Dark Moon Era

Chapter 789: Iteration (4)


What comes to mind

What can you think of? In fact, what Kunti said was not a problem at all, but made it clear that everything was an arrangement.

With Tang Ling's intelligence, couldn't he still see this logical clue

In front of the powerful filter of the universe, a race has finally come to an end. In front of it is an invisible layer of filter that can no longer pass through, and there is no way to retreat after all.

So at this point, what else can you rely on? Is there any other way to think about it

There is, and there is only one, and that is faith.

This answer may seem absurd, but it is extremely powerful.

Just like human beings, as intelligent creatures, have developed self-awareness and the ability to think, created civilization, and stood at the top of the biological chain, but they are also suffering from the huge side effects of this ability - that is, they understand the superficial meaning of life and death. They are all escaping the pain of death.

And death cannot be avoided, faith comes naturally. Only this power can heal the fear, doubt and pain from the soul.

Humanity's beliefs are in various nihilistic gods, but the first generation had only one belief, and that was the Source Star that gave birth to them.

The difference is that compared to many human beliefs, this belief is not nihilistic, although it cannot be completely proven.

But so what? When a group is facing extinction, firmly holding on to faith is the only way.

The instinct of living things is to reproduce, and intelligent creatures cannot escape this biological nature.


Put all hope on the source star, that is hope, that is the light that can be reappeared.

As for what happened next? How? Tang Ling couldn't know yet, but what Kun said already pointed out the result - human beings were created.

Is that so

Even though there is no huge difference between the knowledge, power and even cognition between today's humans and the first generation, the way of thinking always has the same roots.

Tang Ling didn't even need to stand in the perspective of the first generation and deliberately imitate the ideas of the first generation to be certain of this conclusion.

"So, you created us?" Tang Ling raised his head and looked at Kun with complicated eyes. In fact, no one would be able to feel complicated when facing such a truth.

universe? life? It was too small, so I didn't dare to think about it. I could only sigh in a complicated way, but I didn't know how to interpret this complicated mood.

"Yes, that's wrong." Kun looked at Tang Ling with a more complicated expression: "No life can be created, and all that can be created are monsters like me."

"What are you talking about? I don't understand." Tang Ling raised his eyebrows. He really didn't understand what Kun's words meant.

"If real life can be created, what is the significance of the planet where life was born as the highest belief of all intelligent races in the universe?" There was a sarcastic smile on Kun's lips.

As soon as Tang Ling opened his mouth to say something, Kun waved his sleeves and interrupted him.

"I know what you want to say? How can life not be created? It's like... Well, the previous civilization mastered a technology called 'cloning'. Since the previous civilization has such a small technological capability in the universe, the first generation Why can’t it be so powerful?”

The sarcastic smile on Kun's lips grew thicker: "I can tell you the answer with certainty, it is no. Even the simplest life form in your opinion, like an ant, cannot be created by humans."

"What is creation? You can understand it this way, starting from scratch and shaping naturally. This is an extremely great process. Even the top races in the universe cannot touch this taboo field."

"You should never regard low-level things like 'cloning' as the creation of life, nor should you say that when the original generation comes to an end, can such technology be used to preserve the hope of the race?"

"I tell you clearly, it's impossible! Even pre-civilized humans have discovered the existence of its drawbacks. It's like extracting cells from an old man for cloning. The clone is very likely to age quickly."

"This is just one of the disadvantages. You can't imagine the real disadvantages. In abstract terms, this low-level technology is just copying. The copy cannot copy the origin of life, such as evolution, or that little bit. The 'aura' of nothingness. If any race chooses to continue in this way, or something similar to this, it will truly reach its end."

Rarely, Kun's mood became a little excited, and it took Tang Ling some time to fully digest the series of words.

But digesting and understanding this passage does not mean that the doubts are solved.

Carefully and slightly hesitantly, Tang Ling asked in a low voice, "What about you?"

"Me?" The sarcasm in Kun's tone seemed to have reached its peak at this time. After a simple rhetorical question, he finally let out a series of sarcastic and sad laughter.

