Dark Moon Era

Chapter 89: control


"If the assessment is normal, don't expose all your strength. Although I'm not sure about many things, there is a very practical basic common sense in self-protection, which is to keep a low profile, as low-key as possible."

"But if the assessment is abnormal, don't make any noise if you are sure that you can pass. The enemy hides in the dark and pretends to know nothing so that he can observe better. What you need to do is observe, you know?"

Su Yao gave Tang Ling some instructions before leaving, and Tang Ling kept them in mind.

As for his precise instincts, he has extremely accurate calculations about himself. Although it is not necessary for him to accurately control his own control, Tang Ling can definitely pass the test and keep a low profile within a reasonable range. of.

But, something still went wrong.

With the first punch, Tang Ling's precise instinct resulted in a blow of 577 kilograms.

But the result displayed on the dynamometer was 497 kilograms.

A total error of eighty kilograms.

If there were no human factors, Tang Ling would never believe that a force measuring instrument that could be accurate to five decimal places would have such a large error.

At the same time, there was a chill in his heart. Sure enough, he was still being targeted, although both he and Su Yao hoped that the matter was just speculation.

After confirming the matter, Tang Ling reacted quickly. He immediately gave the reasonable behavior of an uninformed person who is at a loss. He just wanted to see who among the people around him would reveal his flaws

He was highly suspicious of Aaron.

But Aaron's performance was completely reasonable. There was no showmanship. Tang Ling, who had precise instincts and was also very sensitive to people's subtle behaviors, was sure of this.

Only Leno showed some abnormality. He subconsciously turned the injured area, which was a sign of hatred that cannot be forgotten.

Is it still Leno

Tang Ling thought it was definitely related to Leno, but he also believed in Su Yao's words. Leno didn't have that much energy. Even if he knew about it and even participated, there was an invisible hand behind Leno.

The trouble is what to do next

The assessment must be passed. The error of 80 kilograms means that he has to use 650 kilograms of strength to pass the assessment.

This performance is no longer consistent with low profile.

Anyway, the person who did the tricks will definitely know his true situation. This performance combined with his talent is too dazzling.

But Su Yao seemed to have anticipated this situation and only told Tang Ling that it was necessary to pass the assessment.

For the rest, Su Yao didn't tell Tang Ling what to do. He trusted Tang Ling's wisdom and would adapt accordingly.

Tang Ling had to deal with this problem by himself.

"No problem, just continue the assessment. The punch just now will also be included in the average calculation." Aaron ordered and reminded.

He was not too disappointed. 7 out of 7 people could pass 6 with the standards raised. This was already a good result.

Tang Ling showed panic. At this moment, he took out something from his trouser pocket, then raised his head and poured it into his mouth.

"Tang Ling, this is against the rules." Yang Kong frowned. He was really disappointed that Tang Ling would make such a small move.

This punching power is really far from the passing standard, but it's not like there aren't some special things that can make people explode.

In fact, there are many such things.

There is no need to doubt that Tang Ling has no source. He is the nephew that Su Yao values so much. It is only normal for the madman Su Yao to provide it to him.

Yang Kong immediately grabbed the thing in Tang Ling's hand, which was a small glass tube that had been empty.

As Yang Kong grabbed the thing, Tang Ling acted so helpless and even more panicked.

"What did you drink?" Yang Kong's tone was stern.

"High, advanced nutritional supplements, I, I" Tang Ling tried to explain something.

Yang Kong's face looked a little better. If it was a high-grade nutritional supplement, it was indeed not against the rules. After all, it was provided by the First Preparatory Camp last night. It was their own choice when these teenagers wanted to drink it.

What's more, most people also poured it into it before the assessment without any secret. This was the result of the negotiation.

"Test it. If it is really an advanced nutritional supplement, let him continue the exam." Aaron quickly gave a fair way to deal with it.

It is not difficult to test the advanced nutritional supplements. In less than two minutes, the soldier who took the test tube to test came back and reported that it was indeed a high-grade nutritional supplement and there were no other unnecessary ingredients.

Instructor Bai Bai breathed a sigh of relief at this time. In his opinion, Tang Ling was an extremely stable child who even performed very stably. If he behaved very unwisely, it would be really disappointing.

He believed that Tang Ling was nervous just now.

And it’s also the reason why he didn’t drink advanced nutritional supplements, right? Although advanced nutritional supplements will not bring instant improvement to people, they are very good at supplementing and improving the body.

These teenagers have gone through rigorous training, and their bodies are like dry sponges, absorbing advanced nutrients very well.

It can have some improvement effect to some extent.

Of course, this result also made Yang Kong feel a lot more comfortable. He didn't want the boy Feilong liked to be in such a bad situation.

Fortunately, although his performance showed a regression in psychological quality, it did not violate the bottom line of doing things.

Tang Ling's face showed joy when he learned that he could continue the exam.

At this time, he stood in front of the dynamometer again and began to continue the exam.

551 kg, 553 kg, punch after punch, very stable. Until he finished 50 punches, the value deviation of his punches did not exceed the range of 5 kg.

The lowest is 550.73947 kg and the highest is 555.71384 kg.

This result can only be regarded as passing the line, and it is not as good as Andy's result.

But it's not that there is nothing worthy of praise, that is, stable control. After all, the punching power is not much different.

"Passed the strength test." Yang Kong announced the result, but seeing Tang Ling panting, he couldn't help but ask, "You look very tired."

Yes, Tang Ling appeared much more tired than the other boys after the strength test.

His face was flushed, he was sweating profusely, he was panting violently, and even the muscles in his arms were shaking uncontrollably.

"I almost used all my strength in every punch." Tang Ling said very honestly.

What is the real situation? Only he knew in his heart that being so tired was the result of control, and Tang Ling was deliberately training his control.

Anyone with experience knows that this seems to be achieving a 'lifting weight with ease' effect. It seems easy, but in fact it is very, very energy-consuming.

Tang Ling could not reach the state of lifting weights with ease, but it was true that controlling his fist power cost a lot.

Tang Ling's actual punching power is between -810kg and 820kg. This is still in an ordinary state. If he explodes with all his strength and uses skills, he can reach more than 900kg. This is what Su Yao gave him last night. Magical effect.

(End of chapter)