Dark Moon Era

Chapter 791: Iteration (6)


Second generation conditions are not enough

How is it not enough? Tang Ling looked at the glory of the second generation in the picture. Even a cosmic empire that is about to decline has a foundation that humans can't even imagine.

In comparison, human beings seemed so 'shabby'. Even Tang Ling thought that the splendid pre-civilization was not worthy of mentioning its heritage in front of the second generation.

What about the others? strength? Perhaps now that we have entered the Ziyue era, humans have a little bit of power to be looked at by the second generation, but it is only one more look.

So, human character is better? Not even more! Compared with the second generation, human beings' bad nature is more intense.

Thinking about it this way, what is the reason why the second generation is not qualified enough

However, Kun only gave Tang Ling an explanation, but had no intention of explaining it further.

He just quietly let Tang Ling continue to watch, watching as the cosmic empire built by the second generation finally reached the edge of destruction.

There is no way to save it. At this moment, all wars and battles are meaningless. Even the final struggle cannot be counted. It can only be said to be a numb persistence for the obsession and feelings in the heart.

But numb persistence could not completely destroy the reason of a few wise men. They saw the very distant future, and they finally decided to start the 'Tinder Project'.

"Plan Fire?" Tang Ling murmured. At this point in the grand story, if he still couldn't guess the outcome, Tang Ling couldn't be called smart.

But Kun still gave Tang Ling the most detailed explanation.

"As you can imagine, Project Fire is actually no different from what the original generation did when it was about to be destroyed."

"Maybe the universe is still young, so some beliefs haven't changed, you know this is the belief in the Source Star."

"The second generation has been studying everything on the Source Star since they became powerful. Unfortunately, the direction they chose to strengthen was slightly different from the first generation, so they failed to discover all the legacies left by the first generation."

"But it should be said." When Kun said this, he hesitated slightly, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes: "Okay, what cannot be proven, the law of nothingness, I call it God's will."

"Then it was God's will. We didn't wake up, and they didn't discover the secret of the Source Star. But they got the most important inheritance by mistake."

Tang Ling answered directly: "Gene fragments."

"Yes, it's gene fragments. To be precise, most of them." Kun confirmed Tang Ling's answer.

"Why most of it?" Tang Ling raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Being able to successfully give birth to the second generation has consumed most of the genetic fragments left by the first generation. The remaining incomplete genetic fragment is because..." Kun said this, hesitating slightly.

But Tang Ling did not hesitate: "God's will?"

"Yes, that's all I can say. All kinds of harshness that you can't imagine have allowed it to be preserved. But no matter what, the second generation got it." Kun felt infinite emotion in his heart. At this moment, he suddenly felt that if he could, He is willing to give everything, even if it only gives him a second, he also wants to break through the universe to see what is outside the universe? Could all the mysterious unsolved laws be explained there

How is this curiosity from the depths of the soul similar to real human beings? Are you really going to become a human

Kun was stunned for a moment, but he also found it funny.

After restraining his thoughts and glancing at Tang Ling who was still listening, Kun continued: "After obtaining these incomplete genetic fragments, the second generation quickly realized many things, such as the source of their lives, and Said—their technology is not up to the level of extracting such genetic fragments.”

"Will most of the gene fragments have any impact?" Tang Ling asked very simply, but his implication was obvious. Can most of the gene fragments successfully evolve life, or even intelligent life

"Of course." Kun was sure: "So, the second generation has been thinking of ways to make the genetic fragments complete."

"I don't want to say it, but I still have to say it once. This kind of research that spares no resources has not been successful in a long time. But who would have thought that before the empire was about to collapse, this research would actually be successful."

"How did it succeed? Extract a complete gene fragment again?" Tang Ling asked.

"No, they were unable to do this from beginning to end. They only succeeded in integrating a small part of their genetic fragments into the remaining incomplete genetic fragment."

At this point, Kun's eyes flickered: "After all, they have the same origin."

Tang Ling lowered his head slightly: "Yes, so... after all, we have the marks of the first generation and the second generation on us."