"You can understand it this way. I and some other people who belong to the Dream Realm belong to the so-called top-level life forms that were created."

"Isn't this good?" Tang Ling said sincerely.

"Very good?" Kun touched his face with his long fingers and looked at Tang Ling narrowly: "Are you referring to appearance, or wisdom? Or strength?"

"Isn't that all good?" Tang Ling's words were not very confident.

"Really? Hahaha." Kun smiled again, and then said with a slight sigh: "If you are willing to be a person who will never understand family, love, friendship, let alone some subtle emotions, if you are willing to learn from From birth, there is no way to create any possibility. If you are willing to have no change no matter how long it takes, tens of thousands of years, hundreds of millions of years, then you can feel good about it.”

Tang Ling pursed his lips. He seemed to understand, but he seemed not to understand.

This was beyond the scope of his accumulated knowledge.

And Kun also said as expected: "It is beyond the scope of your cognition. You can understand my existence this way. I have no life potential. Whatever mode I was born with, I will never be able to break through. The so-called carbon-based body, silicon The basic body, or even some elemental life bodies that you don’t understand, are just a change of clothes for me.”

"I have what seems to be eternity, but this eternity seems to be fixed in one second. This is still beyond your understanding. So let's say something vague but something you can understand. I have no soul, only being designed. Everything that has been decided will be forever imprisoned. But I am already at the pinnacle, the pinnacle of life that intelligent life can create.”

Tang Ling understood, but he couldn't say he understood completely.

Tang Ling had never thought that life, which was taken for granted by living humans, although short-lived, was a truly great miracle in other forms of existence.

If you can't stand in the other person's perspective, you can't truly feel the sadness from the other person.

So Tang Ling didn't know what to say? He could only look at Kun silently, then lowered his eyelids, silently picked up the wine glass in front of him, and clinked three glasses with Kun again.

"There's no need to dwell on questions about me." After the two of them were silent for who knows how long, Kun opened his mouth and was about to end the topic.

In fact, there are still many unknowns in the universe for Kun.

Is his life really set in stone? Now he is no longer sure. Because he also had many subtle emotions that he shouldn't have, but this kind of thing is too elusive and cannot be confirmed materially.

So Tang Ling's appearance, for Kun, means more than just completing the so-called mission? It's just that at this stage, there's really no need to delve too deeply into it.

On the contrary, it was Kun's sudden open-minded attitude that made Tang Ling unable to adapt to it for a while. He looked at Kun and asked a somewhat silly question in confusion: "Then, what should I care about now? What should I ask?"

"Hahaha." As expected, Tang Ling's words made Kun laugh. He picked up a small dish with chopsticks casually and looked at Tang Ling: "Since I said that life cannot be created, I am the highest technology in creation. You should ask , Why do you humans exist?”

"Why is that?" Tang Ling was very cooperative.

"The first generation used the highest technology, failed countless times, and finally extracted the most critical gene fragment that can evolve independently." Kun said the answer directly without any concealment.

"Then we were created like this?" It sounded simple, but Tang Ling would never dare to say anything 'stupid' again. For example, pre-civilized humans could also extract genes, which would cause ridicule.

Perhaps, this is definitely not easy. It's just that his knowledge is limited, so Tang Ling can't understand the difficulty.

"Just?" Kun raised his eyebrows slightly: "I can't give you a detailed explanation of the difficulty of extraction. If you want to explain it in detail, not only will you need a lot of knowledge, but also it will be extremely time-consuming for me. Energy thing.”

"You only need to know that the first generation tried its best to extract these little bits of gene fragments, used all resources, and even went through hardships you can't imagine, and successfully extracted five fragments in total."

"And in order to prove something, one section was placed on the planet that the first generation thought had the best conditions and resources." After saying this, Kun paused and said in a tone that even he couldn't believe: "But... it was a waste after all. , let alone evolve naturally, it can’t even survive.”

"Then" Tang Ling probably had the answer in his heart.

"Yes, this is the greatest point of the first generation. They proved in disguise that the Origin Star theory may really exist. The remaining four gene fragments were stored in the Origin Star. Only the Origin Star can be preserved in the gene fragments." Kun confirmed Tang Ling's unspoken guess.

