Dark Moon Era

Chapter 79: Senior brother



These two words came out of the mouth of instructor Bai Bai so easily, but the faces of these teenagers suddenly became heavy.

The hardships of the assessment are still in front of you. Before you can experience the life of the first preparatory camp for a minute, you are facing elimination again

But no one dared to question that the instructor in front of him was joking. If he didn't want to be eliminated, keeping up was the only option.

There is only one minute to rest.

A minute later, without any notice, Platycladus orientalis turned around and left again. This time, the teenagers ran and followed without any reminder.

Compared to the first time.

The instructor obviously left some leeway. At least he did not use the speed that the previous teenagers could not keep up with despite all their efforts.

Instead, he maintained a speed just enough for the teenagers to run hard and follow.

Of course, this is not an easy task. As long as the willpower is slightly relaxed, it will be difficult for the person to maintain such high-intensity running.

Twenty minutes later.

The innermost side of the inner city.

A group of teenagers who were still high-spirited in the morning were staggering tiredly under the towering cliffs. They were all lying on the ground like dead dogs. How could they feel so proud

Platycladus looked at these little guys with satisfaction. The necessary show of force seemed to have a good effect, but was it enough

Obviously not.

He waited quietly for the little guys to recover a little, and the kind smile that made these teenagers 'creepy' appeared on their faces again.

"Huh", after breathing rapidly for nearly half a minute, Tang Ling adjusted his breathing rhythm to normal.

After casually wiping a handful of hair that was wet with sweat and clinging to his forehead, Tang Ling ignored the instructor's cunning smile.

He had no illusions about the ease of life in the First Preparatory Camp, so it didn't matter the instructor's deliberate oppression.

The cliff in front of me is really very high.

People who live here are all too familiar with it.

Safety Zone 17 was originally built under a cliff. There are only three high walls surrounding Safety Zone 17, and the other side is this steep cliff.

In the past, Tang Ling could only stare at it from a distance, and once imagined, could he climb this cliff and quietly enter the No. 17 safety zone

Now, after actually reaching the cliff, I realize how ridiculous this idea is.

Thousands of meters in height.

Nearly vertical, smooth stone surface.

The plants above have been cleaned up, and finding a place to stay is a luxury.

The side facing Security Zone No. 17 looks like this. What about the side facing away from it? Tang Ling had no way of knowing. I was afraid that only by climbing up would he know what kind of scenery was behind the cliff.

But is it necessary to climb up

Tang Ling had a bad premonition in his heart. He looked up and saw that there was no way to climb the cliff. There were only three thick iron chains, the only things that could be climbed.

Climbing through a chain? It's a very 'exciting' thing to think about.

The iron chain is also very smooth, as if someone has been climbing up and down it all year round, not to mention the terrible consequences of a slippery hand.

At a height of one thousand meters, what if you run out of strength halfway? Just hang it on the cliff and use it as dried meat

Bad guesses often turn out to be true very quickly.

As soon as Tang Ling's thoughts came to his mind, he saw three thick iron chains starting to shake. In less than half a minute, he saw several figures on the iron chains falling rapidly from the cliff downwards.

It's so fast it's like jumping off a cliff.

How confused are you? The little Andy, who was lying next to Tang Ling and still panting, turned pale with fright.

But as the distance got closer, everyone could see clearly that the people who fell from the cliff were extremely fast because they only held the chain with one hand and slid down directly.

Occasionally, he would control the speed, stay for a while, then swing up the chain and fall directly for a certain distance.

What seems very easy and freehand actually requires extremely strong strength and control. Otherwise, this seemingly handsome and brave behavior will turn into a tragedy of falling off a cliff in minutes.

The person coming is very strong!

But Instructor Platycladus looked normal.

'Dong' 'Dong' 'Dong', with a few muffled sounds, the four people who descended from the cliff landed smoothly, each carrying two buckets of drinking water.

"Instructor Platycladus, the drinking water has been brought down." The boy who was obviously the leader among the four of them had a very respectful attitude towards Instructor Platycladus. It was through him that Tang Ling and the others found out that the instructor was originally called Platycladus.

A very strange name, like Feilong and Yangkong, without any regional characteristics, like a code name.

Looking at the drinking water, Tang Ling, who was already very thirsty, felt that his throat was dry. The transparent liquid rippling in the sun was like the most beautiful scenery in the world, attracting Tang Ling's full attention.

But only Tang Ling was like this, the others looked at the four teenagers coming down from the cliff with admiration and longing.

These people wear the same uniforms as them, and they must be the 'senior brothers' of the First Reserve Battalion. After that, will I become as powerful as them

Can you at least jump off a cliff with one hand? Auston became excited when he thought of this, and the image he couldn't help but change into one of him holding the chain with one hand, holding the most beautiful girl in Safe Zone 17 in his arms, leaping through the air, Below were the exclamations of another group of girls.

Facing the adoring gazes of the teenagers, the senior brothers seemed to have no feeling at all. On the contrary, the leading senior brother asked Instructor Bai Bai with a somewhat flattering smile: "Are these the new little guys?"

The tone was clearly filled with an inexplicable expectation.

But Instructor Platycladus did not show any emotion. He just waved his hand and said calmly: "It has nothing to do with you anymore. Go back to the camp."

The four senior brothers respectfully performed a military salute and walked towards the cliff without any objection.

Three of them cast a sympathetic look at the group of teenagers, but the leader looked very kind. He waved to the teenagers and said directly: "Remember my name, Dali! I will enter the camp later." , if you have any difficulty, go to Dali.”

Hearing these words, all the teenagers showed moved expressions. How friendly the brothers in the First Preparatory Battalion are.

Andy was almost in tears.

Only Tang Ling only had those buckets of drinking water in his eyes.

As for senior brother

The first feeling is that this senior brother is very bad, I believe you are the only one who is evil.

"One bucket per person, drink water now." The senior brothers had already left. In the eyes of the teenagers in amazement, they grabbed the iron chain and borrowed this little strength to climb up the cliff almost at a running speed.

Instructor Platycladus remained calm and just calmly ordered these teenagers to drink water.

For the first time, a truly kind and humane command.

Tang Ling seemed to hear the sound of nature.

It is said that this book is academic style and there will be routines later on. Do we want to make a bet? Guess the next plot development? If you guess correctly, I will give you a red envelope, and I will never break my promise of 5,000 cash. For specific rules, see the book review section. I will personally post a book review at the top of the page later.

(End of chapter)