Dark Moon Era

Chapter 87: standard


Except for Auston and Yu.

When all the new warriors faced the instruments in this room and the magical way they opened, they all let out a sound of wonder.

Tang Ling also showed some surprise, but he was pretending.

This scene was really not magical to him, because Su Yao had already shown Tang Ling once in order to confirm his precise instincts.

The dynamometer is familiar.

The other two instruments, even though they are unfamiliar, are probably similar to dynamometers. They should both be instruments for testing physical fitness.

The assessment content was straightforward and rough. By this time, Tang Ling had already guessed the specific assessment method. He really couldn't figure out why Su Yao was so worried? How can others embarrass themselves with this kind of obvious test

"The dynamometer can measure your punching power most accurately. Of course, it also has other functions, which you don't need to know now."

"The speedometer, measuring your precise speed is its most basic function."

"The last one, a little more advanced, is to measure your nerve reaction speed." The person in charge of the assessment was Yang Kong.

He didn't waste any extra words. Amidst the exclamations of the teenagers, he directly introduced the three instruments in the room.

After the introduction, of course Aaron will set the assessment standards.

Platycladus knows very well that according to the first preliminary camp, after the closed training, the standard for the first assessment is that the punching force can be stabilized at 500 kilograms as usual.

The running speed can be stabilized within 8 seconds per 100 meters.

As for the nerve reaction speed, when the speed of the attacking object is 100 meters per second and the density is 2 'attacking objects' per square meter, the evasion rate must reach over 60%.

It doesn't sound too difficult.

Even the elite warriors in Safe Zone 17 can meet this standard.

But these little guys are only 15 years old, their bodies are not yet mature, and their various functions are far from reaching their physical peak.

Not to mention this era, if we put it in pre-civilization, the average punching force of a normal adult man at that time was between 180 kilograms and 220 kilograms.

speed? 12 seconds for 100 meters is already a very good result.

In that era, there was no precise measuring device for neurological reaction, but it was no better than the average person of this era.

However, it is impossible for ordinary people in this era to pass the test, and the evasion rate of 20% is already abnormal.

Because at the peak of pre-civilization, the thermal weapon-gun was invented, and the speed of its bullets, that is, the flight speed of 900 meters per second, was beyond the range that the naked eye could capture.

Platycladus is worried about what standards Aaron will set? Should only Auston and Yu be allowed to pass

No, Auston's neurological reaction speed is almost at the bottom. It's impossible for Aaron not to give face to the Godin family, right

Platycladus thought a lot, but at this moment Aaron was already standing in front of these teenagers.

"I didn't deliberately make things difficult for you. This is something you must understand."

"Before, I have learned that your talents are better than any other reserve soldiers."

"Second, you have indeed spent more resources. For me, who is pragmatic, resources must be turned into tangible improvements."

As soon as he came, he immediately announced the standards, and Aaron gave a few words of explanation to everyone.

These two sentences reassured Tie Bai. He had been thinking last night, why did Aaron, who had always been praised for fairness and rigor, be so targeted

Now it seems that he is really just pragmatic.

Moreover, with the current situation, Platycladus sighed slightly. He had been teaching in the preparatory camp for too long and the information had fallen behind.

If Yang Kong hadn't had a conversation with him last night, he might have had a deeper misunderstanding of Commander Aaron, and then there might have been an unpleasant dispute in today's assessment instead of just a slight worry like now.

Aaron's words alleviated Placobo's worries, and also calmed the restless and resentful teenagers. Unlike last night, they were somewhat resistant to the new assessment standards.

"The new standard."

"The normal punching strength for men must be 550 kilograms. The normal punching strength standard for women is still 500 kilograms."

"The speed standard has changed from less than 8 seconds for 100 meters to 7 seconds for 100 meters."

"The nerve reaction speed, the evasion rate for men is still 60%, while for women it is increased to 65%."

After the explanation, Aaron directly announced the new assessment standards without any unnecessary nonsense.

Even Tang Ling found this standard to be very fair.

Except for the stricter speed requirements, other subtle improvements are reflected in the differences between men and women.

Men's strength advantage is naturally greater than that of women, so it is natural that the standards should be higher than those of women.

In terms of avoidance rate, it is hard to say who is better between men and women in terms of neural reaction speed, but women are indeed better than men in terms of body flexibility and coordination, which is undoubtedly beneficial to avoidance movements.

Tang Ling was confident that he could easily pass this standard.

Not only Tang Ling, but every new soldier present breathed a sigh of relief. Their daily training was better than the previous ones, and it was not for nothing.

Although every slight improvement is difficult, for those who are outstanding like them, such assessment standards are a matter of course.

On the contrary, it is a kind of recognition.

After hearing the standards, no one thought Aaron was unfair in any way.

"Then let's start according to the ranking of entering the camp. Yu, you come first." After Aaron announced the standards, Yang Kong began to preside over the assessment.

Yu Ziran was the first assessor.

When Yu walked to the force measuring instrument, Yang Kong reminded: "Yu, you and Auston have special requirements."

"You just can't use your abilities, like your right hand and Auston's tattoo."

Yang Kong said it rather vaguely, but the meaning was already clear. This assessment must be absolutely fair, and the assessment is based on physical fitness.

Tang Ling noticed something - Yu's right hand, and Auston's tattoo

He remembered the first test, when Yu's right hand opened the tiger's belly, and Auston's unusual strength. Just by his ability to stop the Thunder Flower Mad Bull, this power far exceeded the test standards.

Moreover, Auston was obviously very fast in the first assessment. How could he be as 'rubbish' as he was in training

Could it be that this is not the result of their own abilities? No wonder their performance in daily training is not as impressive as in the assessment.

In this way, does my precise instinct count as an ability

What is ability

While Tang Ling was thinking, Yu had already nodded in agreement with Yang Kong's words, and Auston had no objections.

They also have their own pride. Even if they don't use the family ability in their blood, they still have to prove that they are excellent.

"Then let's get started."

"Because what is measured is basic punching strength, not an accidental outbreak. Therefore, you must punch fifty times." Yang Kong announced the rules.

This may not necessarily contain other meanings, such as the assessment of endurance.

(End of chapter)