"Then this is the origin of us humans?" Is this close to the truth? Now that Kundu has confirmed it.

"No!" What Tang Ling didn't expect was that Kun would continue to deny him.

Tang Ling stopped asking and simply remained silent. How complicated is it? Why can't I guess the truth even after giving so many clues

Not only could it not be guessed, but the key logical points linking these to the current human experience could not be found.

In this case, just listen to Kun continue.

This time, Kun was determined to let the responsible person in front of him, who was carrying hope, know everything in detail, so he didn't give in to anything and started to tell the story again.

"The first generation of civilization is destined to come to an end, and the genetic fragments hidden in the Source Star are the last hope. Although no one is sure whether this hope will bear fruit, the hope for a group of people is worth using everything to insure it. of."

"So the Source Star, the great, mysterious planet that gave birth to the first generation, was covered with layers of insurance."

"The first level of insurance is that the highest inheritance of the first generation is hidden in the Source Star. Yes, you should have guessed it, it is the dream world that you humans call, the Dream Realm."

"But in fact, the Dream Realm is not called this name. They are composed of two inheritances. One is the inheritance that focuses on life ability, which is called Kunlun. The other is the inheritance with the highest technology, which is called Atlan. tis.”

"So." Tang Ling suddenly raised his head.

"Yes. So as the direct manager, I am called Kun, and the other is called Ya. It's as simple as that." Kun smiled inexplicably. This obvious name is brought about by the genes hidden deep in the bones of human beings. Memory', after weaving it into a myth, no one still associated it with it, which gave him an inexplicable sense of comfort and superiority.

The evolution of this human being is still very poor. Even if he is a created life, at least at this moment he can still overlook human beings.

Tang Ling was dumbfounded. Even if he was as smart as him, he really didn't make this connection. Even though the question in his mind might have nothing to do with the so-called truth, he couldn't help but ask: "You and Ya are the only ones who manage these two inheritances." ?”

"No, it's a group of people. Due to some confidentiality rules at this stage, you only need to know about a few hundred people. And the leader among us is a, um, guy with female characteristics." Said the Origin Ancestor , Kun is always a little unnatural, wanting to complain, but he is also afraid that Yuanzu will monitor him and give him a punishment.

Fortunately nothing happened.

But Tang Ling had many associations, and he couldn't help but say, "Could it be Nuwa?"

"Hahahaha." Kun laughed so hard that he couldn't control himself, but he didn't intend to answer Tang Ling. After laughing enough, he said, "It's just a name. Whatever you think it is is whatever it is. But..."

Kun's expression became serious: "Our existence is to provide the second level of insurance on this source star. Our true identity is the guardian of inheritance. Our behavior pattern is limited to a certain range, and our awakening It also requires special conditions to trigger.”

"Triggered by special conditions? For example, the birth of human beings?" Tang Ling asked subconsciously.

"That's one of them. It's more harsh than what you said. In addition, you should understand the truth that wealth is not revealed and the nature of living things. Although the universe is vast and the first generation did not encounter interstellar wars, all this is not unforeseen. The first generation left behind for future generations. How amazing is the thing below? And the nature of living things, especially intelligent creatures, cannot avoid being 'exclusive', so there are many restrictions on the conditions for our awakening." Kun gave Tang Ling the most patient explanation possible.

"Oh, when did you wake up?" Tang Ling asked this question, just following the trend. When did you actually wake up? Even if you take a guess, it should be a long time. After all, although the history of the emergence of Homo sapiens cannot be completely determined, it is still hundreds of thousands of years old.

But Tang Ling didn't expect such a simple question, but Kun gave an astonishing answer: "Our group of guardians will wake up every year. This is based on behavioral settings. Unless there are special circumstances, the guardians will wake up every year." During the annual meeting, one person will be awake for ten days, and the changes in the source star will be recorded. This awakening takes turns."

"And the entire guardian clan has awakened, completely awakened, in less than two hundred years. Do you understand?"