"Well, you must have guessed it. Humanity is derived from this second-generation genetic fragment." Of course Kun heard the implication of Tang Ling's words.

"What is the core of the truth?" Yes, at this point in the story, the core of everything should definitely be revealed. What happened in the Ziyue Era

"Don't be anxious." Kun stretched out a finger and waved: "There are some hardships, but I still have to explain it to you, otherwise you, as the responsible person, will not understand how heavy you are carrying."

"First of all, do you know what the first generation paid to continue the bloodline?"

"Then, you must also understand how difficult the second generation's fire plan is, and how bloody and cruel it is."

"It's more difficult than the original generation."

"I can think of it." Tang Ling said firmly.

Kun showed a hint of curiosity: "What can you think of?"

"Because of our evil nature, the first thing we can think of is to eradicate the roots. Since so many races from the universe have united around the Yu Clan and want to completely destroy the second generation, of course we will not let any resurgence of the second generation Opportunity." Tang Ling's speech was not fast and his tone was calm, but every word had an inexplicable feeling that hit his heart.

Kun's expression changed slightly: "Then what?"

No one expected that at this moment, it would be Kun who started to question Tang Ling.

"Then? The real top secret is not hiding, but acting." Tang Ling sighed slightly: "So the second generation must maintain the attitude of continuing to fight everywhere, trying desperately to save the empire, which means huge sacrifices."

"In addition to this, we must put on a big show to reassure the enemy, which is all kinds of efforts to continue the bloodline, such as spreading the secrets of the tribe to escape, or other means that I can't understand. We must also cleverly make the enemy Discovered and extinguished again and again.”

"Heh." Kun laughed inexplicably, but he was secretly frightened. Tang Ling was right.

Tang Ling didn't care about Kun's reaction, but buried his head lower and lower, and began to imitate Kun's habitual movements with his fingers, slowly tapping on the table: "This drama will naturally consume the second generation's final..." A tribesman. In this way, the enemy will be relieved. The remaining half will be completely destroyed if the source star is destroyed."

"Okay, absolutely right. How do you feel about saying this?" Kunzhen was shocked and curious again.

"I don't feel it. At this point, there is no possibility of accepting surrender. If you fight to the death, you will be wiped out in the end. If it were me, I would choose to make the sacrifice meaningful. Even if it is cruel, I must create the last glimmer of hope." Tang Ling raised his head, The suppressed hatred in his eyes turned into a cold and deep gaze, which made people's hearts tremble and chill.

"So, you are the one responsible." Fortunately, Kun was a guardian and not a real human being. He could analyze the terrifying look in Tang Ling's eyes, but he could not arouse ripples in his heart because of it, so he was very calm.

With a wave of his hand, all the brilliant, cruel, magnificent and sad backgrounds disappeared.

In the darkness, the small, warm galaxy that Tang Ling was familiar with, where his own planet was located, slowly emerged.

"The biggest difference between the second generation and the first generation is that in the end, the first generation has returned to its original nature and believes in all natural consequences. Therefore, the source star is randomly transferred again and again."

"But the second generation didn't believe it, so their Tinder Plan generously prepared the most suitable breeding ground for Yuanxing."

Tang Ling looked at this small galaxy, and indescribable warmth surged in his heart. Perhaps he had seen two desolations, but at this moment, the sense of security brought by this warmth actually made Tang Ling feel a huge sense of cherishment.

He couldn't help but stretch his hand towards the background of the galaxy. Although everything he touched was nothingness, Tang Ling couldn't help but said to himself: "Yes, I prepared it very carefully, very carefully." "

"Well, an almost perfect distance from the star Sun, just in the golden zone of the habitable zone of the solar system, perfect atmosphere, perfect liquid water, perfect atmospheric composition, perfect magnetic field protection, perfect geological structure cycle, perfect lunar tides The role of Jupiter is to keep the earth's rotation axis stable, and the perfect Jupiter protects the earth from most asteroid impacts." Kun's voice blended well with the sound of his fingers tapping on the table: "It even looked at the entire galaxy and the entire universe. "

Tang Ling glanced at Kun with a slightly confused look. He obviously hadn't gotten over the complicated feelings in his heart.

