Dating the Strongest Boss

Chapter 41: Cannibal Town


Hearing this, Ma Chenggong opened his mouth wide and his expression became very frightened.

what happened? He didn't know this before he was reborn!

Hearing Hu Bing's analysis, Xiao Chen slowly raised his head, his expression was slightly surprised, but it didn't change much, because he was more concerned about another matter than this one.

From the moment he entered the door, he felt a little flustered in his heart. This panic came from the pendant on his neck, and he could even feel that the pendant was a little restless.

'on the bed. Tan Jun moved closer to his ear, exhaled, with a hint of teasing in his tone.

Xiao Chen glanced at everyone, and walked to the bedside pretending to be careless while the others were still thinking.

Xiao Chen's eyes sharpened, and he could almost see what kind of thing was under the clothes at a glance.

He glanced at everyone cautiously, and quickly pulled out the thing from under his clothes.

a little hard.

It is a human bone.

Xiao Chen's heart skipped a beat, his hands trembled a little, and in the next second he grasped the bones tightly, and stuffed them secretly into his sleeves, so he might as well be wearing a windbreaker today.

Xiao Chen's breathing became a little short, the other hand held the pendant nervously, and asked anxiously in his heart, as if he cared about the answer, "Is this yours?"

Tan Jun stared at Xiao Chen's side face with burning eyes, chuckled, and suddenly attached his right hand to the opponent's waistline, Xiao Chen shivered from the sudden stimulation of the touch.

And his other hand grabbed Xiao Chen's hand holding the pendant, and held his hand in the palm of his hand.

Tan Jun kissed the back of Xiao Chen's head, and then kissed his left ear, "This is my thirteenth rib, do you know?"

He was referring to the pendant on Xiao Chen's neck.

According to the "Bible", God took out his thirteenth rib from the body of the first human Adam and created the new human Eve.

Eve eventually became Adam's wife.

Xiao Chen's eyes slowly moved to the pendant around his neck, and he clenched his fingers tightly.

Tan Jun seemed to feel the strength in his hand, and let out a chuckle in his ear.

Xiao Chen lowered his eyes, his throat moved.

Yes, this is no ordinary pendant.

This is the sickle pendant he carved out of Tan Jun's bones.

Xiao Chen closed his eyes.

One knife at a time, it was carved bit by bit according to the blueprint he drew by himself! !

'It turns out,' Xiao Chen took a breath, feeling relieved, 'So you know. '

There was only one reason for him to come back. The letter said that he could take back Tan Jun's remaining bones!

Even though he knew it was impossible, and the results were even more remote, he came back.

For the possibility of getting nothing, he came back to this place where he swore never to turn back and eat people without spitting out their bones.

Tan Jun chuckled, but did not answer.

Of course I know.

I've known everything since you came back here.

The world kisses me bitterly, but wants me to reciprocate with song.

And the only one I reciprocate with a song is you.

Hu Bing glanced at Xiao Chen, who had a wrong expression, and looked at his abnormal reaction with some strange eyes, turned around and said to everyone, "Let's go to this village now to find out if there are any other clues."

Ma Hang nodded, seeing Ma Chenggong with an abnormal expression beside him, he couldn't help walking over, frowned, and asked, "Brother, are you okay?"

Ma Chenggong seemed to be too engrossed in his thoughts. When Ma Hang touched his arm, he shuddered and trembled all over his body.

"No, it's okay." Ma Chenggong glanced at him, his palms were sweaty.

He pursed his lips and began to recall his previous life.

He was the fourth of seven to die.

The first is Xiao Chen, the second is Zhang Xiaojun, the third is Jin Hong, and the fourth is herself.

He persisted until everyone was going crazy, had no food, and was facing the threat of death. A bunch of strange old people in the village waited for an opportunity to take their lives.

Thinking of this, he glanced at Ma Hang.

The most unbearable thing for him was Ma Hang's attitude.

When they were so hungry that they were going crazy, Ma Hang cut off his left hand with a kitchen knife while he was asleep! eat his flesh! drink his blood!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but clenched his hands tightly, resentful in his heart.


Ma Chenggong took a deep breath.

The younger brother in front of him didn't do anything, didn't know anything, he couldn't hate him, and he couldn't blame him.

He has no way to take revenge on someone who doesn't know anything.

Huang Ke walked at the end of the crowd. When he reached the stairs, he couldn't help but look back at the room where the bones were piled up.

His eyes narrowed slightly, his expression was a little indifferent, and even revealed a bit of resentment. This expression had an indescribable sense of disobedience on his still immature face, but he quickly restrained his expression, Walk downstairs as if nothing happened.

The wind blew slightly, splashing the yellow sand on the ground.

Jin Hong hid behind Hu Bing, and then said nervously, "Is it my illusion? Why do I feel that there are fewer and fewer people in the village?"

Hu Bing was a little silent, looked around, and said solemnly, "No."

"There are really fewer people in the village."

Xiao Chen put his hands in his pockets, lowered his eyes, and still held the bone in the palm of his right hand.

'Tan Jun. ' Xiao Chen grabbed the pendant with his left hand and called him sullenly in his heart.

