Dating the Strongest Boss

Chapter 47: Devil Exchange


"Congratulations to the wishing player for activating "Devil Game", you can now express your wish to the devil, of course, as a price, you need to exchange the most important thing in your life.

So, are you, ready to make a deal with the devil? "

"Ring ring ring," the noisy alarm clock rang non-stop.

The person in the quilt moved, his head was still stuffed in the quilt, a vague outline was vaguely outlined on the quilt, and the person inside was squirming left and right like a caterpillar, only half of his hair was exposed outside.

Probably annoyed by the ringing of the bell, the man was swaying back and forth in the quilt, and the range was getting bigger and bigger.

Finally, he poked out his eyes slowly, sleepy, and then slowly pushed his head out with his nose, revealing his sickly white face.

There are bruises under the boy's eyes, and it can be seen that he has not rested well, but even so, it is still difficult to hide his dusty face, especially his eyes, which are slightly raised, which will make him appear a little passionate.

Somewhat weakly, he took out the pillow from under his head, propped himself up slightly, and scanned the bedroom to find the source of the sound.

I don't know whose bell it was, it's been ringing for so long, and I still can't get up and turn it off like a dead pig.

Xiao Chen squinted his eyes, found the right direction, and slammed the pillow on the head of the person on the opposite bed with all his might.

"Damn it." The man was taken aback and bounced off the bed. After he saw clearly what was going on, he couldn't help but swear, and shouted, "Xiao Chen, you are sick!"

Xiao Chen rested his head on the bed rail, his face was expressionless, his voice didn't fluctuate, and he said concisely, "Turn off the alarm clock."

I don't know if he was stunned by the alarm clock and fell asleep. After the alarm clock was turned off, Xiao Chen couldn't fall asleep anyway, and lingered on the bed for a long time before sitting up.

He supported his head with his hands, feeling some inexplicable throbbing in his heart, and a tightness in his chest.

He just seemed to have a nightmare.

Xiao Chen frowned, carefully recalling the dream just now, but for some reason, he only remembered that the dream was scary, but he couldn't remember the specific content in it.

"You're back?" There was a deep male voice that seemed to be attached to his ear, and he said it softly, and there was a numb feeling, as if he was talking to him across time and space.

This voice made him very familiar!

Xiao Chen frowned and covered his heart, his heart rate became very fast all of a sudden, he looked around in horror, but there was nothing, as if he was cut off by something forceful electric waves.


Xiao Chen cursed secretly, and pressed his temple.

How come there is an auditory hallucination again.

This is not the first time.

Xiao Chen was panting, feeling a little bored. His current state is getting more and more strange. He always feels that his brain is empty, as if he has forgotten something important, as if there is a layer of fog blocking him, and he is trying very hard to push away this layer of fog , but always in vain, and even more flustered.

forget about it.

Xiao Chen forced himself to calm down.

He glanced at the entire dormitory, propped his head, and meditated silently for a while, wondering if he noticed something, and then asked feebly, "Where's Li Da? Why didn't you come back all night?"

The boy who was beaten was probably just woken up by Xiao Chen's pillow, and he didn't fall asleep. After hearing Xiao Chen's question, he scratched his head, got up from the bed, squinted his upper body, squinted his eyes, Glancing at Li Da's bed, he let out a sigh of relief, "Who knows which girl he's dating, you don't know him yet, relying on your good looks, you change girlfriends a week, and there's not even a window."

Xiao Chen let out an "oh" and continued to slump on the bed.

After an unknown amount of time, the boy suddenly said, "Xiao Chen, what are you saying? I didn't understand a single word."

Xiao Chen frowned, he didn't understand what the boy meant, "What?"

Did he just speak

The boy crossed his legs on the bed and laughed, "Just now, you babbled a lot of alien languages by yourself. The voice was so small and broken that I didn't understand a single word."

Xiao Chen choked up, and looked over with complicated eyes, as if he had been stimulated by something, but he didn't speak, but it was hard to ignore that the veins on his temples bulged because of the boy's words.

The boy sat on the bed and sneered.

Xiao Chen is indeed a little different, a little withdrawn, his personality is not very good, he often talks about his gods, but his grades are soaring, his IQ is very high, and it is unmatched. Not only that, but he is also very good-looking. At the beginning of school, I don't know how many seniors were thinking about this piece of fat.

The boy's name is Zhou Ming, and he continued casually, "It's like a demon, I called you several times and you didn't answer me."

Xiao Chen opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but suddenly realized something, frowned, closed his mouth tightly, then lay flat on the bed, pulled the quilt onto himself with all his strength, and covered himself tightly Turning his head over, facing the wall, he looked as if he was going to continue to sleep, and he made a muffled sound under the quilt, "Okay, I see."

"What's your name?" The little boy leaned in front of the boy, blinked and asked curiously.

"..." No one answered.

"Why don't you talk?" The little boy felt aggrieved.

"..." It was still silent.

