Dark Moon Era

Chapter 84: How to eat


In fact, Tang Ling was already awake from the moment his mouth was covered.

His subconscious struggle was of no use.

Despite a month of 'devil training', the gap between him and his previous self was more than twice as high

'It seems that he is still very weak! Tang Ling thought this, but since struggling was useless, he let the person carry him with peace of mind, closed his eyes and continued to sleep.

"You brat, did you sleep well?" Su Yao was a little annoyed. In a secluded forest, he threw Tang Ling to the ground.

Tang Ling rubbed his eyes and stretched. In fact, when he started to struggle subconsciously, he already recognized the person coming was Su Yao. He just wanted to show off his training achievements, for example, he could resist Su Yao a little bit. .

After discovering that your efforts are in vain, what else can you do if you don’t seize the time to sleep

Rubbing his sore buttocks, Tang Ling looked around and saw that he was still on a cliff. The mountain wind was howling, and the huge temperature difference between day and night was even more obvious at such a height.

Tang Ling shuddered and breathed into his hands. Su Yao looked at the side and seemed to be getting angry. Seeing Tang Ling shaking, he said sarcastically: "It seems like you are not a good brat. After training for a month, I can’t even bear the cold.”

Tang Ling didn't bother to pay attention to Su Yao. He skillfully rubbed the flint prepared by Su Yao and lit the sawdust that Su Yao had just dug out. He said, "It doesn't matter about antifreeze. No matter how weak I am, I will not fall." To be a thief.”

"Want to be beaten?" Su Yao raised his eyebrows and raised the fire skillfully.

"My advanced nutritional supplements are coming." Tang Ling was not afraid. He was bruised and swollen by those rotten logs every day. Even if he still couldn't beat Su Yao, his ability to withstand beatings should have improved, right

"Haha." Su Yao laughed disdainfully, took out a small iron pot from the backpack he brought, placed it on the fire, and slowly took out a bottle of water and poured it in. In the pot.

Then, under Tang Ling's heartbroken gaze, he took out the high-grade nutritional supplement and slowly poured it into the pot.

"Why are you diluting my advanced nutritional supplement?" Tang Ling grimaced in pain. Who knows if the rising water vapor will take away the active ingredients in the advanced nutritional supplement.

"Where did you come from, country bumpkin? This thing is worth your heartache like this?" Su Yao trampled Tang Ling without hesitation, but his hand movements were not slow and he took out several things from the bag one after another. Some looked like plant rhizomes, some were in transparent test tubes, and they were all added to the small iron pot with a splash.

"It looks terrible." Tang Ling simply squatted aside and started a fire.

The dense forest on the edge of the cliff is extremely quiet. The hazy purple moon seems to be right in front of you. The starry sky is bright, the Milky Way is vast, and the night sky is mysterious and distant.

Under the cliff, the night in Safety Zone 17 is still dark, with lights flickering in the inner city and candlelight in the outer city dim and dotted with stars.

The night is beautiful.

What about settlements just outside the walls

It's hard to see clearly, but its color seems to have blended in with the forest beneath the safety belt. In the night, it's a dark green that's close to black.

Don't worry about the vitality of the bushes. After more than a month, they will definitely grow again and flourish.

But what about the people who once lived there? Among those who worked day and night for survival and lived precariously, there were also mothers-in-law and younger sisters.

Tang Ling didn't dare to look any further, lowered his head and remained silent.

Su Yao may know, but he doesn't pay attention to it, and he doesn't comfort him. He really doesn't need comfort.

There was a sound of "dong dong dong" in the iron pot, and the water mixed with many messy things was boiling.

Su Yao took out a paper bag, took out a piece of Level 3 ferocious beast meat worth about one tael, tore it into pieces and threw it into the pot.

That was Tang Ling's level three ferocious beast meat, which had been taken away by Su Yao after the first assessment.

The exposed meat of the Level 3 ferocious beast was no longer suitable for Tang Ling to keep on his own.

"Now, you learn a special way of eating from me." Su Yao suddenly spoke.

Tang Ling listened carefully.

"This method is a lost ancient method, but due to special reasons, it has reappeared now. With specific postures and special techniques, it can speed up gastrointestinal motility." Su Yao briefly explained this eating method.

"What's the function?" Tang Ling asked.

"Faster and better absorption!" Su Yao lit up a cigarette and continued: "For food, the intestines and stomach need a certain amount of time to digest. If you can absorb it faster and better, it can be converted into nutrients for the body. , that means efficiency.”

"Think about it, if someone else can only eat five meals a day, and the digestion utilization rate is less than 60%. You can eat ten meals a day, and the digestion utilization rate reaches 80%. Over time, this will have a negative impact on yourself. How much of an improvement is it?”

"Then why not 100%? Twenty meals?" Tang Ling raised his head and asked.

"Isn't that a shame?" Su Yao kicked Tang Ling away.

After Tang Ling 'crawled' back by himself, he explained: "Everything is done step by step. As long as you practice this method until you are proficient, and then cooperate with the overall improvement of your body, for example, your intestines and stomach will be strong to a certain extent. "

"Then, even if you digest all your own shit, who can object?" Su Yao said seriously while holding a cigarette in his mouth and squinting his eyes.

Tang Ling was speechless! He has no interest in digesting shit.

The fire was warm, and the iron pot on the fire was still cooking "messy" soup.

But Tang Ling was already learning new eating methods from Su Yao.

For the eight weird postures, you also need to experience the peristalsis of your own intestines and stomach. Through your control of external muscles, slight shaking will then affect the peristalsis of your intestines and stomach. It sounds very simple, but in fact it is difficult to practice.

Precision instinct plays a great role at this time.

It allowed Tang Ling to easily observe the details of these eight weird postures, and he did it perfectly the first time.

The strong mental power also had an effect, allowing Tang Ling to feel the peristalsis of his stomach and intestines relatively easily, and he soon understood which parts of the muscles to control were shaking to speed up the peristalsis of the intestines and stomach.

In addition, to learn such a method, just imitating it is obviously not enough.

Understanding its principles through comprehension can help with in-depth learning, and Tang Ling's comprehension seems to be good.

There was no expression of appreciation on Su Yao's face, as if Tang Ling's behavior was natural.

But in my heart, I had already cursed loudly, "Damn it, why did it take me three days to get the posture right when I was just learning?" '

(End of chapter)