Dark Moon Era

Chapter 8: the truth


In fact, Tang Ling didn't have enough time.

The mother-in-law and sister are still waiting, not to mention that the longer the time drags on, the more uncontrollable and guessing things become.

His plan was to risk walking out of the 5th Battalion again, using his familiarity with the terrain, to rush to the ground and see what the situation was like

How can we delay here at Quark

Tang Ling didn't understand why he didn't resist and was dragged into the store by Quark. Was it the mother-in-law's strange attitude after hearing about the Ziyue Warrior's attack

Quark didn't say any nonsense. This time he pulled Tang Ling and rushed straight into the mysterious door behind his counter.

Even Tang Ling was curious about how many good things there were behind that door. In short, every time he trades with Quark, he can come up with satisfactory exchange items, which seems to be inexhaustible.

"Come here." Quark shouted seriously, ignoring Tang Ling's shock after entering his 'treasure house'.

It is indeed shocking. Who would have thought that there is such a big room in Quark's small shop.

Hurry up and catch up to one-third of the size of the open space where Tang Ling's house is located.

It was such a big room filled with all kinds of dried meat, water, countless sundries and various metals that Tang Ling didn't recognize.

These are the resources that would drive anyone 'crazy'! Tang Ling's throat rolled. If it wasn't a crisis, he couldn't guarantee that there wouldn't be any changes in his heart.

At the same time, Tang Ling also noticed that there was a wooden shelf in the room, which contained books called 'Code of Pre-Civilization' and several small locked boxes.

He didn't understand why Quark collected these books. They were full of symbols that everyone didn't recognize and had no practical value.

Before he could think too much, Quark's shout brought Tang Ling back to his senses.

He saw Quark standing under a black iron pipe, and at one end of the iron pipe was a strange double tube as big as an eye, inlaid with a transparent thing called glass.

"Come here and take a look. I can't explain the principle of reflection to you." Quark muttered words that Tang Ling couldn't understand, pulled Tang Ling to the iron pipe, and then asked Tang Ling to get closer to the binoculars.

Tang Ling looked into the iron pipe with strange confusion, but the scene in front of him made his breathing quicken immediately.

He actually saw the situation on the ground while he was underground.

This couldn't be faked, because what he saw was a seat belt that he was very familiar with.

"If you think you haven't seen enough, this 'periscope' can be rotated. I took great pains to hollow out a tree and hide the other end inside the tree. It couldn't be more ingenious. I'm really a genius. "Quark continued to ramble, and took out an iron kettle from his arms. After unscrewing it, the room was filled with a strange and stimulating smell.

"Wine is truly the most precious treasure of previous civilizations." Quark took a stingy sip, looking at Tang Ling who turned pale in front of him, feeling very satisfied.

Including Tang Ling, everyone in the settlement was an ignorant rat.

He had a condescending mood.

But Tang Ling no longer cared about Quark's mood at this time. His brain was about to explode from the influx of information.

Unknown things like 'periscope' and 'wine' subverted his world.

And what is it that you see in your eyes? Real hell

The familiar safety belt was now covered with dense corpses, and corpses were still pouring out from the barely visible edge of the forest.

They eat away at everything, including snakes, bugs, small beasts in seat belts, and humans who are too late to return to the settlement and are hiding everywhere.

Bloody is no longer enough to describe this scene. It was a kind of collapse like despair coming, and wherever it passed, life was quickly devoured.

What's even more powerless is that the entrances to several familiar settlements have been opened, and many wandering zombies without intelligence have already entered them by instinct.

One of these entrances is close to the Fifth Battalion.

'Dong' 'dong' 'dong', Tang Ling's heartbeat began to become extremely violent, and he could even hear the sound of his own blood flowing.

In his anxiety, he began to look for hope. What were the Ziyue warriors doing at this time

Tang Ling subconsciously turned the periscope, and the huge outline of Safety Zone 17 first appeared in Tang Ling's eyes.

Under the searchlight, everything was very clear. The purple human wall still stood at the top of the city wall, motionless, with several figures hanging on several hanging ropes.

Tang Ling recognized them as the several Ziyue warriors he saw patrolling when he returned in the afternoon.

It was very clear. This mysterious 'periscope' even allowed Tang Ling to see the expressions of every Ziyue warrior on the city wall.

Calm, indifferent, without any emotional fluctuations, as if everything that happened under the city wall was not a real scene.

Their superiority makes people angry, but they are hopelessly powerless.

"Do you see clearly?" Quark's voice sounded again.

But Tang Ling couldn't take his eyes away from the periscope. He turned the periscope in a panic, hoping to see even a little bit of comfort.

But where is the comfort? All I can see is hell!

Tang Ling wanted to run away, but the next second, his hands turned the periscope again almost uncontrollably.

In fact, it's just a slight shift in angle.

Tang Ling saw a figure, wrapped in a black robe, with a strange tube that resembled a thick grass stem placed near his mouth.

Under the purple moon, on a cold night, the cold wind is as usual.

The black robe fluttered, and a flash of silver hair escaped from the black robe.

But the zombies around him who were in bloody madness ignored this figure.

One second seemed like an eternity had passed. In a daze, Tang Ling heard a faint sound in his ears.

Melodious, ancient, weird, and out of tune.

What is this sound? Tang Ling's mind was filled with this tone, but the man in black robe seemed to feel something and actually turned his head in the direction of the periscope.

Tang Ling's heartbeat almost stopped at this moment.

But Quark pulled him away: "Have you seen enough? We don't have much time."

"There is someone, there is someone in the crowd of corpses." Tang Ling looked at Quark, his eyes full of uneasiness, a huge uneasiness he had never seen before!

"Is there someone? Are you fucking kidding me? As far as I know, there is no room for living people in front of corpses. Just like there is no room for a bit of dried meat in front of hungry people." Quark glanced at Tang Ling in confusion, but still subconsciously He glanced into the periscope.

The periscope didn't move, but Quark saw no one.

"I hope you weren't frightened! In that case, what value do you have?" Quark's tone was filled with dissatisfaction.

nobody? Obviously Tang Ling already understood that Quark didn't see anything.

Even Tang Ling thought he was hallucinating again, because he had already experienced it once on the hilltop tonight.

"I think you have understood that you must leave now." Quark was too lazy to talk and suddenly sighed.

"I want to go home." After coming back to his senses, Tang Ling's tone left no room for doubt.

(End of chapter)