Dark Moon Era

Chapter 64: The most important assessment


An assessment stirred up the entire No. 17 Security Zone.

In a depressing life, this ups and downs drama will become a source of conversation for people for a long time.

At this time, the protagonists in the play, Tang Ling and Su Yao, were walking in a remote and dark alley.

When the purple moon rises, the night will become colder.

There are almost no people in such alleys.

"I've made an enemy for you." After walking almost quietly, Su Yao suddenly stopped in front of an ordinary stone house and looked at Tang Ling and said.

Albert is not a tolerant person. He is calm and calculating, and is more than ten times more dangerous than Leno.

"I care more about why you said you were a mad dog than this?" Tang Ling smiled easily.

make enemies? It does not matter.

He didn't even bother to ask why Leno was targeting him.

If you are weak, don't ask why.

Similarly, there is no need to ask the reason for being strong.

Tang Ling just wanted to become stronger.

Facing Tang Ling's answer, Su Yao was stunned for a moment, then kicked Tang Ling in the butt: "You brat, are you pretending to sleep?"

In the stone house.

The dry firewood was burning vigorously in the fireplace, exuding the unique fragrance of purple needle pine.

On the wooden table with rough original colors, there are steaming yellow millet rice, a large pot of fresh meat, and a small plate of green vegetables.

Simple yet luxurious.

Su Yao and Tang Ling sat opposite each other, both eating big mouthfuls of rice and meat. Su Yao stuffed more than half of the plate of green vegetables that Tang Ling didn't recognize into Tang Ling's bowl.

Lorna just watched the two men, one big and one small, eating with satisfaction. It felt like they were fighting for food like wild beasts, but it made people look at them in a daze.

Su Yao said vaguely, this is their temporary stop.

Not a very good place, in a remote and messy alley, far away from convenient, prosperous and fun entertainment places.

But Tang Ling was very satisfied and didn't ask why Su Yao didn't live in the inner city

The two of them were very quiet, but after watching for a long time, Lorna suddenly exclaimed, "It's time to go back to the hotel to do some work," and left in a hurry with a blush.

Su Yao seemed a little embarrassed and said sarcastically: "Men will always need women. She is good at cooking."

"Yeah." Tang Ling actually didn't understand at all, but he recognized Rona, and that was enough.

"Let her work in the hotel. In fact, an ordinary job can support a peaceful life." Looking at the night outside the window, Su Yao suddenly said something.

Tang Ling still didn't understand, but he just remembered the life in the settlement, and now it seemed that it was not a bad thing.

Putting down the bowl, Su Yao looked at Tang Ling seriously: "What do you want to ask me?"

"I want to ask, what's the reason for you to be so nice to me?" Tang Ling didn't know when he started to seriously think about this question.

Perhaps, it's when sadness is suppressed.

Or maybe, he would be concerned about Su Yao after he disappeared for a few days.

However, I have seen too many times. In the turbulent times, a good thing for no reason can make people warm and uneasy.

Tang Ling is not exempt from vulgarity.

Facing Tang Ling's question, Su Yao was silent. His figure standing by the window was enveloped by an indescribable aura.

Desolate and heavy.

Before, Tang Ling asked who Su Yao was? Su Yao replied that Tang Ling was not qualified to know.

Now, are you still not qualified

Tang Ling was a little disappointed.

Just because it was once a precaution.

Now, I care.

He would never forget the deafening declaration of the man in front of him in his dazed sleep - Tang Ling, I, Su Yaodou, belong to me.

If there is a chance in the future, he also wants to protect Uncle Su Yao.

But it’s hard to feel at ease with feelings without a reason, and we always feel that we have to say goodbye.

"There is a reason, and there is a story." Su Yao's rich voice broke Tang Ling's frustration. He turned to look at Tang Ling: "But there are two important points."

"First, just trust me."

"Yes." Tang Ling suddenly felt at ease. As long as he trusted him, it was a very simple matter.

"Second, I don't want to tell a story now, let alone summarize the reasons."

"Do you want to get spanked?"

Tang Ling curled his lips, was it interesting to use violence? Of course, if I become stronger in the future and can beat Uncle Su Yao, I won't mind.

"Go to bed." Su Yao became impatient and kicked Tang Ling's stool over.

At this speed, Tang Ling was able to avoid it perfectly.

"Tomorrow's assessment is very important." Su Yao thought for a moment and suddenly said to Tang Ling.

In fact, this second assessment should be conducted after the first assessment.

But no one expected that this assessment would be so 'exciting' and take so long, so the second assessment could only be scheduled for the next day.

"Will you be as tired as today?" Tang Ling was a little worried. In fact, he was overdrawn. If it was still a brutal battle, he might not be able to cope with it.

"It's not tiring at all, but the rules are an iron wall of despair." Su Yao roughly described it to Tang Ling.

But Tang Ling found it hard to imagine.

But inevitably, he thought of 'Quark', and also recalled the news that Quark once mysteriously told him.

To become a Purple Moon warrior, you have to go through a mysterious assessment and meet certain secret conditions.

Could it be related to tomorrow's assessment? After all, as long as you successfully graduate from the First Preparatory Battalion, you can almost become a Purple Moon Warrior with 100% chance.

Two credits of information, Quark should not be lying.

However, he was captured into Security Zone No. 17, where is he now

Tang Ling was a little distracted, but Su Yao said something like "However, I have full confidence in you". When he found that Tang Ling was distracted, he slapped him hard again.

Dealing with violent men is not an easy thing.


The second day.


People on this day did not have the excitement of the previous day, because the drama was over. According to the rules, the second assessment was always mysterious and would not be made public to ordinary people.

However, this does not prevent people from gathering together early and gathering under the walls of the inner city from a distance, waiting for news.

Once someone passes the second test, a huge bell will ring in Security Zone 17.

There are Purple Moon warriors who will announce the name of the 'lucky man' on the inner city wall.

On this day, Su Yao personally escorted Tang Ling into the inner city.

Along the way, they received all kinds of complex and fearful looks.

How could one emotion describe the big scene yesterday

Moreover, Su Yao broke the myth of the Ziyue Warriors, and after one night, it actually inspired people to rebel.

After all, in many cases, it is not a pleasant thing to have your inner beliefs shaken.

Breaking the persistent belief of others, whether right or wrong, is abhorrent.

Su Yao was a hateful person, but he couldn't be messed with, so he sent Tang Ling to the Glory Square smoothly.

This morning's Glory Square was no longer filled with crowds of onlookers like it was yesterday. Instead, it was cleared by elite soldiers from Security Zone 17, so it was deserted.

Under the morning mist, it looked solemn and silent.

Everything seems to indicate the 'sacredness' of the second assessment.

I glanced at the supporting building, looking for two names to use, and found that the captain of the women's college basketball team is very talented...

(End of chapter)