'What. 'Xiao Chen felt someone's hands on his shoulders, and then hooked his neck, wrapped him in his arms like holding a large doll, put his chin on his hair, Answered softly in his ear.

Xiao Chen choked up, buried half of his face in his collar, he clenched the thing on his right hand, 'Where are your other bones? '

Tan Jun paused, it didn't sound like he didn't care much, "I don't know. '

Xiao Chen raised his head suddenly, because the speed was too fast, the top of his head directly hit the opponent's chin, Tan Jun didn't hide, as if he was afraid that Xiao Chen would hurt him, he gently patted his head.

Fortunately, no one focused on Xiao Chen at this time.

Xiao Chen felt a little uncomfortable, and said in a muffled voice, 'It's all my fault! I shouldn't have gone. '

He was so scared that he hid under the bed for a day and a night, crawling out until his stomach started to twitch and he almost fainted.

He only picked up one of Tan Jun's bones, which he wore around his neck all the time. He didn't dare to forget it, nor did he want to forget it.

Dreaming back at midnight, whenever he couldn't hold on, he could hold on as long as he thought of Tan Jun.

Tan Jun looked at him with some distress in his eyes, and said softly, "Don't blame yourself, you have done a good job!"

Hu Bing's expression gradually became a little anxious. He knew that time waits for no one, and it is not an option to waste it over and over again.

Ma Chenggong gritted his teeth, his expression was a bit ferocious, as if he was doing some psychological struggle, finally, he raised his head and said with short breath, "Haven't you ever felt that everything we experienced is like a supernatural event?"

Hu Bing looked back at him.

Ma Hang opened his mouth wide, and called out in surprise, "Brother?"

Ma Chenggong said calmly, "The village chief died in front of us. No matter how we go, we can't get out of this town. Don't you doubt that there are so many unexplainable phenomena in the village?"

Hu Bing was a little silent and looked at Ma Chenggong. What Ma Chenggong said was what he felt could not be explained at all.

But before Hu Bing could answer, a gust of trouble immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Hu Bing made a hissing gesture, put his index finger in the crowd, and whispered, "I'll go and see first, you are all passive."

Both Jin Hong and Ma Hang nodded.

Hu Bing approached the source of the sound lightly, trying hard to identify what the words from a distance said.

"Although the skin is a little loose, it's still meat, not bad."

The old man squatted on the ground, rubbing a sharp kitchen knife on the whetstone repeatedly, speaking plausibly.

Next to it was an oil pan about the size of fried lard, which was placed on an earthen kang, with firewood burning underneath it, and the fire was burning hot, sparks were splashed out.

Hu Bing hid in the corner, stretched out half of his head, and observed the scene.

Next to the oil pot is a long wooden chair, which can only be seen in rural areas. The chair boards are all gray and 1.3 meters long.

All of this is more than normal.

Of course, the premise is that there is no dead person lying on the chair.

The man spread his arms and legs, his clothes were stripped off, and he was lying naked on it. From his chest to his waist, his whole body was stabbed open with a knife, and his belly was ripped open.

On the soil, it was full of blood, and there were many visceral large intestines piled up in a sticky ball. What was even more disgusting was that there were thin feces beside the intestines.

When Hu Bing saw this scene, he immediately turned his back and leaned on the wall next to him, his stomach began to churn with acid, and he vomited.

The body also began to tremble.

He recognized the person lying on the bench almost immediately!

It was the old man who knocked on the door with Zhang Xiaojun's meat last time! !

It is impossible for him to admit his mistake!

Hu Bing was about to retreat, but he was so nervous that he kicked directly on the dry branch next to him, making a crisp sound of "click".

The sound of sharpening the knife stopped abruptly.

Hu Bing paused, his body became stiff, his lips turned white and trembled, he could even feel his "pounding" heartbeat amplified infinitely, his throat was about to jump out!

The man seemed to stand up, and footsteps sounded.

Hu Bing's cold sweat dripped down, and his hands began to tremble uncontrollably.

The sound is getting closer!

Come here! !

"Puff!" The old man grabbed the knife and smashed it against the wall, turned a corner, smiled ferociously, and whispered, "Is it a cute kitten?"

Hu Bing's eyes widened, and the old man's entire face was on his face! The distance is only twenty centimeters! !

It's over!

Hu Bing's heart choked.

The old man stopped smiling, took his hand off the wall, rolled his eyes, and said with a bit of anger, "What's going on! Why is there no one!!"

The breath of the old man's words directly hit Hu Bing's neck. Hu Bing was cold, his legs trembled, and he was about to kneel down.

The old man squinted his eyes, snorted coldly, put the knife away, turned around and walked back.

Hu Bing's eyes were dizzy, and his eyelids were covered with cold sweat.

what happened

Before he could figure it out, a voice came directly from the bottom of his heart.

"Want to live?"

The voice was very deep, even a little cold, and the tone was flat and indifferent, like the king of Hades who judged people's death, killing people without blinking an eye.

The author has something to say: As a novice author, I randomly pick up a few cuties in the comments every day and give them a small red envelope! Very dead! After all, I am poor! When I make money, I must send more to everyone!