Dark Moon Era

Chapter 99: battlefield


"Boom", "squeak", "squeak", the sound of the iron cage rising shocked several teenagers, and Wei An couldn't help but let out a low cry.

There is no way to describe the psychological pressure of being here. Even the slightest disturbance will make people's hair stand on end.

"Turn around and go backwards." Yang Kong didn't talk nonsense. Every minute of the class was precious, not for comfort and explanation.

backward? That's the battlefield, right? Tang Ling turned around silently, but cold sweat was already covering his back.

The feeling of being about to face terror is definitely more exciting than having already seen the terror.

Not being afraid of death does not mean losing the instinct to fear.

But there is still nothing, except for a 50-meter-wide avenue under the feet, which is still enveloped in white light.

At the end of the short avenue, there is a cylindrical building blocking all views.

"Follow me." Yang Kong walked directly in front of the teenagers and headed towards the cylindrical building.

Several teenagers followed Yang Kong anxiously. After walking about 200 meters, they saw a bridge in everything shrouded in white light.

"Our current location is the top platform of the main body of the Barrier of Hope. What you just walked through is the main battle channel. When a big battle occurs, all teams will arrive at the battlefield through this main battle channel."

"Now, this bridge is a combat corridor bridge." Yang Kong's words were extremely simple.

But I heard several young men trembling with fear as they walked through the main battle passage and arrived at the battle corridor bridge. Wasn't there going to be a battle

Directly fight

Outside the white light, the sounds of the battlefield became more real and terrifying, and Tang Ling's clenched fists were filled with cold sweat.

"Ha." Yang Kong smiled lightly and continued to move forward as if he felt nothing.

The teenagers could only endure their speculation and nervousness and continue to follow.

There were already soldiers on duty on both sides of the fifty-meter-long and thirty-meter-wide combat corridor bridge. What made people even more stressed was that mortars, the thermal weapons of pre-civilizations, were deployed here.

At this time, the soldiers on duty did not move. They just stared at the vast white light with solemnity, as if they could see through this white light.

The mortars were not used, and the silence was frightening.

As long as you have a little understanding of the thermal weapons of pre-civilizations, you will be shocked, right? ! Tang Ling still remembered the Desert Eagle. Because of it, when Tang Ling was reading in the library, he was particularly interested in information about thermal weapons from pre-civilizations.

From world-destroying nuclear bombs to supersonic fifth-generation fighters with anti-radar 'stealth' capabilities, from mobile war fortress aircraft carriers to deep-sea killer nuclear submarines

Tang Ling knew everything. He didn't want to think about it at this moment, where had all these amazing weapons gone? How does it compare with the secondary city protection instrument that Yang Kong introduced before

All he cares about now are these mortars, does this hope that the ramparts have pre-civilized mortars? ! There are exactly twenty mortars on the fifty-meter-long combat corridor bridge? !

Even if it is not a nuclear bomb, rocket launcher or other weapon, its power is definitely not on the same level as the Desert Eagle.

Even with a Desert Eagle, if it had enough bullets, Tang Ling would still be immersed in that feeling. But the more he was immersed in the feeling of powerful weapons from pre-civilizations, the more he felt that this battlefield would definitely subvert his imagination!

With such a mood, the fifty-meter-long combat corridor bridge has come to an end.

In front of you is the cylindrical building. In the vast white light, it is only 10 meters higher than the combat corridor bridge. Except for the 8-meter-high metal door in front of you, the rest is made of something similar to glass. Made of metal-like material.

Yang Kong finally stopped here and turned to look at these newly promoted Crescent Warriors.

"The Watchtower is the forefront of the Hope Barrier, but it is also the most important location. It is a place of surveillance, a combat command center, and a permanent camp for the Purple Moon warriors."

After saying this, Yang Kong took off the badge on his chest. It was a badge completely different from that of the Ziyue Warrior.

It's pale gold with a few stars on it, abstractly depicting the universe.

He put the badge in his hand, with a trace of teasing in his eyes: "Are you scared?"

This is not nonsense? Christina tightened her grip on Wei An's hand beside her, and Yang Kong's playful questions only made people more nervous.

"It's okay. Being afraid of this kind of thing will become a habit. If you are afraid, you will become numb." As he spoke, Yang Kong put the badge in his hand on the metal door.

'Boom!', the metal door opened slowly and heavily.

The moment the door opened, the annoying white light that blocked everything finally disappeared.

Screen, a huge screen appeared in front of me, penetrating all the walls that could be seen in front of me.

Whether it is the main screen or it is divided into countless small screens, they all face the same area.

ruins! The screen seemed to be a ruin with no end in sight.

Collapsed buildings, collapsed roads, abandoned rusty metal objects, and strange plants growing wantonly

This is the world behind the Watchtower.

"Kill!" A group of 100 people wearing strange arm guards rushed forward, and a group of wolves entrenched on the half-collapsed building also rushed over in an instant.

The leading wolf was a full 20 meters long. Its head had evolved an exoskeleton similar to a helmet, and its waist and abdomen were covered with strange black scales. It rushed to the front at an astonishing speed, leading the wolf. The group instantly collided with a hundred-strong group of human warriors.

Blood instantly stained the huge screen in front of him red.

In another place, a team of 10 elite warriors faced a dense group of corpses.

In the center of this group of corpses was a huge, extremely weird-looking humanoid creature, seven meters tall and with a waistline of over three meters. It had the same gray-white eyes, but with a hint of cruel clarity.

What's even more frightening is that it seems to have broken away from the law that corpses will decay. In many places on the originally tattered body, the characteristic scabs after wounds have grown, and in other places there are tender red new granulations.

It roared, its cold eyes already fixed on the elite team of 10 people.

It shook its head as if commanding. Beside him, groups of zombies rushed towards the 10-person elite team without fear of death.

The captain of the elite team drew his sword. Behind him, two teammates set up heavy machine guns.

Is this the battlefield? The teenagers were stiff and lacked the courage to even step through the door.

The real huge screen directly reflected the entire battlefield ahead. Just two places made people feel like they had fallen into an ice cellar.

"Come in." Yang Kong was very calm, and he walked straight towards the huge screen facing the door.

There is no doubt that the various scenes that appear on the huge screen at this time are the scenes of the entire battlefield.

The two places I saw at the beginning, the battle with the wolves and the battle with the zombies, were just a microcosm of the battlefield.

On the battlefield where the smoke and dust were billowing and spreading for an unknown distance, countless battles were taking place, with wild beasts, corpses, and unknown monsters among the teenagers.

(End of chapter)