Dark Moon Era

Chapter 6: mutation


The conversation with her mother-in-law was not pleasant, but in the end Tang Ling's decision was no longer something that her mother-in-law could change.

Life in the settlement is just a stalemate, with no hope or peace.

Holding Shanshan who was awakened by the argument, Tang Ling decided to go for a walk.

Perhaps giving your mother-in-law time to accept is the wisest choice at this time.

With his thoughts on his mind, Tang Ling came to Exit 3 on the north side of the settlement.

Here leads to the small hillside - the only 'paradise' in the gathering place.


The night wind is slightly cold and the purple moon is hazy.

Tang Ling carried Shanshan on his back, stepping on the dry grass step by step, towards the top of the hillock.

There is not enough time. In another hour, the temperature will drop sharply and the cold will be unbearable.

Hordes of rampaging beasts will also appear.

But this does not prevent people from enjoying the last peace of the day here.

After all, most people don't have the courage to step out of the safe confines of the settlement, so this place becomes a place for them to look at the world and yearn for it.

The nose is filled with the aroma of fresh centifolia. As the only 'paradise', there seems to be a wonderful aura that washes away the hostility.

Calm or smiling expressions, soft or deep laughter, at least in underground settlements, are difficult to see.

Tang Ling enjoyed this kind of peace, which made people suddenly forget the cruelty of life.

"Brother." Lying on Tang Ling's back, Shanshan muttered, rubbed Tang Ling's temples with her little face, and then burst out laughing.

Tang Ling smiled. Over the years of relying on each other, such closeness with his sister had long been accustomed to him. It was also the greatest warmth he felt in his life.

The short hill slope has reached the top, and the wind blows the sheets of louvers on the slope, making a "clatter" sound. The soft lavender color is like a picture page that my mother-in-law found in the ruins of a former civilization. , Tang Ling vaguely heard someone say that the purple patches on the painting page were called lavender.

"What was pre-civilization like?" Putting down Shanshan, Tang Ling sat down, pulled out a blade of grass, put it in his mouth, and looked at Safe Zone No. 17 not far away.

Only here can you clearly see the roofs of certain buildings within the huge city walls. Imagine what life in the safe zone is like

The moonlight became clearer, reflecting the towering Tower of Babel in Safety Zone 17 like a sharp sword piercing the sky. It is rumored that this is the most important building in Safety Zone 17, and it is also the one that people in the settlement often stare at. 'hope'.

"That's great." Tang Ling breathed a long sigh of relief, and his heart was instantly filled with tranquility and anticipation for tomorrow. The sister nearby laughed as cheerfully as a little bird, and the warmth of the people nearby after they let go of their guard was just like life. That's how it should be.

But Tang Ling felt like he was in a daze, as if the occasional beauty in life could easily make people sad, and Tang Ling couldn't suppress this feeling.

He stood up in a daze. A strong wind seemed to be blowing in the forest in the distance, but it didn't seem to be the case.

The people in front of me seemed to be still at this moment, their smiles stopped, but they didn't seem to be there.

Sister, where is my sister? She was circling happily around herself, but the sound was so far away and sometimes close. She turned back, looked at Tang Ling and smiled, her eyes narrowed into crescent moons.

So familiar, but in a trance, the smile suddenly broke.

"No!" Tang Ling suddenly broke into a cold sweat and yelled absentmindedly. The moment the voice came out, everything seemed to be back to normal. People looked at Tang Ling in surprise, as if questioning.

Tang Ling breathed rapidly, and before he could say anything, a dazzling light suddenly lit up and shot towards the wild forest outside the safety belt.

Searchlight in the safe zone!

Only when an unknown danger occurs that cannot be judged, will it light up luxuriously to determine what the danger is

For the first time, Tang Ling's heartbeat became extremely violent. Even when he faced a lone steel-bristle pig alone in the wild, he did not lose his composure.

Excellent eyesight played a huge role at this time. When people were still unresponsive, Tang Ling had already followed the light source of the searchlight to clearly see the edge of the distant forest. figure.

Corpse man!

With just one glance, Tang Ling's throat tightened and he let out an almost weak whine. It was like an explosion in his mind, remembering all the things about the Corpse Man.

They are not afraid of death, they have no consciousness, they retain the speed of life, and are more powerful than before life. They only have the instinct of eating, and the food is fresh flesh and blood!

Especially fresh human flesh and blood.

It seems that this is the only way to vent the pain and anger of their death.

However, everyone in this era knows that the Corpse Man is a human being. It is a monster that is transformed into a monster after the body is not burned in time after death.

Thinking of this, will make people feel cold from the bottom of their hearts. Will they not be able to escape even if they die

'Peng' 'Peng' 'Peng', just for an instant, rows of searchlights lit up on the city wall of the safe zone. Under the light like daylight, the groups of corpses had clearly appeared on every side. In one person's eyes.

Wandering corpses!

A rare and unimaginable group of wandering corpses! It was like a spreading tide rushing towards the seat belt at an extremely fast speed.

"Ah!" The screams of people on the hillside cut through the sky.

In the sub-safety zone, there were some wanderers who wanted to catch some small insects and snakes before returning home in time, but they were undoubtedly surrounded by this deadly tide of corpses.

Running, screams of being chewed, blood foam rising, the body being torn apart in an instant turned into pieces of flesh and blood and entered the corpse man's greedy mouth, and the steaming internal organs were also snatched away.

The first person to lose his life appeared, and the moment of death was extremely clear under the searchlight.

From heaven to hell, it really only takes a few seconds.

In the midst of the chaos, Tang Ling had already picked up his sister and sprinted madly down the slope.

The biggest benefit that precision instinct brings to him is that he can keep his mind clear at the most dangerous moments and not waste a second because of fear.

Returning to the underground settlement is the best choice at this time. Taking the lead can increase the chance of survival.

Under the stimulation of 'food', the corpse man has already become crazy, and his speed, which was not slow at first, suddenly became as fast as lightning.

Everyone knows that when the corpse man hunts prey, he will burst out with the speed of a dark leopard.

"153 meters, 13 seconds, 81 steps, you can reach entrance three."

"It takes 2 seconds to open the door."

By the time people started to react and rush to the No. 3 entrance, Tang Ling had already rushed down the slope. His precise instinct was like a sophisticated instrument, and he began to make the most accurate budget uncontrollably.

And everything went as planned. 15 seconds later, Tang Ling had already opened the entrance to the settlement's No. 3 gate.

"Go in." Tang Ling pushed Shanshan through the door. Behind him was a dark crowd, accompanied by desperate cries.

Anyone can imagine how a gate less than two meters wide could withstand the influx of hundreds of people at the same time.

Someone will die, someone will die.

With a kind of tragic sadness, Tang Ling couldn't help but look back.

The purple moon has completely risen, and under the moonlight, the fearful face is twisted into pieces of despair.

On top of the city wall, a row of purple human walls appeared.

Under the moonlight, the standard armor glowed with a faint cold light.

(End of chapter)