression.

what happened

The lady with the handkerchief covering her mouth couldn't help but put down the handkerchief.

The gentlemen also looked puzzled.

But no one would answer. Everyone just watched helplessly as Tang Ling, who was still panting before, stood up slowly and with some difficulty.

His expression was very calm. He tore off a piece of his sleeve and bandaged his right hand slowly. He stared at the Leicester Silverback Bear. His looking down eyes seemed to be that he was the hunter in this bloody iron cage. , the Leicester Silverback is just poor prey.

"Oh my God, who can tell me what happened?" The unsteady person in the crowd exclaimed again, the sound so loud that it even reached Tang Ling's ears.

Tang Ling turned his head, suddenly smiled slightly, then put his index finger on his lips and said 'shhh'.

What does this magical boy want to express

Yes, some people couldn't help but label Tang Ling with the word "miraculous".

Indeed, it is very magical.

Because, in the next second, the Leicester Silverback Giant Bear suddenly roared, and the whole bear fell into a disorderly state of madness.

"God, who can tell me? Why is this bear schizophrenic?" This is the thought that comes to most people who have witnessed everything.

The Leicester Silverback Bear is truly suffering only when it keeps struggling in place and rolling.

No bear can resist that piece of energy meat.

No one knows how comfortable it will be in the first ten seconds of swallowing it.

I have been hungry for a long time, and my burning stomach feels like it has been soaked in a hot spring. My whole body is relaxed and soft as if I have swallowed sweet and intoxicating fermented wild fruits.

I don’t want to do anything, I just want to lie down and enjoy it quietly.

But this heavenly experience lasts only ten seconds.

The next moment, the heat accumulated in the stomach is like annoying tooth-eating ants. No one cares about one or two, but when there are more and more, it becomes more and more dangerous.

So, the gentle heat starts to burn and it starts to sting.

At a certain point, the heat reaches the point where it can change qualitatively—they suddenly explode.

It instantly filled every corner of the body, like the venomous stings of thousands of bees stinging, even the bone marrow was not spared.

How can people who have never experienced it understand what kind of torture every second this pain lasts

However, are there all people present who have never experienced it

Obviously, Tang Ling had experienced it.

He even calculated accurately that his weight was 67 kilograms.

The Leicester Silverback weighs 1,617 kilograms.

The shredded meat from a ferocious beast he once swallowed weighed 1.47 grams.

The piece swallowed by Leicester's silverback weighed 206.53 grams.

The weight difference is only about thirty times.

But the difference in the amount of ferocious beast meat he swallowed was more than a hundred times.

Even if there are any uncertain factors, such as the tolerance of the Leicester Silverback Giant Bear, which is stronger than that of humans, this ratio should ensure the certainty of the outcome.

Yes, Tang Ling had no intention of eating the piece of Level 3 ferocious beast meat himself. It was prepared for the Leicester Silverback Bear.

It is because of experiencing it that I know how helpless and powerless the moment of energy explosion can put people into.

Is Leicester's silverback stronger than its own willpower? nonexistent.

Will it cultivate and guide energy? nonexistent.

(End of chapter)