"Don't you like me?" The little boy pouted angrily.

"..." Silence.

Just when the little boy lowered his head in frustration, thinking that he would not get a response, the boy's hand suddenly attached to his head, and a cold voice sounded softly on top of his head, he heard the boy's seriousness said, "I like it."

Xiao Chen woke up from the dream again, and the whole person hadn't recovered from the scene in the dream.

Unlike before, this time, his dream was very clear! He even remembered everything that happened in the dream, so clear that he could even see the fine pores on the man's face, and even hear the sound of the wind blowing...

But it was strange, even though he could remember every tiny detail in the dream, he still couldn't remember the appearance of the boy in the dream, he could only vaguely feel that he was good-looking, soft and weak, and didn't like to talk.

But this person has become a blank in his memory, as if someone forcibly erased the traces of that person's existence in his memory.

He suspected that this was the part of his memory that was lost.

Xiao Chen covered his chest, and pressed something directly with his palm. He paused, opened his mouth, and slowly reached out to take out the necklace from his clothes.

The pendant is in the shape of a sickle.

Xiao Chen's Adam's apple twitched, thinking about something.

In fact, he can't remember when this thing was worn around his neck. He can only vaguely feel that this thing was given to him by the most important person in his life.

So much so that every time he stared at this necklace, he would have a surge of sadness, almost tears.

"Xiao Chen!!" Zhou Ming opened the door suddenly, and walked in from the door with a face full of horror. The footsteps were very chaotic, and even his voice was a little panting, and his legs were trembling a little. What happened to him? Like a huge stimulus.

Sitting on the bed, Xiao Chen looked at him, noticed something was wrong with him, and frowned, "What's wrong?"

Zhou Ming's chest heaved a little, and he still looked sloppy and unkempt. It could be seen that he should have gone to buy breakfast just now.

"Da, Da Zi, he's dead!!" Zhou Ming paused, his eyes were big and bloodshot, and he almost roared out the whole sentence in horror.

Xiao Chen sat up abruptly, quickly climbed off the bed, walked up to Zhou Ming stiffly, swallowed, opened his mouth, and asked, "What's going on?"

This is not destined to be a peaceful day.

The entire school is thrown into a state of extreme panic when a male body is found in the school's school park.

The corpse was discovered by an old lady who got up early to sell breakfast. The death condition was also very ugly. The whole face seemed to be soaked in water, it was swollen, and there were pits on the face similar to fish eggs. I couldn't see the face clearly, and I was very sick.

It is said that the old woman who found the body vomited on the spot and almost passed out, and she called the police only when she was still a little conscious.

After the police arrived, they confirmed that the deceased was a school student through the ID card and student ID card in the deceased's clothes - Li Da.

But there is another point about the autopsy. The police did not disclose it for fear of creating panic. The important position of the deceased seemed to have been splashed with sulfuric acid, and it rotted directly. It was completely out of shape. The death method was very cruel. The deceased was at least conscious before death. After being tortured for an hour, he died slowly. The cruelty of the death was chilling.

Xiao Chen and Zhou Ming stood in front of the bulletin board for the notice of class suspension and rectification, both of them felt a little perverted. It could be seen that Xiao Chen was still doing well, but Zhou Ming was almost terrified, and couldn't sleep at night.

Xiao Chen didn't know what he was thinking, he was out of shape, and when he turned around, he bumped into someone head-on - it was a girl who was half shorter than him.

The girl also looks a bit decadent, her back is arched, her bangs block her eyes, and her face is small. She looks like a cute girl who is very popular with boys. She walks with her head down and doesn't look at anyone. An indescribable feeling.

The girl raised her head, saw Xiao Chen's face clearly, her eyes widened instantly, and she ran away in a hurry.

Xiao Chen is a little face blind, but Zhou Ming is surprisingly good at everything except studying, especially remembering faces.

After the girl walked away, Zhou Ming poked Xiao Chen with his elbow, and said seriously, "Hey, did you see that girl is Li Da's ex-girlfriend."

Hearing this, Xiao Chen nodded, he is not a person who likes to listen to gossip, and he is not very interested in such things, his tone is flat, as if he is staring into the distance in a daze, "He has so many ex-girlfriends, there is nothing good Strange."

Zhou Ming didn't seem to want to skip this topic, he said seriously, "No, Li Daza, she's so scumbag that she has no bottom line, that girl is the only one of his previous girlfriends who has a perfect body with him, and he talked about it." The one who has lived the longest, but they have only been together for two weeks, and it is said that this girl even knelt down in front of Li Da in public in order to get back together."

—If there is really a demon in this world who can fulfill my wish, then my wish is to let him live.

The author has something to say: I will report my update time to everyone first.

Because I am a student, I cannot guarantee a daily update, but at the latest it will be updated every three days.

Under normal circumstances, it is updated daily or every two days, and the update time is generally at 6:00 am.

If there are special circumstances, I will ask everyone for leave, okay

Love you guys! ! !