Dating the Strongest Boss

Chapter 28: Death is Coming


Hungry... ...

so hungry

Wang Xing got up from the bed, touched his stomach, picked up the mineral water on the bedside table and poured himself vigorously, then hurriedly ran to the kitchen to look for edible food.

She was so hungry that she didn't even turn on the light, and she was floating when she walked, and her stomach was throbbing so badly that she felt nauseous along with her hunger.

She took out snacks from the refrigerator, sat down on the ground, and began to stuff food into her mouth vigorously. She even chewed only two bites before trying to swallow it in a hurry. It was like a bottomless pit, and she finished it in one bite. Immediately after the next sip, his eyes were bloodshot, he was choked before he took a few sips, and he poured water again and again, and so on.

Her stomach was distended, but for some reason she didn't feel full at all, and she was still hungry.

Liang Jing heard the sound and walked out of the room. From a distance, he saw a person squatting on the ground eating something in the pitch-black room. He couldn't help but choked up. Turning on the light, he was shocked by the scene in front of him. Pale, a fit of nausea.

Wang Xing sat on the ground with both hands holding the raw beef in the refrigerator. She didn't know if the beef was too old. When she went down, the blood splashed directly on her face, not only her face, but her hands and clothes were also stained red.

And she seemed to be ignorant, even when someone came, she didn't seem to want to look at it halfway, immersed in her own world, and kept eating.

What was even more disgusting was that she seemed to be choking, and when she ran out of water, she picked up the plate that had raw beef on it and began to drink the blood in it.

The fishy smell in the whole room is getting heavier and heavier...

Liang Jing's stomach was overwhelmed. He hadn't eaten meat for more than half a month. Ever since he buried the corpse, whenever he saw raw meat, it was like seeing a corpse decomposed by his own hands, which made him sick.

When he saw Wang Xing like this, it was like seeing her eating human flesh!

Thinking of this, he suddenly turned his head and vomited it out, and there was another sour smell in the room mixed with fishy smell.

The female doctor frowned, nodded slightly after hearing about Wang Xing's symptoms, and happily wrote something in the medical book, and finally said, "Go for a thyroid test first."

Wang Xing nodded, her whole face was very haggard, she felt more than ten years older than her actual age, and her stomach was stretched out, as if she was two months pregnant.

After Wang Xing left, the female doctor kept Liang Jing and said seriously, "You must restrain her diet. If this trend continues, her stomach will burst! How strange! I have been a doctor for so many years. I have never encountered such a strange phenomenon. You hide all the food at home and feed her food on time and according to the amount, so you can’t let her eat it like this, understand?”

Liang Jing nodded expressionlessly, showing a bit of impatience in his expression, and walked out silently.

"Liang Jing, I want to eat, I beg you!" Wang Xing helplessly knocked on the door with his hands, kneeling on the ground with a hint of pleading in his eyes.

Maybe it was impatient to be knocked, and it took a long time for a voice to come out from the door, "Be patient, I will give you food in another hour, you must restrain your food intake now."

Wang Xing's hand was firmly on the door, she was locked in by Liang Jing, and she couldn't get out at all. Even the toilet water in the room was cut off by Liang Jing, not because he was worried that she would be hungry enough to drink it, but because Wang Xing had already done this before!

"Boom boom boom!" Wang Xing kept banging on the door, using all his strength every time. There were very few things in her room, except for the bed, which was a wardrobe nailed to the wall. The bedside table was moved out by Liang Jing.

I don't know when she hid the kitchen knife and started to smash the door with the knife forcefully, but the damn thing is, this door is made of iron, so it's useless for her to do so.

I don't know if she was tired, but she finally gave up knocking on the door, and even stopped shouting.

Liang Jing was sitting on the sofa and swiping his phone for consultation. He was worried every day, for fear that someone would find his hidden body.


Liang Jing stood up abruptly, cursing inwardly, took out the key from his pocket and rushed over, intending to open the door.

As soon as he opened it and saw the picture inside, his legs softened and he almost knelt down.

The floor of the room was covered in blood, Wang Xing was paralyzed on the ground, and the kitchen knife was thrown aside by her, and to her horror, her left hand was chopped off by herself with the knife. Grabbing the severed hand with his right hand, he began to stuff it into his mouth. He was so hungry that he didn't even have time to bandage the wound, so he began to gnaw on his own flesh...

do you know? Anyone who abandons Gumantong will be punished by it...

"Hand out."

Xiao Chen, who buried his head in the quilt, stretched out his two hands silently.


Xiao Chen turned over, lifted the quilt by a corner, and exposed his face.

The man carefully scrubbed Xiao Chen's facial features with a hot towel, kissed him on the forehead, and scrubbed his hands seriously.

"Get up." The man pulled Xiao Chen out of the quilt, grabbed the jeans that had been thrown on the floor, and put them on the child.

Xiao Chen took a deep breath, opened his eyes, slowly got up from the man's arms, put on his slippers and prepared to rinse his mouth.

Xiao Chen almost woke up and dozed off after rinsing his mouth, and his complexion was also very rosy.

He took a bite of the man's neck before he leisurely went to eat.

The man is like an old father who takes care of the children at home, leaning on the door with his eyes like a torch, watching the children eat, for fear that their children will be picky eaters.

Xiao Chen suddenly raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked at the man with a smile on his face, "Do you know what day it is today?"

"?" The man didn't make a sound.

Xiao Chen pouted, "Today is the 2500th day we have known each other, and also the 520th day we have been together."

The man said "hmm".

Xiao Chen immediately put down his chopsticks and said, "It's such an important day, let's go out and play together today!"

The man paused, then smiled helplessly, "Okay."

Before meeting a child, his world was gray, he didn't even feel that he was alive, he didn't need to eat, sleep, rest, let alone love, he was like a machine, following the laws of heaven Do what he should do.

Since he met this child, his static life slowly began to flow like an hourglass. He began to think, understood love, his life became vivid, he began to rebel against the law of heaven, and his consciousness began to awaken.

The man narrowed his eyes.

Or it can be said that he suddenly became self-aware after he met the child. Before that, he was nothing.

The man walked up to Xiao Chen, half-kneeled down and looked at Xiao Chen, then took off the sickle-shaped necklace from his neck, and put it on the child's neck gently, his gaze was as pious as a believer meeting a god, and said with a smile, "Come on, my rose."

The author has something to say: The column asks for support! Let's all enjoy my column.

In the column, there is an ending cookie in the entertainment industry ("On the way celebrities abuse dogs and come out of the closet") that can be eaten.

correct! It’s just that I wrote a fast-travel article a long time ago, called “Invisible Seduction is the Deadliest”, but I didn’t write much and I didn’t have time to write it due to force majeure.

I originally planned to write this summer vacation, but when I encountered Jingwang, the reason for the subject matter was directly locked.

In order not to disappoint my former self, I thought about revising the full text, at least writing the first world. The first world is also in the entertainment industry. If you are interested, you can also be happy.

Love you guys, love you!

Thank you everyone for your likes.