"Don't you understand? Choose an inconspicuous galaxy on the edge. Then the galaxy you create is in an extremely suitable location in the galaxy. If it is too close to the center of the galaxy, it will eventually be swallowed by the black hole in the center of the galaxy. If it is in a place with dense celestial bodies Within the cantilever of the Milky Way, it is extremely easy for celestial body collisions to occur.”

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, compared to this, doesn't the first generation look very careless?" Kunluo asked Tang Ling jokingly.

Tang Ling shook his head: "I don't know."

"Why don't you know?" Kun's face had a helpless but mocking tone: "There are many more intentions behind this arrangement, such as the deliberately created environment for the Source Star to quickly generate life."

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. The second generation is also worried about fragile genetic fragments. So we are not the only guardians. The second generation also created guardians." Kun said this with a nonchalant attitude.

"What?" Tang Ling was surprised. Kun and the others were not the only ones protecting the planet

"Well, it's absolutely true. Speaking of which, you and I have many connections, and we are very familiar with the first generation. But your father, Tang Feng, is more familiar with the second generation." Kun seemed to deliberately stimulate Tang Ling.

Tang Ling was stunned for a moment and then fell silent. At this time, he didn't want to mention Tang Feng.

Kun, however, was minding his own business and said back: "Well, this has nothing to do with the truth we are going to talk about today. You can explore these past events if you are interested in the future."

"In short, what I want to say is that the existence of the second generation of guardians seems to have a greater impact on you at this stage."

Tang Ling frowned: "Let's talk about everything."

Kun poured out the last glass of wine in the pot and held up the cup but didn't drink it for a long time. After being silent for a few seconds, he said, "It's time to talk about everything."

"Before I tell you anything, answer me one more question. Why don't you know?"

Tang Ling: "I wonder if the first generation was careless? From an intellectual point of view, the second generation is indeed more stable. The methods of the first generation are too unknown, as if their careful preparation was in vain. But... I can't suppress my feelings, I always feel that the first generation Maybe it’s better to do this?”

"Well, I didn't know before." Kun finally drank the wine in the cup: "The only thing I can be sure of is that the first generation did this because they pursued the ultimate return to nature and believed in an ethereal and untouchable nature. choose."

"But..." Kun narrowed his eyes when he said this: "Until the moment the purple moon rose, I was sure of an answer. The belief of the first generation was correct. Over such a long period of time, a planet that was randomly moved developed two generation."

"But what about the careful preparations of the second generation? In fact, it was really a short time in the universe, but the source star was exposed."

"What?" Tang Ling was obviously even more surprised this time. An uncontrollable nervousness arose that made him crush the wine glass in his hand.

"Yes, it was exposed. Because of the exposure, the final Purple Moon Plan was born!" Kun waved his hand as he spoke, and the entire galaxy faded away, and only the moon accompanying the source star was infinitely magnified.

"This is not a satellite. Its real entity is the base of the second-generation guardian. You can also understand it as a spaceship."

"The Purple Moon Project was launched by them, just because they failed to keep this secret and allowed a lost alien spacecraft to escape, and! There are survivors on the spacecraft."

"In addition, there are survivors who have infiltrated the Source Star."

Tang Ling's eyes suddenly tightened, everything was finally connected.

Okay, this revealing plot point has finally been written. The most straightforward thing is that there are no urine spots in the whole process. Of course, the update is full of urine spots. In fact, I still can't help but say something with a glass heart. When I first opened the book, many people said that the world view was rough. What can I say? I don't think so, because my update probably requires more than a little patience, but in any case, writing it here can be a little clear and not rough. Also, let’s see you after the National Day, and then we’ll get into the most explosive plot points together. Although I regret that this book did not follow the dark style I originally set, I am also grateful that this book did not deviate from the structure. Hug everyone, see you in late autumn and early winter.

(End of chapter)

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