Dating The Royal Princess

Chapter 98


"It's a person, his name is Luo Yang." Mo Siyan caught Mosiyan's inadvertent sadness when he spoke.

"Is it that blond boy?" Mosyan guessed.

"The blond boy in your mouth is the king of Yin Janguo, and Luo Yang is the son of the world's richest man."

"Then, neither of the two people standing at the gate of the school is your favorite? Then Luo Yang, I will definitely see you if you take the time."

"I can't see him, I'll never see him..."

"Why?" Mo Siyan watched her eyes gradually become crystal clear. He didn't know what happened. If he knew what Luo Yang had done for her, people all over the world would be grateful for his feelings for her. Moved by it.

It was an unforgettable feeling, that was at the cost of life, but simply wishing her happiness.

Yue Yuran did not answer his question, but walked barefoot on the beach, with the soles of his feet sunken in the soft sand, and a cool feeling swept through his body. The sea washed the beach from time to time, seeming to want to take something away. But I can't take it away after all.

Yue Yuran stopped, and there was no one around her. She could feel the gaze from Mosiyan behind her, mixed with puzzlement and a trace of distress. Looking at this sea area, breathing the wind with the smell of the sea.

They said that she lost her memory when she fell into the sea. Her true identity is the princess of Yuexi Kingdom. The reason for falling into the sea is because of "condensation", Luo Yang's necklace. She only remembered something about Luo Yang until now, she closed her eyes. The pictures from the past rushed to my heart one after another. He was sitting in the room playing the piano, and he wanted her to be his girlfriend. She broke her promise to him again and again, and there was another scene, which made her heart pull together...

Luo Yang wants her to be happy before she leaves, and she must be happy...

That is Luo Yang! That is Luo Yang who loves her deeply... and is the one who loves her most and wants to cherish the most in her life!

Tears shed without warning.

She opened her eyes and shouted to the sea: "Luo Yang, how are you from heaven..."

"Are you okay..." I miss you, really.

She screamed heartbreakingly, as if it took all her strength to be reconciled.

What lingers on the beach is her voice, and echoes from the other side...

Is that his response

"He will hear it." I don't know when Mosiyan has already walked behind her. The expensive Armani suit has been draped on Yue Yuran's body at the moment, with a touch of tobacco smell, which makes her feel Peace of mind.

"Mo Lin Mo Lin, the principal asked you to go to his office!" A certain woman rushed over and said to Mo Lin.

The principal of Las Luoyang College has a good relationship with the Moline family, so it is not surprising that the principal asked her to go to the office. Mo Lin looked at Yue Yuran thoughtfully.

Yue Yuran received her gaze and said faintly, "Mo Lin, I can go home alone. Go ahead. Maybe the principal really has something important to discuss with you."

"En. Menghan, pay attention to safety when you go home!" Mo Lin shook her hand and said goodbye to her.

When Mo Lin disappeared from her sight, she was also ready to leave, but a large number of girls stood in front of her and blocked her way.

The chill in their eyes made her feel that the person who came was not good!

But she still said politely: "Classmate, please let me."

They didn't seem to hear her words, they still stood still like a mountain.

She took the trouble to say it again, "Classmate, please let me!" Seeing that there was no wave on the surface, she was already turbulent in her heart. If they refuse, she cannot guarantee what she will do to them!

"Hey, isn't this the princess of Yuexi Kingdom? When did you become so low-pitched? I remember when I was so proud when ruining other people's weddings?" She was full of irony. Unfortunately, Yue Yuran is now Menghan. , I don’t know what happened before.

"People have the courage to destroy the wedding at least because they have capital. Look at you, all over, you don't even have the qualifications to enter the wedding scene!"

Even if her appearance has changed, her innate temperament is still scary...

"You, you..." The headed one seems to be not very good at psychological quality, and is not calm when he is said casually.

"Eldest sister, calm down." The girls behind saw that their eldest sister's face was white with anger, and stepped forward to discourage them.

"Yeah, if you want to listen to your little girl, you must be calm, otherwise it will hurt!" Yue Yuran agreed, and the girl's face changed from white to blue, from blue to red...

Yue Yuran turned around and wanted to bypass them and go another way, but heard a sharp girl behind: "Menghan, don't you want to condense?"

Hearing the condensation, Yue Yu suddenly stopped, and subconsciously touched her chest, which was empty. She immediately turned around and saw the condensation in her hands!

Damn it, why didn't she know when it was lost

"Give it back to me!" Yue Yuran stretched out her hand and her tone became cold. The girls behind were originally watching the show, but what was even more angry was that she could easily gather the eyes of the two handsome guys. On her body!

Even if she is the princess of Yuexi Kingdom, her appearance is now compared to them, there is nothing outstanding at all! Why are two extremely outstanding characters all around her! They are here to watch the show today!

The girl in the lead was named Ximi, because she was jealous of Yue Yuran, she dealt with her like this. Although she heard her cold tone shivering, she still pretended to be calm and said: "You say yes, I will give it, then I Isn't it faceless?"

Yue Yuran squinted her eyes, looking at Ning, and said coldly, "What do you want?"

Shimi seemed to be expecting her to say this, she said to herself: "What do I want..." Suddenly there was an agitated spirit, and her eyes burst out with shades, "Do you have the courage to follow me to the rooftop?"

Everyone was shocked, the rooftop! Ximi actually wants to go to the rooftop with Yue Yuran!

That rooftop is called the "eye of death" because a couple used to climb up to see the stars out of curiosity, but was struck by lightning the next morning! I heard that they saw a pair of eyes before they died. They were bloodshot eyes, extremely terrifying! So it is called the "eye of death"! Anyone who sees these eyes will undoubtedly die!

"Do I have a choice?" Yue Yuran took a deep breath, it was Luo Yang's thing, the last thing left for her. Haha, think about how ridiculous, she fell into the sea because of this necklace, and now, it is also because of this necklace.

"Of course you have no choice. Yue Yuran, the biggest mistake in your life is because of this necklace!" Shimi gripped the condensation tightly, as if to crush it to reconcile...

"Stop talking nonsense. I'm going home before dark."

"Huh." Before dark, I guess you won't even want to go home in your life!

There was a conspiracy smile at the corner of her mouth. They had a clear view. It is estimated that Yue Yuran was really bad luck this time! Because of who Shimi is, she recognizes Condensation because her family are all gangsters! Who of the gangsters doesn't recognize Condensation

Follow Himi's footsteps step by step up the stairs, through the dim light you can see that the stairs are covered with moss, if you don't care about slipping, you will fall, each step can be described as "step by step startling"!

Going to the top, the ground is not as dissatisfied with moss as on the stairs. It seems that people are often cleaning it depending on the situation, but who would have the courage to clean it up in the legend? It's weird here.