Dating the Strongest Boss

Chapter 17: Death is Coming


"Ahhh!" The woman has a big belly, her legs are wide open, her hair is wet and sticky with sweat, her mouth is open, her nose is also arched up with her every effort, and her expression becomes a little hideous because of the pain. .

"Quick, quick! The pregnant woman is bleeding profusely!!!" A group of doctors in green surgical gowns were in a hurry.

Tears welled up from the corners of the woman's eyes, and the pain in her abdomen was as painful as a broken bone.

But what no one noticed was that there was a man in a black robe standing motionless beside the operating table. The man only showed one chin, which was tightly covered, and his eyes were hidden under the hat, which looked unfathomable. He wore a necklace similar to a sickle around his neck, and his whole figure was like a piece of wood, stuck there.

No one went up and scolded him to leave, and no one spoke to him.

It's like no one can see him...

He slowly raised his hand, which slowly condensed into a black mist.

"Doctor! I can't do it! Baby! I beg you!! This is the only offspring of my dead husband!" The woman looked excited, panting heavily, her voice was very small, as if she had used all her strength.

"The exit contraction is weak now. If you keep it small, you may bleed to death, do you know?" The doctor looked anxious, but his thinking was quick, and the movements in his hands did not stop for a moment!

"I beg you!!! Ah!" The woman's lips turned white, her voice became smaller and smaller, and she would only cry out when the pain was unbearable.

"Quick! Take it and let the family members sign it!" The doctor commanded quickly, cold sweat pouring out of his head.

The man looked indifferently at the chaotic scene in front of him.

It wasn't until the confirmed news that the doctor quickly took the knife and began to work.

The lead doctor's hands began to tremble.

The child has no vital signs at birth.

The pregnant woman had already fainted to death due to heavy bleeding.

The man turned around and was about to leave, but for some reason, his eyes returned to the baby who had already lost its life characteristics. He didn't know what he thought of. He stood in this position for a long time, then turned and left silently.

Suddenly the nurse's voice broke the heavy, "Doctor! Doctor! The child is still breathing!!"

"Dingling! Jingling!" The alarm clock by the bed began to ring.

Xiao Chen sat up from the quilt in a daze, reached out his hand to turn off the alarm clock, and stroked his hair randomly with his right hand.

Not knowing what he thought of, he subconsciously pulled off his collar and looked at his chest and collarbone.

A bluish purple hickey.

Xiao Chen snorted inwardly, and pouted.

It must be him again.

Xiao Chen looked at the bedside, there was a note, he picked it up in surprise, and couldn't help curling his lips when he saw the words on the note.

There is only one sentence on the note: Do not go out today.

Xiao Chen gritted his teeth.

Originally, there was a club activity today, and he was going to climb Tangshan together.

What, he was not allowed to go out.

Xiao Chen snorted coldly, a little sullen, got up and changed his clothes, rinsed his mouth, tidied up his appearance and planned to go out.

The moment he closed the door, a man suddenly appeared in the room out of thin air. The man was dressed in black, black jeans with a black shirt, and a necklace with a sickle on his neck.

The man shook his head, and sighed somewhat dotingly and helplessly.

He knew that the child would not be obedient.

Today's sun is very poisonous, making people dizzy.

Xiao Chen frowned, and realized something was wrong the moment he got on the bus.

He is very sensitive to everything in the outside world, especially when it comes to death, he has a special sixth sense. It can even be said that he can foresee death.

When he was young, he tried repeatedly on the verge of death, but every time he could escape the threat of death because of his magical sixth sense and observation ability, until the man appeared after he turned 12 years old, and he never died again. Haven't experienced these things.

The five digits of the license plate number of this bus are 74666.

74 is a homonym for death, while 666 in the New Testament means the number of the beast, the devil Satan.

This made Xiao Chen immediately have a bad premonition, thinking of the message the man left him this morning, he almost had a second to think, and planned to get out of the car without hesitation.

He believed in his hunch.

But before he stood up, Liang Jing, who was sleeping next to him, suddenly opened his eyes, with a frightened and fearful expression on his face. Before Xiao Chen could react, he heard him yelling, "Stop, stop! I not going!!"

At this time, the whole car was drowsy, no one was talking, Liang Jing's loud voice woke up several people, because he was going to sit in the last row, almost instantly everyone showed impatience Looking back at him.

Liang Jing looked a little trembling, he didn't care so much, grabbed Xiao Chen's hand and said, "Xiao Chen, believe me, we must get out of the car quickly!"

The tour guide also frowned. He was originally sitting in the first row, but when he heard the sound, his expression became impatient, so he stood up and walked towards the back row, as if he wanted to argue about something.

Liang Jing pushed the other friends he knew from the same tour, looking very anxious, feeling like he was about to cry, "Let's go quickly! There will be a landslide later!"

There was an uproar in the car, everyone looked over with crazy eyes, not to mention others, even Liang Jing's girlfriend Wang Xing wondered if he was crazy.

Xiao Chen immediately reacted, realized something, and shouted, "We want to get off! Let's get off!"

"Sick! Where did the lunatic come from!"

"Wori! What kind of bastard words are you talking about! Damn it! It made my day's good mood worse!!"

"Nervous! Driver! Let them go down!! It's making a lot of noise!!"

When the six of them got out of the car by the tour guide and tourists, and looked around the mountain road where no other cars would pass, Wang Xing laughed angrily, "Liang Jing, what's wrong with you? What are you doing?"

Yang Meili, who was wearing a floral dress, was Wang Xing's best friend, and she also looked at Liang Jing with some resentment.

Liang Jing couldn't argue, and was a little anxious, "Believe me, really, I saw it. When I got down from the top of the mountain, the huge boulder would fall down and smash the bus in half. Some people would be stoned to death directly. Some of them will fall directly to the bottom of the cliff."

Even the most honest Yuan Zhong couldn't stand it anymore, he frowned, and planned to curse a few words, but before he could speak, the group of them completely froze in place.

Huge rolling stones fell from the top of the mountain, because the mountain was a spiral uphill road, and there were no trees around it, it was bare, and they could see the rear compartment of the bus that had just driven not far away.

And just as Liang Jing said, they were completely stunned. The boulder on the top of the mountain fell very fast, and it could even be said that it seemed to have come prepared. The moment the bus passed by, it suddenly fell and hit the ground. On the roof of the bus, the car quickly turned over and became two halves, and half of the body was about to fall to the bottom of the cliff.

Before they finished worrying, the car that had already stopped fell down uncontrollably, and even the survivor who had already grasped the edge of the cliff and was about to climb up also fell.

"Bounce!" There was a loud noise.

Everyone who saw this scene was stunned. After a while, they were afraid, and couldn't help but look at Liang Jing with probing eyes.

Li Haibo's mouth widened in shock, and he looked back at Liang Jing, "You, how did you know?"

Everyone stared at Liang Jing in unison, as if they knew him for the first day, with horror and fear.

Only Xiao Chen was considered calm, he stared in the direction of the bus expressionlessly.

He saw it!

The man in the black robe stood beside the bus, watching everything that happened around him motionlessly. When everything was settled, the man slowly turned his head and looked in Xiao Chen's direction. The two faced each other. Looking, but Xiao Chen couldn't see the blocked face of the other party clearly.

But he already had an answer in his heart.

For a long time, the man seemed to appear out of thin air, and then disappeared out of thin air again.

The author has something to say: A new world! ! !

mwah! ! !

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