"Purple Moon? You mean you woke up when the Purple Moon rose?" Tang Ling suddenly became extremely focused and serious. After Kun had told so much, he finally had clues to this era.

"Close, but not. To be precise, we woke up the night before Ziyue appeared. Not only us, but the second generation also woke up." Kun became serious again.

"Second generation, there is still a second generation?" Tang Ling couldn't believe it. No wonder he couldn't guess the truth, because the complexity of the truth far exceeded his imagination.

"Nonsense, if there is the first generation, there will naturally be the second generation. You asked me before, this is why we are called the first generation, and I tell you there is a difference. The difference lies here. The first generation generally refers to the first generation of life born in the universe. It is also the original source of your humanity.”

"Who is the second generation?" Tang Ling no longer dared to guess.

"Okay, this long story has finally reached the middle part." Kun poured Tang Ling another glass of wine: "Before, I talked about the two-fold insurance provided to Yuan Xing by the first generation, one is inheritance, and the other is guardianship. . There is also a third level of insurance, and the key to this level of insurance is ‘hiding’.”

"The very simple literal meaning is that the Source Star is hidden. That is, only by hiding the inherited wealth that the entire intelligent race in the universe will be jealous of can ensure the bud of hope." When Kun said this, he touched Tang Ling's hand lightly. Cup: "Here, let's do it."

Tang Ling raised the cup numbly and touched it with Kun. He almost guessed it. This time he guessed it for sure, but he didn't say anything.

But Kun said: "Since it is hidden, it must be thorough. Therefore, the first step is to use the laws of space to transform the source star beyond recognition."

While speaking, Kun waved his hand, and the pattern of Yuan Xing appeared three-dimensionally between the two of them.

Kun cut Yuan Xing seemingly at random, and then folded the cut part, or twisted it using some unknown method. In short, while Tang Ling was dazzled, Yuan Xing truly became completely disfigured, and

And become familiar and friendly!

Yes, the answer was finally revealed at this time, confirming the initial guess and the initial strong emotion. Isn't the Source Star the planet where I am

Looking at the rotating planet that Kun had lightly transformed before his eyes, Tang Ling thought that the emotions he had already been excited about would no longer surge.

It's a pity that he was wrong. A feeling of attachment to his mother came to his heart again, and it was clearer and more determined than the first time.

Tang Ling couldn't control it, almost involuntarily, tears welled up in his eyes.

Such emotions cannot be explained, but they are not hypocritical. If human nature is full of negativity and cannot be denied, then there must be strong positives supporting the light. Such emotions are like this at this moment.

Wiping away his tears, Tang Ling said with a choked voice: "The first generation did a lot, and I can understand it."

"Of course you have to understand, because this is what your ancestors did. But it's not enough." As Kun spoke, he placed the planet in the background pattern again, but the background pattern began to be folded, and again and again During the folding process, even Tang Ling's spiritual eyes could no longer track the location of the Source Star, as it was hidden.

"We still use space technology to randomly move the Source Star. Even the first generation itself does not have definite coordinates and does not know where the Source Star will eventually be moved. Its location has become a mystery, and only then can it be kept a secret forever. At this point, Yuan Xing is truly hidden."

After hearing this, Tang Ling's previously excited emotions subsided slightly, and he was amazed by the methods of the first generation. Such methods 'outside the house' were indeed beyond the imagination of people 'inside the house'.

"Well, time is always ruthless. At this point in history, the second generation finally appeared." Before Tang Ling could sigh enough, Kun had already started talking about the second generation.

Weekends are so busy, thousands of kilometers, and we need to pay even more attention during the epidemic. So I wanted to mention spiritual renewal several times, but failed. I apologize in advance. Everyone understands that after reading these chapters, you will know that they are all practical information, and there must be no mistakes in logic. This is why I can't force the update. If I don’t update steadily in the future, I will try my best to make up for it with long chapters. I’ve been really busy recently. But no matter how busy I am, I will temporarily stop updating after finishing this plot point, so I should finish this plot point before the end of August. There will be a new update later, most likely after the National Day, I will notify you of the details.

(End of chapter)