Dark Moon Era

Chapter 75: anxiety


1000 credits

Tang Ling took the tube of white paste. It was the size of a palm, but so expensive

But hunger has made him forget about everything. Anyway, Uncle Su Yao should have 1,000 credit points, so he might as well owe it first.

Thinking about it, Tang Ling unscrewed the cap of the white nutritional paste, roughly squeezed the nutritional paste into his mouth, and swallowed it in big mouthfuls.

"Tang Ling, three-star talent in the gene chain, passed the assessment." At the same time, Yang Kong also calmly announced Tang Ling's results.

Feilong glanced at Tang Ling specifically. He didn't seem to have any reaction. He still ate the nutritional cream with big mouthfuls. He didn't feel disappointed with this result.

This actually made Fei Long a little happy. Is eating so important? The second test didn't consume much physical energy. Could it be that Su Yao abused him

But all in all, he likes optimistic people. Optimistic people at least will not be easily knocked down by this era.

The assessment ended here. No one noticed Tang Ling's slight pause when he heard the results. Was he so bad? Is it someone with the lowest talent among those who entered the first preparatory camp

At this time, the nutritional paste has been eaten. It has no taste like the nutritional blocks, but the taste is much smoother.

Tang Ling didn't mind the taste. He only knew that the nutritional ointment was still very magical. After eating it, it relieved his hunger by half, at least giving him the strength to stand up and start thinking.

"This is the end of the assessment to enter the First Preparatory Camp. We will gather at the old place of Glory Square on time at 7 o'clock tomorrow morning. Latecomers will be disqualified." Without any words of congratulation, when Tang Ling walked out of the calculator, Feilong directly announced the reporting time, He asked Yang Kong to inform the staff to take these teenagers out of the Hall of Glory.

Tang Ling also followed the others and silently walked out of this mysterious room.

At this time, the little Andy swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and then whispered to Tang Ling: "It will be great if you pass it. The important thing is to get good results in the training camp."

Tang Ling gave Andy a friendly smile, but there was no disappointment in his eyes as Andy thought.

Because, after regaining his ability to think, Tang Ling thought about what he saw. Is it such a coincidence? In that fog, I reached the third lock. The conclusion is that I have three-star talent? If I persist until the end, where is the ninth black lock? Isn’t it a nine-star talent

Is the nine-star talent very powerful

And what exactly is the principle of gene chain calculation? Is everyone like themselves, what kind of talent does it take to go wherever they go? Or should we say that as long as there is such a lock, it is talent

Are there any mistakes

Tang Ling was lost in thought, but he didn't expect Feilong to suddenly stop Tang Ling at this time.

"Looking forward to your performance in the First Preparatory Camp." He did not say this to Auston and Yu, who were distinguished and talented, nor to Amir. He only encouraged Tang Ling.

In his opinion, it was Tang Ling who needed encouragement, and he didn't want Tang Ling to sink.

As for favoritism or not, Feilong never cared about such issues.

Looking at Feilong, Tang Ling remembered his problem.

But Tang Ling didn't trust Feilong, so he didn't ask anything.


Walked out of the Hall of Glory.

The weather was a bit gloomy, with scattered wind and heavy clouds.

But who knows if it will rain

Anyway, the assessment to enter the first preparatory camp has ended, and both those who succeeded and those who failed need to relax.

The boys and girls dispersed.

Tang Ling also walked to a corner of the Glory Square alone. Su Yao was standing there, towering like a mountain. It was difficult not to notice.

"Passed?" Su Yao asked, holding a cigarette in his mouth and squinting his eyes.

"Passed." Tang Ling's tone was very calm, not at all happy about passing.

"Hmm." Su Yao responded casually and walked ahead, with Tang Ling following behind Su Yao.

It was at this time that his disappointment appeared on his face.

Samsung gene chain talent? How far can you go? Even if he trains with all his life, can he defeat the man in black robe and take revenge

No, the enemy is probably some people from Safe Zone No. 17. Can I fight against them

In front of everyone, Tang Ling didn't show any concern or disappointment about being at the bottom of the talent list, but when he saw Su Yao, for some reason, he couldn't hold it back.

Su Yao didn't look back, so he didn't see Tang Ling's expression. He said to himself, "I asked you on purpose. In fact, every time someone passes by, the Glory Hall will send someone to spread the news and notify the entire safe zone."

"I just made you nervous on purpose, hahahaha" Su Yao was very proud and smiled happily.

But what's there to be nervous about after passing? Is this funny? Tang Ling didn't understand where Su Yao's logic was

This joke, which was not funny, could not alleviate Tang Ling's frustration at all.

"Hahaha, you must be very angry, right?" Su Yao stopped and suddenly turned around, but what he saw was Tang Ling's disappointed eyes.

His smile froze, then shrunk, he took out the cigarette with his hand and blew out a puff of smoke: "Say."

"I only have three stars. But I, I saw, saw nine." Tang Ling said a little bit intermittently. He was a little helpless and a little aggrieved as if he had been misunderstood. He was like a child who carefully prepared a picture. Painting, I thought it was very good.

In the end, others laughed and thought it was childish, and said perfunctorily that it would be great if I could draw it.

Tang Ling is a proud young man.

More importantly, what does seeing the nine locks mean? Did everyone see it? The so-called talent actually means that where you go is where you do it

He was afraid of hearing such an answer from Su Yao. He believed that Su Yao must understand this.

Uncle Su Yao just doesn't have standard armor, but he is also as powerful as the Purple Moon Warrior.

However, Tang Ling did not finish what he said.

As soon as he said this halfway, Su Yao covered his mouth, and then he heard: "Let's talk about everything when we get back."

Su Yao's expression was very serious, and the frown on his brows was not disappointment, let alone pride, but a kind of anxiety, worry, and an indescribable pressure that enveloped him like a mist.

Tang Ling was a little at a loss.

But trust prevented him from continuing. Instead, he followed Su Yao silently and strode towards home with him.

Su Yao's speed was very fast, which showed his irritability.

Tang Ling had to jog to keep up.

Although he endured it for a long time, Tang Ling still called Su Yao.

Su Yao turned around impatiently: "Didn't I say, don't say anything?"

"Well, Uncle Su Yao, I owe that examiner 1,000 credit points." Tang Ling was a little embarrassed.

"Oh my God, did you go to take the test? Or did you go and get a girl?" Su Yao's forehead was filled with veins. In anger, he simply grabbed Tang Ling's collar and continued to stride towards him. Walk in the direction of home.

Tang Ling felt inexplicably frightened. What does a woman wander into? Is this serious

(End of chapter)